forgotton experiences in hyperspace... Options
#1 Posted : 7/30/2009 11:50:37 AM

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hey guys.

so im fairly new to spice and experiencing the hyperspace, and out of the 4 actual proper journeys I can only remember 1 of them. just wondering is this normal? and the only reason i remembered one of them is because i had the same journey one after the other.

any advice?

also wondering if its normal to have the same journey multiple times...? even though they could be weeks apart. cos this also happened.
In spice;

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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/30/2009 12:21:09 PM

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Well at least for SWIM it is. SWIm can only every really remeber coming down from a trip. He can never rememebr the peak and just comes down thinkin....whoa, something intense just happened but i cant remember what.
It baffles me how people can write such detailed account of their trips. All SWIM tends to get is very fleeting memories.
People have said try using THH or smoke chanage/ehnaced leaf. SWIM has yet to try it with THH but he finds large doses of changa much the same...i.e cant remember that much.

There was one time when swim smoked some freebase whilst on a moderate 2cb trip. This was a TOTALLY different experience. It slowed the experience right down. Nothing otherworldy as such, but it just slowed the experience down so you could almost touch it. It was very interesting. Many others report a trip to be more comprehendable whilst on other psychs such as acid or shrooms and from personal experience 2cb.
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#3 Posted : 7/30/2009 12:35:43 PM

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yeah might have to try those methods, just yeah i can get brief flashes but no detailed anything. its annoying, cos i no they were amazing... i just cant share them with anyone.

one method i thought of would be describing what i see out loud as it happens... seems like a doosh idea but its all i got. haha
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#4 Posted : 7/30/2009 12:58:16 PM

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Well yeah, a few people have talked about using a dictorphone to document their journies.
Personally for SWIM though the shit happens so quickly anyway and I dont think he even has the ability to describe what is happening. Words seem to dilute the experience somewhat.

Good luck anyhow.

Oh, actually, the other day SWIM smoked a small amount of changa after a failed aya sesh.
He wasnt getting anything from the brew itself, but decided to smoke just a small pinch of changa, so as not to waste the caapi.
That was really really lovely. The initial rush was a little daunting but once it plateuxed, it was very slow, gentle and blissful.
You have to go within or you go without
#5 Posted : 7/30/2009 1:54:00 PM

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A fellow Australian, how cool!

It depends on the intensity of the trip in my experience, if I have a very healthy one I'll never know what happened during the first 5 or so minutes and usually ride the wave back down, like soulman said just knowing something incredible happened - towards the end of the trip I'll have these images in my head of bits of what happened at the start but I'd never be able to make sense of them or have the memory stick. But if it's a sub-breakthrough, which can be very powerful with changa, I'll usually not venture too far from consciousness which allows me to remember the whole thing in perfect detail.

I'm usually pretty good at remembering my experiences though which I think could be attributed to my fairly tuned photographic memory but also because of my ability to remember dreams quite well, which DMT helped and also helped DMT. But certainly remembering dreams and even practicing dream lucidity has a major effect on your ability to remember the experience I think. So if you haven't already maybe start trying to remember your dreams each morning before you get up, look around the net there are plenty of techniques such as keeping a dream journal. Also look into Calea, it's the perfect synergy with DMT and is great by itself in regards to dreaming.

However to be honest I wouldn't expect many people to be able to remember much from a full blown breakthrough. A friend of my recently sited that even on sub-breakthroughs he wasn't remembering anything, although this was after extensive use over a period of months the key point is everyone is different when it comes to how they interact with DMT. The only suggestion I have, apart from trying to smoke less and dream awareness, is to try out oral DMT which is allot slower and allot easier to integrate and as a result more likely to be able to remember. Other than that enhanced leaf is great for experimenting with different states within DMT.

To answer your other question no it's not uncommon to experience the same event twice, thrice and even frice on separate DMT attempts.

soulman wrote:
That was really really lovely. The initial rush was a little daunting but once it plateuxed, it was very slow, gentle and blissful.

I love that about changa, it's almost like turbo charged DMT. You can have a fairly normal dose and at the start the turbo of the changa will kick in and ramp the experience up to that almost breaking through level but then it drops off, and subsides into what would usually be the beautiful afterglow of a breakthrough but instead your in that state for the length of the experience instead of just at the end which also allows it to go much deeper and smoother and nicer and awesomer and ahhhhhh I love dmt enhanced leaf.
#6 Posted : 7/30/2009 2:10:39 PM

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yes remembering has always been a trouble for SWIM also.. its quite a commonly asked question in the forum actually. There are people who talk about taking sublingual THH before launching is great.. Other people talk about simple rue tea, or extracted rue alkaloids. SWIM didnt get to try these options yet, but for him one combo that was great every time was taking mushrooms (low dose is already good, but SWIM preffers a larger dose) and smoking dmt post-peak. This way, the visuals of dmt were less hectic and SWIM could inspect them more thoroughly, and the come down was longer and integrated itself better due to the mushrooms keeping this consciousness plateau for you. Recollection was much easier.

Without mixtures, one thing that does help a bit SWIM is to smoke a low dose before, and 40 mins later a high dose (specially if its been a while since last launch to hyperspace). This way one remembers a bit the whole feeling of come up and can straight away pay more attention to the important stuff, without losing time with getting used to the whole 'dimensional jumping'

Also talking about the experience and write down just after will help a bit, like with dreams
#7 Posted : 7/30/2009 2:27:15 PM

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sometimes there are certain experiences where you are able to talk...its ones where you still feel very much in your body..but with eyes closed you are witnessing hyperspace...with all sorts of weird things happening...even on some large doses you will be able to spit out a few sentences if you concentrate..

and if you have people around they can remind you what you said..and it works as almost a book mark for the memory...its very useful...because when you say are directly bringing dmt space into this world..and makes it less fleeting..

another thing that works great is eating some mushrooms...lsd is also pretty insane...with lsd the visuals are out of this world...SWIM feels lsd and dmt work better with eyes opened...because it just messes with this world beyond belief...things changing places...people disappearing and reappearing right in front of you...walls folding...expansion of the room you are in...but it feels like you actually have gone to another reality..most people that try it report the same least in SWIMs experience..

it's a sound
#8 Posted : 7/30/2009 2:38:34 PM

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danos swim thinks most of us know where your coming from. Its probably happened to all of us a few times or more. Swim found it frustrating that his friend launched next to him and came back with a crazy trip report, while swim was like "what the hell just happened?" and how come swim cant remember. swim did some research and went the pharma route, this blew swims mind and he felt like he got so much more out of it. Swims still buzzing with energy from a journey more than a month ago.
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#9 Posted : 7/30/2009 2:59:13 PM

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For the most part SWIM has been able to recall most experiences. The details do tend to fleet rapidly. Once coming down but still tripping SWIM will write the peak down in a notebook. This aids in recall. It is almost like a dream in some cases if you try a little bit to remember some info may come back. It is interesting how in Strassman's DMT studies such great reports were obtained on high doses.
#10 Posted : 7/30/2009 3:36:23 PM

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Seven wrote:
danos swim thinks most of us know where your coming from. Its probably happened to all of us a few times or more. Swim found it frustrating that his friend launched next to him and came back with a crazy trip report, while swim was like "what the hell just happened?" and how come swim cant remember. swim did some research and went the pharma route, this blew swims mind and he felt like he got so much more out of it. Swims still buzzing with energy from a journey more than a month ago.

yes SWIM enjoys pharmahuasca also.. He never tried harmalas with smoked dmt but both orally is indeed special Smile

Unlike smoking, when most people's dosages is around 50mg, when taking orally with harmalas, some people need 30mg, others need 200.. Start low!
#11 Posted : 7/30/2009 4:24:03 PM

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I used to have trouble remembering. Now most of the time I can remember the main theme, the feeling and the bulk of "the story". I just lowered the dosage until barely anything was happening, then I'd up the dose a little until it just seemed a little too intense having a session just twice a week. I was using 40-50mg's, now I only use 15-25. I'll stick at this dose range until I feel completely comfortable and lucid then I'll try taking a little more.

It's all about teaching your brain to match the speed of the experience. It reminds me of those tests when people read off a huge list of words then ask you how many you can remember. With practice and the correct state of mind eventually you can teach yourself to remember more of the words. Obviously in hyperspace you don't have typical words so I use different memory triggers such as emotions and individual motifs.

With a caapi enhanced leaf however, remembering a spice session becomes more like remembering moments from a short film.

I can't acquire pure THH here in the UK, but it's something I'd quite like to try with vaped spice.
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