Thinking about pharma again Options
#1 Posted : 7/24/2009 7:40:51 PM


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Well I feel that I am in need of some healing lately so I will be planning on doing some pharma soon when the time feels right. I would like to this weekend but I have a pretty harsh cough still so I may wait.

I have decided to change the way that I administer the pharma. What I usually do is cap about 3.5 gs of syrian rue and also cap whatever dosage of dmt I am planning to take. I would take the rue first then the dmt 15-30 minutes later.

I have been reading a lot and it seems there is a lot wrong with this administration. So this time around I think that I want to try to boil some rue tea. I really hate the taste but if it is only a shot glass worth it is easy to take down. There is no way I will ever try to do a whole cup full again. Last time I puke it all up before it had time to give any effect. I am also just going to put my dmt right in with the rue tea and take them both at the same time.

One question I have is how much rue I should take. My last pharma journey was very harsh and I believe it is because of the rue. So I was thinking about decreasing my rue dosage to about 1-2gs. Does this sound like it would work ok? I am also planning on lowering my DMT dosage this time. Last time I took a ridiculous amount and I would not like to repeat that experience. I am thinking somewhere around 150mg. This would be the lowest pharma dosage that I have ever taken but I feel that my change in administration will increase how much I am affected by my dosage.

I would actually like to not use the rue at all but it is all that i have atm. Some bills are backed up and I won't be able to afford any caapi anytime soon. Eventually I would like to order some caapi copy or some pure thh for my future experiences as everyone seems to agree that rue is usually a difficult time.

This pharma session is for healing purposes only as I have a lot in my life going on right now that I need to work out. Smoked dmt sessions are too fast and intense to really take anything back with me. I am hoping that this journey can give me some insight on what I need to do. My girl and I are having a lot of problems lately and I need to make a decision on what I need to do. I am ready to go through whatever I need to.

~Peace Out

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#2 Posted : 7/24/2009 8:02:35 PM

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Hey kungpow,

What about extracting the harmaloids out of the rue first? It's quite easy to do:
* https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m..._Harmaloid_Freebase_TEK
* https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...rystals_from_Syrian_Rue

You can then take a small glass of orange juice and put the extracted rue in, it dissolves pretty good in it and you don't have that horrible rue-taste. Another plus of extracted rue is that there's almost no nausea. On a side note, DMT also dissolves good in OJ...

My dosing:
T 0:00 - 100mg rue extract (in OJ)
T 0:10 - 100mg DMT (in OJ, this makes it work much faster than a gelcap but the taste makes me a bit nauseous)

For me a lower dose of rue really helps to get a better journey, higher doses tends to get me into a thought loop.

EDIT: when doing pharma be sure to have some water in hands reach since you might get thirsty.
#3 Posted : 7/24/2009 8:05:51 PM

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if you can hold off, I would save yourself from the rue tea and just buy the maoi capsulized. then just dissolve in oj and cranberry juice. Much easier on the stomach than rue or caapi tea.

#4 Posted : 7/24/2009 9:01:16 PM

The Great Namah

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One can make a crude Harmala extract from rue in 40 minutes not including drying.

Make a tea with 10-20g rue, add a splash of vinegar or lemon juice. Take you filtered tea and add a base (i use ammonia, but sodium carbonate would work as would a VERY small amount of lye). Watch your tea turn from brown to a mustard color (if it doesn't add more base). Let settle for 10-20 minutes, filter, dry.

That's it. You know have a majority of the alkaloids from rue (in freebase form, fine for oral ingestion).
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#5 Posted : 7/28/2009 3:52:52 PM


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thanks for the advise guys. I think that I may just try the crude extract first. I only have about 20 grams of rue left right now. So this will work perfect. Hopefully I will have the funds to get some thh soon as I am very interested in trying it out.

I still don't know when this pharma journey is going to take place. I will make the crude extract and wait for the right time. I really want to make sure that it is the perfect set and setting this time around. Everything needs to be in the right place then I will do the pharma. It is my birthday this weekend, but I think I am going to celebrate that with some LSD.
#6 Posted : 7/29/2009 1:11:05 AM

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What may help you finding that right time is to schedule a day which you'll be free completely, if you can with no work the next day, and build yourself up for the experience, get some really healthy food, exercise, and meditate daily up to the experience, get a good little note book and write down your thoughts, like all the questions that are important to you right now. Doing something like this will help you construct good intentional energy within you which will help maximise the best result for you.

I'd suggest that or just be fearless because nothing could touch you thenCool
#7 Posted : 7/30/2009 1:23:24 PM


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Space wrote:

What may help you finding that right time is to schedule a day which you'll be free completely, if you can with no work the next day, and build yourself up for the experience, get some really healthy food, exercise, and meditate daily up to the experience, get a good little note book and write down your thoughts, like all the questions that are important to you right now. Doing something like this will help you construct good intentional energy within you which will help maximise the best result for you.

I'd suggest that or just be fearless because nothing could touch you thenCool

Thank you for the suggestions. I have never really ritualized my pharma experiences. I used to with mushrooms but I don't seem to do that anymore. I definitely think that I should this time around as I feel that my intentions are quite different than before.

So here is the plan. Next week I will do all of the things you suggested. I think i may even add a few things. I believe a good fasting of some of my favorite things will definitely help. No bad food, no beer, no mary jane, and I might even go as far as no sex (no masturbating either).

I will do all of this starting sunday of this weekend and I will plan for the pharma experience to be on saturday of next weekend. That way I will not have to work the day of or the day after. I am also going to talk to my gf about her and the kids leaving the house for the night. I believe that caused me some problems last time as my son woke up crying in the middle of the night. If they cannot leave I will restrict my experience to my studio or my yard. I can lock myself in my studio and it is pretty sound proof so this will keep any distractions at bay.

The notepad idea is good so that way I can set my intentions before the experience and then I will also have a reminder during the experience. I always have things in my mind before hand but then I forget what I wanted to do during the experience.

Like I said above I want this to truly be a healing experience as things have been rough lately and I need some direction on where to go in my life. Again thanks for all of the help guys.
#8 Posted : 8/11/2009 12:44:07 PM


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Well today I am starting my fast for a trip on Saturday evening. I was going to try to fast the tobacco but I already violated that one. I am going to try for a crude haramala extraction before the end of the week to use as my MAOI. Hopefully that will fix any stomach discomfort that I have had from rue in the past.

For my journey I have decided to take 200mg of dmt along with 200mg of the crude harmala extract. Since the extract won't be anywhere near pure that should be about 150mg of harmala alkaloids. If you think that I should increase or decrease my MAOI dose let me know. To help with the journey I will have some 1:1 DMT/Passionflower changa to push me over the edge. I am getting excited for this trip as I am sure it should be interesting.

I know that the day of I will be super fasting with the only intake being grains.
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