75 mg can be slightly (really slightly) felt if your acetate is more pure, but I wouldn't classify that as a significant experience
. The first pull I did with vinegar was light tan kind of sticky flaky acetate. That could be felt good at 150 mg . The pulls after that were more of the sticky impure orange acetate which I later converted to HCl and cleaned up with ice cold acetone to nice light tan crystals.
If you are going for the HCl route:
If you bought 37% HCl in the hardware store you could easily make rather pure (without contaminants) HCl by doing as follows:
Take a air tight container and place two smaller containers open containers in them.
Poor like 100 mL of the 37% HCl in one small container and 100 mL of distilled water (bought in grocery store) in the other. Now close the lid of the main container and wait for about a week. Part of the HCl gas is now migrated to the distilled water. Of course the solution is less than half as strong but very usable for salting.
Watch out for possible initial fumes after opening the lid of both the 37% flask and the sealed container (do it outside is fine) and wait gloves and glasses. This method is not working so well with 10% HCl.
Converting the acetate is just a matter of dissolving the acetate in the HCl and evaporate again. Do the evaporation outside. I had my rust free steel combioven rusted in minutes
For the acetone clean-up:
You could buy some Espom salt so you can dry the acetone before cleaning to minimize loss of yield. To make sure it has no non-volatiles to start with evaporate 50 ml on a glass surface and validate that it leaves no residue.
Put some epsom in 50 ml of acetone do this gradually until the kind of clumping stops.
Put in the freezer for 30 mins or so.
Filter the acetone twice through paper to get rid of the epsom.
Dissolve the orange HCl gunk in the acetone. The mescaline won't dissolve and can be filtered out by paper.
Repeat for optimum result.
The remaining acetone can be evaporated to yield other alkaloids and fats or in case something went wrong to recover product.
It's really not more difficult than the steps you already performed in the STB process. Excess HCl evaporates so you don't have to worry about that. Just wait long enough too dry fully. Pay some extra detail too safety measures such as wearing glasses and proper gloves when handling the acid.
It will be a couple of steps more but it will reward all your extraction efforts already done with some nice clean crystal.