Maybe I am insane? Options
#1 Posted : 7/5/2009 7:51:16 AM
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I have always been able to see hyperspace for seconds at a time, minus the colors, long before I had heard of DMT. When a good friend of mine introduced it to me, I enjoyed it as it felt extremely natural. DMT seems to make me think about life the universe and everything shortly after. I see the need to shatter the misconceptions of all organized religions and expose them for the farce they truly are. It has been some time since I partook in the sacred spice, but I do not feel the urgency to go back at this time(at least for a bit). I am however worried that some people might not agree or understand, but all religions fail at the point of requiring anything from their followers but love. Love is it people. Nothing else matters. What car you drive, how big your house is, how much power you have over people nothing. It's all bullshit distractions.

I think I want to start a cult. I specifically do not want a religion or a church. Not to spread the use of DMT, not to gain wealth but to enlighten the world on the one true message of every great prophet in history. Jesus and Muhammad had the same idea and it had nothing to do with killing. The only thing they both missed is we are a part of god. We are god, its one, its the same. God did not create us in his image, but we created god in our image.

There is no heaven, there is no hell, both were created to give hope for the weary and a sense of justice for those that were 'evil.' I do not think anyone gets punished for thinking or believing differently. I believe this is nothing more than the proving ground. You stay until you get it right.(see below)

I also believe that due to science, reincarnation is every likely. Mainly due to the conservation of energy. If energy is neither created nor destroyed then the spark that leaves the body(fact not opinion) simlpy changes or jumps to a new form.

I would not expect everyone to believe everything I say, but people need to find the truth themselves. Terrance McKenna said it best, see for yourself or else you are setting yourself up to be deceived and fooled.

So ya, I am insane. I hope you enjoyed the read.
All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed - Doug Stanhope.

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. - Thomas Jefferson

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#2 Posted : 7/5/2009 8:33:10 AM

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#3 Posted : 7/6/2009 2:35:03 AM
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I find that energy conservation point exremely interesting.
#4 Posted : 7/6/2009 4:21:32 AM
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Chupacabra wrote:
I find that energy conservation point exremely interesting.

These are the things I think about while you are all sleeping...
All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed - Doug Stanhope.

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. - Thomas Jefferson
#5 Posted : 7/6/2009 12:26:25 PM


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If you're insane then I am too. I have much of the same beliefs as that. This is sort of the point I was trying to get across in the Good vs. evil thread. Heaven and hell are totally made up, and I believe that all organized religions are for control and power.

You're right. The most important thing in life is love, and it seems that most of the world is falling away from it. It is unbelievable how powerful love is.

I like you're point on energy conservation too. I have thought reincarnation is very possible for quite a while now.

#6 Posted : 7/6/2009 12:33:58 PM

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Much of what you say seems like Buddhism? Correct me on this!
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#7 Posted : 7/6/2009 1:04:03 PM

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I have long pondered that energy conservation law, that energy can neither be created or destroyed...and clearly a living being is teaming with energy, so when we die, this energy must evaporate into some other form, at the moment of death...

I also agree with you on the evil of organised religion - it is a tool of social control. I think human being should be free to pursue their own individual paths.
#8 Posted : 7/11/2009 10:41:19 AM
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Drake wrote:
Much of what you say seems like Buddhism? Correct me on this!

Some of it yes, but others want you to meditate to reach the state of mind I can reach by hitting a glass pipe of DMT.

A few people I discuss this with - one of which is a practicing buddist, and they believe what I see while on my journey is made up only in my mind and that I am crazy for even thinking it could be real. But matrix style, what is real? How do you define real? Why does our own brain produce this substance when we sleep(speculation or not, it explains much)?
All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed - Doug Stanhope.

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. - Thomas Jefferson
#9 Posted : 7/11/2009 12:01:32 PM

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1: Everything that exists is language.
2: Everything that happens is communication.
3: Everything else is nothing at all.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#10 Posted : 7/11/2009 3:26:22 PM

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The brain produces DMT all the time. DMT has not been found to vary in different physiological states (although it may). DMT has been shown to exhibit all the properties of a classical neurotransmitter. It is very likely involved in everyday physiological processes not just dreaming.. Furthermore whatever the mechanisms for generating experience and perception is is likely conserved in both waking and dream states. It is very probable that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens play a role in waking subjective awareness as well as altered states (Wallach JV, Endogneous Hallucinogens as ligands of the trace amine receptors: A possible role in sensory perception 2009)
#11 Posted : 7/11/2009 3:29:56 PM

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Jumiem wrote:
1: Everything that exists is language.
2: Everything that happens is communication.
3: Everything else is nothing at all.

I like this

I would take it step one further and say what is language but relative information. I think all reality is in essence just relative information and its interactions (or the illusion of interactions)
#12 Posted : 7/11/2009 5:07:47 PM


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First of all, let me say that I agree with you about religion being a mechanism of population control and driven, behind the veil of altruism, by greed.

Heaven and Hell are subjective and are experienced HERE on earth.

Reincarnation is a lovely idea held by more of the population of this planet than christianity. However, to describe it as energy being conserved at the moment of death, is an oversimplification.

Example. A transformer is a device with two iron bars each wrapped in coils of copper wire. One(either) generates a field and the other is affected by that field. The physical differences in the respective coils give them their specific properties. The result is a certain volt/current ratio is 'transformed' into a different volt/current ratio.

It works because of the nature of electromagnetism. It is 'harnessed' by the configuration of materials, blah blah blah...

If I take it apart, stretch the wire out of a coil then it no longer works the same. It no longer 'harnesses' the energy the same way. The energy is still their, somewhere as spinning electrons or a disturbance in electromagnetism or radio waves or heat or sound, etc.

This mortal coil, works because of a collection of MANY physical properties working in unison. And I believe that it DOES generate a field of some sort that can be affected.

I just believe that it dissipates upon death. No more blood pumping and heating the body. No more sodium ions trading charges across lamina with potassium ions creating tiny galvanic charges in the body. No more conciousness.

Look at brain damaged people(like myself). Their conciousness is affected, yes?

Anyway. That is what I think happens in these three plus one dimensions.

I hope there is more to it in higher dimensions. I really do. I get sad when I think this way. Like everyone, I want to continue existing.

If reincarnation exists then why so many people? Why does a NEW soul have to wait until an OLD soul 'gets it right'?

I know that there is more, much more, than I can see. But at the moment that is what I have to go by.

Sorry to rant. I don't consider myself right. Its just what I see. If any of the books about reincarnation are true, then there are some things I cannot explain. "Many Lives, Many Masters" is a pretty good one for the case. Edgar Cayce says it exists, or rather "the Source" that he channeled said so.

Please prove me wrong so I too can visit the Elyssian Fields...


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#13 Posted : 7/11/2009 5:22:41 PM

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I agree the brain is absolutely necessary for the state of consciousness we call the mind or the self to exist. In fact different aspects of the self are controlled by different regions of the CNS. Thus if specific regions are damaged the individual will lose that aspect of their reality. It is so specific that if we had the ability and resolution to locally damage specific neurons and circuits we could technically remove whatever memory or aspect of the self we wish. Some people with brain damage can not perceive movement, others can not perceive faces, or colors. All that you experience is a generation of the brain. You experience nothing that is not processed and then created by the brain first. You actually exist inside of your brain, there is no brain in you. Damage is one of the major ways how neuroscientists study the brain. Thus the mind is made up by the function of a variety of neural regions that are controlled by electrical activity and chemicals. This is why electrical stimulation and chemicals can alter experience.

Without the brain the mind in the classical sense is gone.

However consciousness (if we define it as the or a universal fabric of reality) may go on however the self is gone. So enjoy your existence to the fullest. Make the most out of it have great experiences. We live on through or memes or our idea the way in which we influence others through cultures and ideas.

It is impossible to prove things do not exist (especially when they do not actually exist !!!) however the burden of proof is on the ones who claim they exist. All of these magical beliefs systems about extrasensory... and heaven and god and... are unfounded and not supported in the least bit. Many people have attempt to prove them and have failed. I could just make up anything I wanted and say prove it doesn't exist...

Science is about making observations and than developing a theory to explain those observations, and then testing the theory. Religion was a way to explain observations. In a way it is a primitive form of science as it explains but does not test the explanation. Without the test any theory can technically explain the observation.
#14 Posted : 7/11/2009 11:51:29 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
First of all, let me say that I agree with you about religion being a mechanism of population control and driven, behind the veil of altruism, by greed.

Heaven and Hell are subjective and are experienced HERE on earth.

Reincarnation is a lovely idea held by more of the population of this planet than christianity. However, to describe it as energy being conserved at the moment of death, is an oversimplification.

Example. A transformer is a device with two iron bars each wrapped in coils of copper wire. One(either) generates a field and the other is affected by that field. The physical differences in the respective coils give them their specific properties. The result is a certain volt/current ratio is 'transformed' into a different volt/current ratio.

It works because of the nature of electromagnetism. It is 'harnessed' by the configuration of materials, blah blah blah...

If I take it apart, stretch the wire out of a coil then it no longer works the same. It no longer 'harnesses' the energy the same way. The energy is still their, somewhere as spinning electrons or a disturbance in electromagnetism or radio waves or heat or sound, etc.

This mortal coil, works because of a collection of MANY physical properties working in unison. And I believe that it DOES generate a field of some sort that can be affected.

I just believe that it dissipates upon death. No more blood pumping and heating the body. No more sodium ions trading charges across lamina with potassium ions creating tiny galvanic charges in the body. No more conciousness.

Look at brain damaged people(like myself). Their conciousness is affected, yes?

Anyway. That is what I think happens in these three plus one dimensions.

I hope there is more to it in higher dimensions. I really do. I get sad when I think this way. Like everyone, I want to continue existing.

If reincarnation exists then why so many people? Why does a NEW soul have to wait until an OLD soul 'gets it right'?

I know that there is more, much more, than I can see. But at the moment that is what I have to go by.

Sorry to rant. I don't consider myself right. Its just what I see. If any of the books about reincarnation are true, then there are some things I cannot explain. "Many Lives, Many Masters" is a pretty good one for the case. Edgar Cayce says it exists, or rather "the Source" that he channeled said so.

Please prove me wrong so I too can visit the Elyssian Fields...


I like what you are saying. I use to be an electrician. I think part of this has to do with time... If our liner time perception was not relevant.. if everything is timeless and connected... where did all the souls come from becomes impossible to speculate on. Or where (when) the energy came or comes from means nothing. am I making any seance? It could be a trillion earth years in a holding pattern before there is a plane one can latch on too with a "real" body and all the things that come with it. perhas this place is all the rage now days?
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#15 Posted : 7/12/2009 1:12:04 AM

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You are far from insane. I myself have the same beliefs, i have yet to try DMT but if i think i do i don't know what i would get out of it and if i do its going to be very beautiful. Most of the stuff people here that have found out about things,like life, where we go after death, etc.... ive found out and came up with the theory's that people have come up with after they took the DMT, but to an extent and without the trip. but im probably not explaining myself correctly. and will probably be told wrong by other people on here. but we do need more people that have found thing out on there own.
#16 Posted : 7/23/2009 10:10:06 PM

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Bancopuma wrote:
I think human being should be free to pursue their own individual paths.

The question is, who will free them?

If they don't want to be free, or if it is their choice not to be free, then it would be wrong of you to decide that they should be free.
if you get my drift.

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