post the weirdest thing you did today. Options
#1 Posted : 12/17/2015 5:39:32 AM

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You know those times when your brain just kinda glitches out for a minute and you put your milk in the cupboard. I once poured milk in a tub a butter. Another time I poured my gravy in my mashed potatoes instead of milk.

Today, while getting out of my car I kinda of just tossed my keys to the ground. Very strange stuff.

If you did something like this recently or even today post it here...
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/17/2015 6:49:56 AM

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Convinced myself I put a hole in my bottom front tooth from a piece of jerky.... The jerky was just stuck in between my teeth.
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#3 Posted : 12/17/2015 6:55:38 AM

Diviner of Sound

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I got really baked, and had the idea to play Oldschool Runescape- something I haven't played since 2007. That game was my childhood.

Totally don't regret it, it was so strange looking at this ancient obsession of mine, and it's so boring and grindy now too, but there's still some magical charm to it Smile. It's incredible how I've remembered everything in all this time, too. It was a very nostalgic experience to say the very least Smile
#4 Posted : 12/17/2015 1:40:35 PM

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I woke up, had some tea and pretended that everything is normal.

Everything's sooo peyote-ful..
#5 Posted : 12/17/2015 4:26:07 PM

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Reminds me of the time I was very stoned and walked up to the fridge in the garage and absent mindedly hit the unlock button on my car key remote as if that would unlock it.

Today I haven't really moved yet, but I just awoke from a lucid dream where I float slowly above the town, earth, and eventually the galaxy.

What a weird existence this is.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
anne halonium
#6 Posted : 12/17/2015 5:35:06 PM

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last night was company xmas party at the club.
none of it is fit to type on the forum.

(i dressed the maid up as " cindy who" if that helps)
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#7 Posted : 12/17/2015 7:09:14 PM
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At 5am I walked across a log over a stream while drunk. It didn't occur to me until I was on my way back across that my sense of balance was not fully equipt for such a task. Luckily I didn't fall.
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
#8 Posted : 12/18/2015 2:28:15 AM

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A couple days ago I ate some fungi and ended up doing "face yoga."

Guess whose jaw hurts a lot now. . . .
I have come to believe that in the world there is nothing to explain the world.

―Loren Eiseley
#9 Posted : 12/18/2015 3:37:15 AM

Music is alive and in your soul. It can move you. It can carry you. It can make you cry! Make you laugh. Most importantly, it makes you feel! What is more important than that?

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Today, they said I couldn't moonwalk across the floor at work. They were wrong.

Thumbs up

Big grin
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#10 Posted : 12/18/2015 3:39:09 AM

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Hahaha these are great... keep em coming!

I didn't do anything weird today, been an uneventful day.
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"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#11 Posted : 12/18/2015 3:46:18 AM

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So I went to a local bar. Recently relapsed alcoholic. Get super loaded, and am just sitting by myself in this back area, secluded from the general bar population.

Lo and behold, this SUPER sketchy dude comes to my table, quite aggressively, and starts talking to me. I ask him what he does for a living, he says preaching. He is very obviously homeless. I have the distinct sensation I am about to be mugged or stabbed; he needs to borrow my phone to show me pictures of his son on facebook, he wants to walk with me to the library later, etc. He starts rambling about his personal life; I learn he recently got out of prison from a 7 year prison sentence for armed robbery. He is now supposedly Jesus reincarnated (his own words). He described in great detail how his life story was the exact same as Jesus's. He then tried to explain to me how he cracked the CIA Kronos project's 4th code, K4. When I asked him what it meant, he said, God is good. At this point, he asked if he could borrow my phone and go outside for a minute to call his friend. When I said no, he blessed a penny for me and told me to hang on to it for good luck.

I just checked his criminal records online and he has been in for a lot more than armed robbery.
Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
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