Pure Passion Flower Extraction "Passiflora Incarnata" Options
#1 Posted : 3/20/2009 3:12:18 AM

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Hello everyone, I have been working with P. Incarnata for several years and have seen very little information on the web regarding extraction teks.
I have used this tek many times with great results and very high yeilds.

Passiflora Incarnata Extraction:

1. Powderize plant material " I have found leaves to have highest content".
2. To 200 ml warm distilled water, add 2-4 drops lemon juice. "vinegar, etc".
3. Add powdered plant material to water and mix well.
4. Strain plant material through coffee filters, save liquid.
5. Repeat step 4 two times.
6. To the water solution add 1-4 drops ammonia./Mix well.
Note: you will notice white precipitate form.
7. Allow the solution to sit for several hours "Fridge speeds up the process".
8. You will notice light yellow crystals precipitate and fall to the bottom.
9. After all crystals have settled siphon off top water layer and discard, Add more warm distilled water and let crystals settle again.
Note: repeat this process until water is clear.
10.When your water layer is clear, pour the solution into glass evap dish and fan dry.
11.You will be left with zero residue crystaline alkaloids on the dish.
Note: the alkaloids resemble rectangular plates.
12.This extract can further be purified by redisolving in ethanol, and evaping.

This method will leave you with white/clear crystaline alks.

Hope this helps,

Any questions please ask.

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#2 Posted : 3/20/2009 3:40:10 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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now that is awesome...

what are the subjective results of SWIYs bioassys?
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The Traveler
#3 Posted : 3/22/2009 6:07:42 PM

"No, seriously"

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This tek has been added to the Wiki:

Pure Passion Flower Extraction

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#4 Posted : 3/23/2009 3:36:36 AM

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Is ammonia really the safest to use? I'd be a lot more comfortable using CAOH2 to form precipitates. I was also concerned with the amounts of botanics used and what one could expect from a 100-250g extraction. P. incarnata being a mild MAO as I understand, usally takes larger amounts as from rue or caapi for MAOI. Deoxy documented beta carbolines present at .05-1% and I can only account for a extracted tincture. Curious to results of bioassy as well.

Though being this straightforward I'm sure this would probably show great results with caapi, rue & the likes even implemented percolator column.
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#5 Posted : 3/23/2009 5:59:01 AM

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I have found the effects differ slightly from p. harmala/caapi.

With 100-180mg oral -

+1:00 ingestion on an empty stomach.
+1:40 Slight relaxation noticed, Lightheadedness, no nausea felt.
+2:10 Warm body feelings felt, definate "happy" feeling, mild oev noticed "Colors Appear Brighter".
+2:40 Euphoria still present, Ability to focus feels increased, Similar to A Cannabis buzz.
Thought process seems similar to a psychedelic. Overall feeling great.

Oral Duration is 1.5 - 3hrs.


60mg Harmine/100mg Mescaline Hcl.
- Strong Euphoria, Strong Oev/Cev, Slight Sedated Feeling, Music appreciation increased, Similiar to Mda.

50mg Vaporized during lsd peak.
- OEV increased, Euphoria intensified, Speeding up of thoughts.

90mg With 10mg 2c-i
- VERY unpleasant experience, Vomiting/fever, Intense visuals, Negative Feelings, Duration 8+ hours.

Btw Thank you traveler for adding to wiki Smile

CAOH2 would be a safer alternative to ammonia. although I have not used it yet to precipitate harmines.

Harmine can also be precipitated using very dilute sulphuric acid and adding salt to precipitate. Purify by washing with brine.

I have used this on s.rue with good results. they contain about 4% harmala alks, harmaline is about 2/3 of it.

Successful Conversions:

Harmaline contains one methoxyl group, boiling with hydrochloric acid furnishes the phenolic base giving Harmalol.

Reduction of harmine with sodium in amyl alch will yield tetrahydroharmine.

^ P. Incarnata Extraction. The Slight Yellow Tint Is Due To Unremoved chloroplasts.


warm to 50degress and decolorize with activated carbon.

harmine can also be purified by crystallisation from methyl alcohol or benzene.

Thank you for your interest,
- drella.

"I tried making sense of it, and then I realized I should be trying to make sense as to why I was even trying to make sense... "
#6 Posted : 3/23/2009 6:19:10 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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thats great really great information thank you...

SO has SWIY ever used it for working with spice?
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#7 Posted : 4/17/2009 12:06:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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How much passionflower is called for in this tek?

drellahcl wrote:

10.When your water layer is clear, pour the solution into glass evap dish and fan dry.

So you pour the water AND the crystals into an evap dish and dry? Or just the water, and discard the crystals?

What kind of ethanol do you use for further purification? The purification is NOT necessary, right?

Are there other ways the extract can be taken effectively other than orally?

#8 Posted : 4/17/2009 12:17:53 AM


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Passiflora contains THH I think....

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#9 Posted : 4/17/2009 2:02:50 PM

Riggly Maynard Charlston Bentsworth |||

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and how many POUNDS of plant material did you use?
#10 Posted : 4/17/2009 7:43:02 PM

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'Coatl wrote:
Passiflora contains THH I think....

"harmane, harmaline, harmalol, harmine, harmol,"
#11 Posted : 4/17/2009 10:47:51 PM

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what were your yields and how much was used?
#12 Posted : 4/23/2009 10:44:03 AM


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drellahcl wrote:
Hello everyone, I have been working with P. Incarnata for several years and have seen very little information on the web regarding extraction teks.
I have used this tek many times with great results and very high yeilds.

Passiflora Incarnata Extraction:

1. Powderize plant material " I have found leaves to have highest content".
2. To 200 ml warm distilled water, add 2-4 drops lemon juice. "vinegar, etc".
3. Add powdered plant material to water and mix well.
4. Strain plant material through coffee filters, save liquid.
5. Repeat step 4 two times.
6. To the water solution add 1-4 drops ammonia./Mix well.
Note: you will notice white precipitate form.
7. Allow the solution to sit for several hours "Fridge speeds up the process".
8. You will notice light yellow crystals precipitate and fall to the bottom.
9. After all crystals have settled siphon off top water layer and discard, Add more warm distilled water and let crystals settle again.
Note: repeat this process until water is clear.
10.When your water layer is clear, pour the solution into glass evap dish and fan dry.
11.You will be left with zero residue crystaline alkaloids on the dish.
Note: the alkaloids resemble rectangular plates.
12.This extract can further be purified by redisolving in ethanol, and evaping.

This method will leave you with white/clear crystaline alks.

Hope this helps,

Any questions please ask.

HAS ANYBODY ELSE TRY IT ? Did you guys hear about swim who did extraction above successfully?

THIS stinks to ILPT cos is WAY TOO SIMPLE !!!!

He hasn`t done any defatting, how about chlorophyll and other plant`s bunk what will coated the little crystals which could possibly formed?
That guy was few times asked how much of plant material he used for the extraction but he didn`t bother to answer Rolling eyes

ILPT has a bit of free time and parrot found 100 grams of Passiflora incarnata
so he will try to "process it" Laughing in similar way and see whether it works or not!!!

1, For initial extraction 100 grams of herb(finely powdered) he`ll use 3 lots of distilled water (like the idea of distilled one cos in his area is very hard tap water-loads of carbonates),
200 ml each with splash of clean 10% food grade vinegar(not a malt one ) and pH will be also recorded

He`s not sure about filtering yet
He would like to ask why bloke didn`t boil collected initial extracts down a bit, would boiling down hurt ? In order to deffat he need to boil it down!

Note: This post will be edited and pictures will be added accordingly as the technique develop. Please reply your eventual inputs, that will be very appreciated !!!
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#13 Posted : 4/23/2009 11:19:27 AM

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SWIM has a bunch of this nice flower around there. He will give it a try. However, I wonder about the dose.
The anxiolytic properties of hydroalcoholic extract were confirmed at 400 mg/kg

(study on mices)
Does that mean that a 70 Kg monkey would need 28 g of extract to feel something ? Look likes overdosed...
#14 Posted : 4/23/2009 2:53:36 PM


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one wrote:
This is also my personal experience. I once made a tea out of
100 g of passionflower and experienced nothing (did not take any DMT
at the same time, though). I then tried to extract the beta-carbolines
with the procedure described in R.E. Manske "The Alkaloids" (I posted
the recipe a while ago) which works fine with P Harmala seeds. I
started with 500 g of passionflower and ended up with no detectable
amouns of alkaloids. Does someone on the net have exact references to
the presence of beta carbolines in passionflower?

some company wrote:
the chemistry of passiflora is variable and unusual. This sample contains the following: Alkaloids .1%, Passiflorines (Iodoplatinate positive, Dragendroff negative), Harman compounds absent (no fluorescence at 365nm), detection limit, (.0000001%). 1.95% flavone Glycosides: Iso-vitexin, vitexin, orientin, Iso-orientin, Iso-schaftoside, schaftoside, other Glycosides.

It depends how lucky you get with quality of passionflower. We`ll see Rolling eyes
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#15 Posted : 4/24/2009 6:53:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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How much passion flower for the above tek?
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#16 Posted : 4/24/2009 6:40:59 PM
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kemist wrote:

THIS stinks to ILPT cos is WAY TOO SIMPLE !!!!

He hasn`t done any defatting, how about chlorophyll and other plant`s bunk what will coated the little crystals which could possibly formed?

SWIY thinks his tek won't work? I actually have all the materials and about 1/2 lb of passiflora.. but wouldn't want to waste it in an unsuccessful tek..
#17 Posted : 4/27/2009 3:02:03 PM


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mapp wrote:

SWIY thinks his tek won't work? I actually have all the materials and about 1/2 lb of passiflora.. but wouldn't want to waste it in an unsuccessful tek..

He doesn`t wanna be a sceptic but if this is right

Beta carbolines in Passion flower : 0.05% - 0.1%

His 100 grams would contain something btw. 50 - 100 mg of harmala alkaloids. Seems pretty much like just one single dose.
Is not really worthy to play with that now, because ILPT is busy with ongoing bufo and lsh experiments
He`ll just make a tea with vinegar water at ph 6,5 and boil it down to a single shot.

Just theoretically ILPT doesn`t think ,one can use more then 200-250 grams of finally powdered plant for 200ml of water.
Means this tek(if it does work) could you leave with about 200mg of alkaloids, if you get lucky
100 grams rue can leave one with 2 grams alkaloids easy. Beside that ILPT like more harmaline cos it`s much stronger even on it`s own
However ILPT is tempted to try THH which should be mainly in passionflower so he would experimenting in future. But to get his arse off the chair he need to see 1 kilogram of passionflower at least

As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#18 Posted : 7/20/2009 4:34:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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...Any update on a passion flower tek? I still have a large amount to play with Wink
#19 Posted : 2/22/2010 9:31:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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just tried this but i end up with lots of green stuff... probally just cholorphyl...

When i add ammonnia thats what precips out.. no yellow crystals Sad

Can someone tell me if this tek actually works?

#20 Posted : 8/12/2010 5:37:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Still no word on if this actually works or not?
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