Fruit Juice Options
#21 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:14:16 AM

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what would be the benefit of yam juice?
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#22 Posted : 4/2/2012 7:29:55 PM

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I'm greatly into juicing and find it really beneficial to health. My juicer is definitely my best buy of 2012 so far.

I swapped my traditional breakfast about 3 months ago to a smoothie diet. My breakfast smoothie keeps me going till lunch time without any hunger pangs and makes me feel great.

I have an apple and ginger shot first. Once a double espresso addict, this really hits the spot.

Juice one apple and a small piece of fresh ginger. Knock it back for an instant zingy energy kick without the side effects of caffeine. Gives you a nice warm glow.

Following that I have a breakfast smoothie.

This is my recipe that makes a 0.6L Sigg bottle full.

In my juicer I put:

5 oranges
1 pink grapefruit
half a lime

I add this to my smoothie maker and blend with:

2 handfulls of sugar free organic muesli
1 bannana
1 teaspoon of 10+ manuka honey
1 small bio yoghurt
a small handfull or blueberries
a pinch of cinnamon
2 pieces of ice

I sometimes put in a tablespoon of maca for added kick but I really don't like the taste of this.

I wizz it all up in the smoothie maker, pop it in my sigg and drink when I arrive at the office. Keeps me going till lunch.

Highly recommended.
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#23 Posted : 6/19/2014 8:37:16 PM

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So, i got back to juicing.
The last three days i have only eaten 2 avocados, a bit of kefir ...and besides that only fruit and fruit juice. Lots of melon...carrots, apples, zucchini, cucumbers, fenil, pears, peaches - you name it. I'm basically hungry all the time and it is interesting to notice, how much i usually think about eating and how much joy it brings me to buy stuff to eat.

I feel weak, but lighter at the same time. A lot of the ugly feeling ...dizziness etc i have to deal with daily is gone, yet i can't go on like this forever.

The thing is, i got tested and it says that my gut is all fucked up and that microorganisms are producing all kinds of toxins...especially if i eat too much carbohydrates it gets problematic and that test i did confirmed it.

I feel like on a threshold dose of mushrooms...perhaps 0.2gs. But i can't go hungry for much longer. Perhaps it would be a good idea to do this kind of fast for 3 days every other week or something, but im not familiar with "detox" so i don't know if it would do me any good or if i should fast for longer periods. I think it could be possible if fruits and vegetables are allowed....

#24 Posted : 6/19/2014 9:06:11 PM

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I have some experience juice fasting/feasting (juice feasting being where you don't limit the amount you drink each day ...and can still get plenty of calories from all the juice/not feel hungry). For me it's been pretty incredible. I've done up to about 7-10 days and a bunch of 3 or 4 day juices. It can be somewhat trippy, especially if you combine it with psychedelic and meditation etc..I'm not sure if it will help with your gut microorganism problem though.

Also, be careful eating things/heavier foods during juicing. If you're going to eat an avocado a day or something just make sure to eat it at the end of the day, since it digests slower than juice and you don't want the juice to go in right afterwards and get bogged down. And then as you're wrapping up the juicing you want to ease into food again slowly. I drink a lot of smoothies and then start with mostly just easily digestible fruit the day or two afterwards.

One time I decided to try a day of fasting right in the middle of 4 or 5 days of juicing. I felt extremely clear headed and centered that was a great feeling. I don't have any experience with straight up fasting though apart from that day, and I was still drinking lots of water and teas throughout the day too.

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#25 Posted: : 6/20/2014 1:50:44 AM

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obliguhl wrote:
So, i got back to juicing.
The last three days i have only eaten 2 avocados, a bit of kefir ...and besides that only fruit and fruit juice. Lots of melon...carrots, apples, zucchini, cucumbers, fenil, pears, peaches - you name it. I'm basically hungry all the time and it is interesting to notice, how much i usually think about eating and how much joy it brings me to buy stuff to eat.

I feel weak, but lighter at the same time. A lot of the ugly feeling ...dizziness etc i have to deal with daily is gone, yet i can't go on like this forever.

The thing is, i got tested and it says that my gut is all fucked up and that microorganisms are producing all kinds of toxins...especially if i eat too much carbohydrates it gets problematic and that test i did confirmed it.

I feel like on a threshold dose of mushrooms...perhaps 0.2gs. But i can't go hungry for much longer. Perhaps it would be a good idea to do this kind of fast for 3 days every other week or something, but im not familiar with "detox" so i don't know if it would do me any good or if i should fast for longer periods. I think it could be possible if fruits and vegetables are allowed....

I would bet a paleo/primal style diet would help you..especially with that problem with carbohydrates. Juicing feels like its good to detox but its not so great in terms of rebuilding, IME. You can only really detox for so long...

Dont get too obsessed with detoxing either..I have met people who are just obsessed with it and are always trying to detox and they look like frail people on deaths door. You have to rebuild. I actually think if you have adrenal issues etc(which are common with gut problems etc) juicing like this can end up working against you if you push it. You need fats and protein etc man, not huge blood sugar spikes.
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#26 Posted : 6/20/2014 6:54:32 AM

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Good advice UC, and interesting to hear your experience!

I know, you've used to be a feverish supporter of juicing and the raw vegan lifestyle but have turned away. In understand your concerns, but they were never an issue for me. I don't plan to go on like this forever. I basically wanted to give my stomach a timeout before starting with probiotics and the likes. I don't think i've got adrenal issues, at least my cortisole is at normal levels.

Have you watched a couple of Dan McDonalds Videos lately? I hear he got temporarly banned from youtube for promoting breatharianism. You can see how arrogant and crazy he has become...must be the guru status he has achieved. His body also doesn't look good anymore. Almost no muscle, just very thin and fragile.
#27 Posted : 6/20/2014 10:28:20 AM
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I'm interested in Detox even though I know nothing about it. Psilocybin always makes me pee like crazy. Funny, considering one of it's consistent effect during my honeymoon journeys included intense feelings as if having to pee without actually being able to sqeeuze out a drip. Another consistent effect of (truffles) is that it also takes away hunger. I assume this is a symptom of health, meaning that the body has everything that it needs for now. The hunger comes after. For this reason I recommend and plan on taking threshold doses myself, but preferably fresh Truffles from smartshops. The bitter taste of these truffels when eaten always leave an aftertaste for the next 6-10 hours that I kind of enjoy. The effects of low doses are also predictably pleasant.. Eating it during detox sounds like a good meditative endeavour.

I like the idea of doing this a few days a week/month. And throwing in some mushrooms for good measure. Maybe top it off with an ayahuasca purging. I would like to be able to have this kind of lifestyle some day. Just have to figure out the best way to keep nutrients coming in. Especially when psychedelics are thrown into the mix. It would probably be best to ritualize a good meal after psychedelic journeys to keep a good rythm going. Preferably with a significant other to have somebody to talk to about these inner journeys during a well-deserved and well-prepared dinner.
#28 Posted : 6/27/2014 9:27:20 PM

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gotta juice/blend the nettles...that'll do the trick, for things an stuff
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#29 Posted : 11/11/2015 9:22:51 AM

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At the moment I am hosted by friends and they have this ultimate blender (brand Omniblend 2L) with which I make smoothies almost every day.

The base is more or less always the same, banana, apple, orangejuice, icecubes, but sometimes I additionally pimp the smoothie with selfmade raspberrysorbet (also made with the blender), pears, strawberries, mangos and/or other fruits. F****** delicious!

After coming back from my travels and moving to a new town next year, I will definitely go and get my own blender. It also powders shredded bark easily, which is a really nice sideeffect. Laughing

Blending greetings, tseuq
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