I am GOD everytime. Options
#61 Posted : 7/6/2009 12:55:58 AM

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I guess we all have 83 questions, too...

Yes it seems to me that we do not need to answer them all. Rather we should seek to remove these questions from our awareness.

It may be much easyer than answering them. So if you can answer some of them good. The others you must remove from your awarenes.

Or remove them all from awareness
Or answer them all

There are many options or paths that will lead to the same results

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#62 Posted : 7/7/2009 1:00:29 PM
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Sorry, MV, I did not think you came across that way. I don't have much of a way with words. Perhaps we were thinking similiar things. A student/teacher-guru relationship will only take you so far, as "teachers" are also human. You are right too about Trungpa and shamanism. In Shambhala he mentions invoking dralas and raising the Windhorse. These come from the native Tibetan Bon I believe.

I agree with your last post too.
#63 Posted : 7/7/2009 6:02:14 PM

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theboysarebackintown! wrote:
Yes, God is within everything, as everything is the imagination of "God". This truth is an obviously important one, but through my personal experience, each and everyone of us is actually God.

Friend, what is the difference? God is everything and everything is God. There is no difference. The only difference there really is, is that we have the realization that we are God. Most likely, a dog or a tree does not know this, even though it is a fact just as much for them as it is for us.
#64 Posted : 7/10/2009 6:04:56 AM

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jasons741 wrote:

Believe in those who seek truth, doubt those who find it...


Very well put!
#65 Posted : 7/16/2009 3:10:25 AM

mr. jones

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Evening glory,
I completely agree that the perception is the only difference, but F*** man,
to have your awareness expand to infinity!, the zoom out button never stops,
it's just amazing...but I beg to differ on the dog part, my little dog's
eyes stay so dilated that i think she "knows".
#66 Posted : 1/21/2011 11:30:40 AM

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By the way I just wanted to come back and say, if you find this difficult to internalise and re-integrate, as I did, not to worry:

The self going through it's process is perfectly normal, because ultimately if we're talking about the great self then it's process IS the definition of normal.

There are some parts of the process where you will experience what seems to be difficult in comparison to some other parts which are then by contrast, easy:
but this is where it lends meaning to the other.

but I hold hope that the nature of your consiousness IS that you may by virtue of your beingness; explore which concepts you would like to explore, achieve work while you are there, because at every level it can go either way, there is always choice. It's important to remain open-minded, conceptualising things is part of the process of actually bringing them into manifestation, as on the highest and most abstract plane there is no such thing as external: everything happens and you can perceive it all as infinities crossing... yada yada

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
Rising Spirit
#67 Posted : 1/21/2011 3:07:18 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey Now theboysarebackintown!,

This thread was posted before I (who am I?) joined the Nexus family, so it remained unread by this particular expression of the Godhead, Rising Spirit, until this morning. Sweet, I rejoice in it's profound existence! Now, since you initiated this discussion a couple years ago, I am curious if you have been able to find an avenue to naturally integrate the essential shattering of oneself, awakening to being the living field of light consciousness labeled as, "God", yet existing in a universe wherein one must pretend to be an individual (for survival of the body's sake)? As a younger man, I had quite a bit of difficulty in this balancing act, myself. Somehow, with the advance of time and having lived a life of contemplation, this is no longer an overwhelming issue. Meditation has been a big help in this area. Thank you for sharing your experience of the Omniself. I, you, we are most sublimely abiding in the blinding radiance of indivisible Divinity. Om shanti.

Peace, love & Light

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#68 Posted : 1/21/2011 4:05:57 PM

Not I

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SWIMfriend wrote:
Anyone heard of the Zen master named Bassui? His one and only method was to ask himself "WHO?" However deep he got, and whatever mystical experience he had, he would continue to ask himself WHO is having the experience. The idea being to go deeper and deeper into the source of his own reality.

Seems like it could be enlightening to try during profound experiences (experiences which I can't claim--I've yet to get started on spice travels....but this thread and others like it make my eyes widen and my mouth water Smile

I have enormous respect for all of you reporting these profound travels...

I have a method that works for me. I use shrooms as DMT is simply to quick to learn much.

I start of by eating 2-4 grams and then I sit in the half lotus posture and begin diaphragm breathing. Once my breath has slowed to about 2 breaths per minutes I begin visualizing my spinal collum as a hollow tube. When I inhale I visualize light moving from the base chakra to the crown chakra. When I exhale I visualize the light going down the tube. A few minutes into this and the visualizations become very real as the shrooms kick in.

Once past the peak of the trip and in deep meditation I then simply ask "Who am I".

The first time I did this the visions came to a crawl and I was presented with a large temple looking door. I could sense that the other side of the door was a very powerful force....

I asked again. "What am I?" The visions turned to dark and there was nothing.

"What am I?" The darkness turned to light..

in awe I asked again with complete resolve. What am I.

What happened next is a pinnacle life experience. The light engulfed me. I immediately became infinitely small and infinitely large. I was the alpha and the omega. The part of me that I normal identify with was gone. I was pure awareness...not really thought, but not non-thought either. I simple was. I wouldn't even call the light white anymore. Honestly the Buddhist term 'clear light' which means pure mind is a better description...I guess! Smile

When I came out of this state the first time I had been there for over an hour. The peace and tranquility I had was second to lasted day's.

The next night as I drifted off to sleep I briefly saw the flash of intense white light. It was only seconds this time though.

The goal is to learn to access this state with smaller and smaller doses. The light is inside of everyone. I don't have a good explanation of it. My inner scientist will tell you it's just neurochemistry. My spiritual side will say it's pure energy....and that's all there really is.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
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