A bit of a necroreply, sorry
Yeah I wonder if any would get transfered to gut mao. But I agree with pitubo & your assumptions with this, but yeah I don't think much if anything would make it there to sufficiently inhibit gut mao, and that you're just mainly inhibiting mao enzymes within the brain with sublingual,
and if you were to take 'enough' sublingual harmalas to have sufficient inhibition in the gut, I'd think that the sublingual dosage would be such a significant amount needed milligram-wise, on top of all the saliva buildup/flow from trying to keep it pressed firmly under the tongue.
I think in the end it's probably just better to learn through trial/error what works for someone with the oralharmala route, and stick with that to inhibit oral dmt.
EDIT: there are a few reports buried on the forum of sublingual harmala/sublingual dmt and sublingual harmala/oral dmt use, but from reading through those i'm still in the camp of 'oral harmalas w/ oral dmt.