Well first I would like to thank this community for everything. In my nearly two years of being here I have embarked on a journey that not only is bettering myself, treating myself, but also connecting me to a deep and rich heritage I was missing. You guys are the best. Thanks for all your help. I struggled with a title for this lol I started with I'm getting better, but that was rather ambiguous, since I am getting better at vaping, but I am not better yet! Hope you enjoyed what I settled with.
I have no idea where to begin other than this was the most profound set of adventures I have had on the spice so far. This is a little long I apologize for that.
I weighed somewhere around 35-40mg of ACRB Spice into my Green Buddah loaded up Tycho - Dive, and dove into my experience. I've been having issues with my CEVs, they've been out of focus, blurry, dull, I basically felt like my third eye needed a corrective lens. This trip was no different, just some bizarre fuzzy things, however in this case the CEVs even if there were any were simply distractions, things of mere entertainment. These blurry fuzzy things were all I could make out the rest was black, I had feelings of being in space, of just being experience, not even existing, then all the sudden I had this flash of self and it was trying to run away.
I felt like there was a split happening; There was what I could say was experience (being) and then there were emotions. The emotion of fear was what I was feeling, however I felt like I was outside of this situation observing, and hearing "experience" and "emotion" talking saying: "What are you scared of? Stand up, this is what you wanted."
I came back and I honestly had no clue where I had been, what had happened, and what anything was, let alone what "there" or "I" was. Out of impulse I immediately weighed out another dose which I immediately forgot after I loaded it up in my Green Buddah. I sat it down and thought about my experience a little more trying to remember anything other than this split.
I smoked some weed and talked a little bit on chat. About an hour later I decided to vape what I had loaded up.
This one was not lacking in images, incredible patterns, beautiful colors, I wish I could remember them all, just this constantly morphing ever changing environment, there was no consistency, things that I saw only remained for a few seconds before becoming something completely different. It changed so much I had no time to decipher anything, it was sensory overload.
Then I thought, wait, wheres my fear?
I was going through these intense visions, and not feeling a single negative emotion, almost a sense of confidence that I've been severely lacking. I began thinking back to my first experience and thinking about the separation of being and emotion and realizing that I stood up to my fears, I wasn't looking from the outside. My subconscious had finally decided that it wasn't scared anymore.
During this experience I felt like I was experiencing what Maslow called the Peak Experience of self, that is being the best version of yourself you can be. It was such an amazing feeling I want to do anything and everything I can to integrate that feeling into my life. This innate sense of standing my ground to anxiety and patients, dissolving of time, removing the rush that forces every mistake I make.
Well I know this probably wasn't that interesting, but this was a beautiful experience I feel I can learn from and grow myself to the better person that I want to be and just felt like sharing it with you all. Thanks if you stuck it out
Creator help me live in a way that will make my ancestors proud.