heres some lyrics I hope to put over a beat and make the intro to my upcoming album.
wrote it last night, it made me long to puff a bit of spice, perhaps Ill get to that tonight if I find a few peaceful moments. anyway here ya go.
the inner eye opens to the landscape of time
fast forward to the singularity handshake your mind
3 pulls and you're gone thru the crisanthanam
hang on hanna, you're brain might
banana slip once you feel santas anthem ommmmmmmmmmm
or his mechanical elves
somewhere between where the dinosaurs and animals dwell
time seems fleeting tho I feel so home
heart beat check pulse check next up cheerful gnomes
speaking in visuals dont give way to ashtomishment
cant remember my name or which language obama spent
morphing fabergé eggs into rubix cubes,
which then come alive and thrive too but dont die from amused
when I even try to move one my insides kind of infuse
and everytime I ask it to in my mind it kind of moves
it is blue?
red,green,orange,yellow purple posters blue yahtzee
then poof im right back on my sofa laughing at the soup nazi