tryptographer wrote:O man I hate that traffic too! Especially those little boosted scooters with yelling idiots :evil: It's just pure sound poison.
What gets me is the damn Boom-Cars!!
I just do not get the jerks who ride around in a huge bass box, shaking all the cars & houses around them!?!?!
It doesn't sound good
at all (obviously that's subjective...
buuuuut), it's just a ton of bass, usually distorted & overdriving the speakers, farting all over & then the rattling of the car's loose screws & bolts....uuuugh...nice.
It should be illegal, or enforced if it already is!! (god I hate saying that...but it is an invasion of privacy!)
I don't need the bass content from some asshole's crappy music, vibrating my whole house when ever one of these dicks drives by!!
I don't care what time of the day, or night it is!!
It's noise pollution!! And unquestionably rude to say the least!!
I know I sound like a crotchety old fart when I say that, but I actually own a commercial CD mastering studio & I'm in no way apposed to loud music!!
Just jerks who force everyone around them to put up with their particular brand of poorly produced, too-loud garbage!!
I highly doubt anyone driving one of those
mud-holes, would appreciate it very much if I walked into
his living room, while he was trying to relax & watch TV and started banging marching cymbals in his face!! And kept coming back every 5-10 minutes!!
But, that's how I feel when they drive by, or I'm at a stoplight next to one of those idiots.
"Look at me, Look at me...I can afford to buy a big radio"!!WOW
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!