Coming off suboxone Options
#21 Posted : 8/12/2015 9:52:28 PM

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I came off methadone with tramadol, which sucks balls (pretty sure thats the technical term). Side effects out the wazoo.

Got off tramadol with kratom after hearing of it here at the Nexus. Coming off kratom, even after daily, multi year use resulted in sleeplessness and nothing else. The least noticeable withdrawal symptoms for any opiate/opiod/etc I ever did, and I did them all.
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#22 Posted : 8/13/2015 7:52:28 PM

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Continuum wrote:
I came off methadone with tramadol, which sucks balls (pretty sure thats the technical term). Side effects out the wazoo.

Got off tramadol with kratom after hearing of it here at the Nexus. Coming off kratom, even after daily, multi year use resulted in sleeplessness and nothing else. The least noticeable withdrawal symptoms for any opiate/opiod/etc I ever did, and I did them all.

And it's a plant, you can develop a relationship with it.

I took one of my slivers around 4am. I haven't slept much this week, and it got so bad I just took it and went directly to sleep. now I'm going to order like 8 oz of kratom and start over. At least today I can get something done around the house. Sometimes when I'm really sick, I start to wonder if you could die from sub withdrawal haha. Suboxone withdrawal is the opposite of a psychedelic experience for me, idk.

I was just at my friends, shes also been on subs for years. She wants off as well and she's serious about it, so helping each other will help us a lot. she's done her research, we were just talking about how if one intended to create the perfect addictive substance for making profit, it would be buprenorphine. I think we'll both put up for a good amount of kratom, we're going to get the red vein. I just want to have more than enough to last.
#23 Posted : 8/13/2015 9:21:44 PM

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If you need someone to talk to about it all any time, PM me at the other place. I sometimes go days without checking here, but will always see a message there very quickly. Love
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#24 Posted : 8/13/2015 10:30:23 PM

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Continuum wrote:
If you need someone to talk to about it all any time, PM me at the other place. I sometimes go days without checking here, but will always see a message there very quickly. Love

Thanks, it's appreciated. Hey, you think changa could help, say if I had quite a bit of it? I just harvested some mimosa roots.
#25 Posted : 8/14/2015 12:28:34 AM

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I don't think it'd hurt.

I have a good friend who successfully used DMT to put himself in an afterglow state when it got rough. He credits his DMT honeymoon period, which coincided with quitting a long heroin habit for methadone and then getting off methadone, with blasting off all the accululated baggage the junky life brings and helping him get to the bottom of why he did that to himself all those years.

So yeah, I think it can help, but only have secondhand experience through seeing his going through it.
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#26 Posted : 8/17/2015 8:33:14 PM

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So I just received a very large amount of very good kratom, enough to last a couple of months. Starting again now, I won't be giving up.

Btw, the other night I smoked spice. I think it will definitely help, when it gets bad. It was only my 3rd time smoking, it was a beautiful, yet very odd experience to say the least.
#27 Posted : 8/20/2015 1:07:34 AM

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So I went 7 days without, then 5 on it again, but for those 5 days, I lowered the dose even more (I was gonna say my dose, but that doesn't sound right anymore). Yesterday I skipped the morning and took a very small amount (~0.1 mg) in the evening. Today is my first full day off of it. I have magnesium for restless legs, kratom, clonadine. I think clonapin actually has the opposite effect and makes my rls even worse, so this time I'm skipping the benzos.

I'm going as natural as possible. And this time I'm actually going to utilize ayahuasca / analogs (I have acacia, rue, caapi and chali) to help, usually I get so lazy I don't even feel like brewing even though I've drank it while sick before and know good and well it helps. In fact, once when I was sick I drank about 12 g of acacia and 6 or rue, it had me glued to the floor while an octopi sort of entity massaged my brain, perhaps he was doing supernatural surgery of some sort. After a few days pass I may order iboga root bark, as I found a source for that. I'm also looking into going to an iboga retreat with a couple of friends from out west, in Canada, but the provider deals with spiritual uses and not detox, so that's a lot to ask of him.

I'm also on day 10 of taking chantix, it's working, I'm down to 3 or 4 cigarettes a day. Now I can feel what they're doing to my body.

Tbh, I didn't really want to even say anything till I had gone a few days at least, but just incase you're interested that's where I'm at, more motivated than ever. I have to get myself right, for me first, before anything or anyone else.
#28 Posted : 8/20/2015 2:23:37 AM

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Awesome! Keep it up man!

And keep us posted!

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#29 Posted : 9/16/2015 10:35:55 PM

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Okay, so here's an update. I'm almost 3 days in and I'm having almost zero problems. Since the last time I posted here I've discovered the true power of intention, and by showing selfless love to a total stranger was introduced to reiki, or at least something like it. Since then I've met others who know of this energy, and I've learned (or perhaps remembered) how to harness it. But I should stress that everything I've learned about this energy since posting here last came about by showing others selfless love. So anyway I have help this time, I've been healed in a lot of ways, and apart from a bit of restless legs and sweats, I feel amazing actually. I'm doing this..
#30 Posted : 9/17/2015 1:29:31 PM

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Bananas, Epsom salt baths and compresses for the RLS, activity and good diet are the keys, man. I've no experience with bupe, other than being sent to hospital on it, but understand the kick is similar to methadone because of the long half life. That is mild and drawn out.

It's the drawn out part that gets me. As long as you're sleeping, don't have massive cramps and your brain doesn't feel like a hive of bees surrounded by a nest of snakes, you should be good. If ya ever need any words of support, you know where to find me.

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#31 Posted : 9/17/2015 1:36:13 PM

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Glad it's going better, BFP.

That giving to others thing really does open doors (the Allies seem to love that), and I don't see why is would be any different for a kick.

Still sending support from the peanut gallery. Love
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#32 Posted : 9/18/2015 8:47:03 PM

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Still doing good. No withdrawals apart from sweating. I've expelled a lot of negative energy
#33 Posted : 9/25/2015 5:20:16 PM

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Just to update yall, I still haven't taken any subs, in fact I haven't taken anything. And I feel good as well.
#34 Posted : 9/25/2015 8:00:08 PM

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Right on, brother! Makes me happy to hear you doing it.Thumbs up

It can be done.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#35 Posted : 9/25/2015 8:00:59 PM

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Hell yeah! Glad to hear it BFP. Thumbs up Love Thumbs up Love
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#36 Posted : 9/28/2015 4:38:06 PM

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null24 wrote:

It can be done.

It has been done Pleased that episode is now over.
#37 Posted : 11/28/2015 11:06:59 PM

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Alright, so I've adopted a policy of (almost) total honesty in my life (I'm not sure if one can be totally honest), and wanted to update those who care to listen. After my last post, perhaps a week after idk, I started experiencing paws I believe, and at the same time my thoughts had become somewhat detached. And this coincided with some sort of spiritual crises which could have easily been confused with a mental condition, it was a lot like what T McKenna spoke about. And underlying that I have empath traits Ike feeling other's emotions and their energy and so forth. And btw, the suboxone and the pills I took before I got on suboxone seems to have blocked the empath in me, so that when I stopped it all came flooding in, Ive never been through anything like that in my life, the whole range of emotions, from love to hate, and not only my own but other's as well. Basically I've had an education on spiritual energy and now I'm going back to the plants with what I've learned.

So one day about a month ago, I took 2 mg of suboxone to see if it would help with my detached thoughts. The closest condition I read about which matches what I went through is though insertion. Anyway, it did help, and I went perhaps another two weeks without it, with no withdrawls or ill effects from that one use. So by a week or two ago, my thoughts were fairly normal but I started having physical symptoms, so I took 2 mg for two or three days then stopped again. All was well once again, then yesterday I had withdrawal symtoms again, but didn't take anything. Today I also had symptoms and took 2 mg. it does seem that taking 2 mg once every 2 weeks doesn't hurt and doesn't lead to craving them in the days following.

I intend to drink acacia and rue tonight for my friends birthday, so it should be interesting.
#38 Posted : 11/29/2015 11:19:53 AM

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DMT is partly responsible for my decision to abandon short-acting opiates (mostly heroin and PPT,) altogether. I am now on Suboxone maintenance, and am seeking to terminate this crutch in the short-term future.

I'll be traveling to Cancun for an iboga treatment in January after weening myself off suboxone with SAO's for a few weeks (sounds counterintuitive, doesn't it?) I have a great deal of faith in the help that it can do via accounts I've read, and the trip to Cancun puts me in a situation where I'm not able to easily relapse should the pangs of withdrawal prove nightmarish.

But at the end of the day, psychedelics give me the insight to stop poisoning my body with chronic opiate abuse - now it's time to rip off the Band-Aid. Reading this thread gives me a lot of hope... despite the fact that we're approaching the same obstacle via different means, it's comforting to know that others have gone through this and lived to tell the tale.
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." -lovecraft
#39 Posted : 11/29/2015 5:42:18 PM

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Pardon the ignorance, ugrakarma, but what is PPT and SAOs?
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#40 Posted : 11/29/2015 6:35:29 PM

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short-acting opiates

and Poppy Pod Tea?

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