Mythbusters: Urban psychedelic legends Options
The Traveler
#1 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:04:43 PM

"No, seriously"

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This thread is to discuss and hopefully debunk all urban legends about psychedelics.

We all know them, thinks like:
* It will stay on your spine forever
* take that 7 times and you are legally insane
* A college student took acid for the first time in his life and never got back from it.
* DMT is produced in the pineal gland
* You get a massive burst of DMT when you are born and when you die.
* Flashbacks. Way after the experience you can experience flashback that will suddenly put you back into the trip.

With this thread we will discuss them one by one and try to get proof if they are definitely true or not.

Lets start with the first one:
* It will stay on your spine forever

Is this true or not? What proof do we have for both sides of the medal?


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#2 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:11:50 PM

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Here is a link to the Erowid page debunking this exact myth from.

Psychs staying in you spine/body forever = BS

Erowid is great for researching these is past personal experienceWink

I like this idea for a thread a lot, should make a whole new sub-forum for this!!
I'd bet it would fill up with threads, questions & answers, in a hot second!

Right On Traveler!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:17:07 PM

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Could you add Flashbacks to your list Traveler?

Lots of govt propaganda when i was a teen saying that you could have flashbacks any time in your life after doing lsd, mushrooms etc.

I've never had one Very happy
acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there is amazing.

The Traveler
#4 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:24:29 PM

"No, seriously"

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Thank you for the enthausiastic replies!

This will also be put on the DMT-Nexus Wiki as a read for all, to finally display some truth on this subject.

The Erowid myth section is very helpful! I think we can incorporate much of it.

#5 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:41:37 PM

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Great Idea traveler.

In the 60's people used to say that the hairs on peyote had strychnine in them and could kill you. Which is not true. Also most of what people though were mescaline pills/powder and mushrooms in the 60's were actually found out to be LSD.

Some people think that the synthesis of LSD can result in strychnine as a contaminant or that it is used in the reaction. This is not true at all (although they have some structural resemblance Indole). In fact what occured was that some people were putting strychnine on blotter as in low doses it is mildly psychoactive.

MDMA puts holes in your brain. This has not been shown to occur and is in fact impossible. They manipulated the evidence and lied to create those misleading images. Furthermore there is no evidence that MDMA creates any permanent damage. It does alter 5-HT function with chronic use although it has been found that after a few months of abstinence everything returns to normal. Still it is not a good idea to take it chronically.

There is no evidence that DMT is produced during birth or death. In fact it has been found to be present in everyone and the levels were not very variable. It is very likely it plays a role in normal physiological functions. Also even if it was released at birth much of the brain (especially the visual cortex and sensory association regions) is not yet functionally formed and thus the experience would not be that exciting.

Never coming Back:

There is not a known single case of this ever occurring. In some susceptible individuals it may be possible that hallucinogens can precipiatate or make worse pre-existing pathologies. ALthough this is wishful thinking or anecdotal.

Flash Backs:

SWIM has never had a flash back nor has any reliable person SWIM knows. Although a bad trip on LSD made him constantly worried he would when younger. The scientific literature seems to think it is a legitimate occurrence although rare and typically occurs with LSD use. Although it does not seem to be a common phenomenon and may in fact have nothing to due with having taken psychedelics but since the individual has taken them that is how they interpret the experience. Other people may have similar experiences who have never taken hallucinogens and thus would not call them flashbacks.

But considering SWIM must be insane (more than 7 times) who knows?

#6 Posted : 7/11/2009 7:53:26 PM

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bufoman wrote:
But considering SWIM must be insane (more than 7 times) who knows?


Yea, can we trust anything we say, most of us are surely insane by now!!! According to those standards!!


That's F'n great!
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 Posted : 7/11/2009 8:29:30 PM

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everybody has flashbacks all the time, from all sorts of experiences that mark us.. listen to a cd that you used to listen a lot in some particular time of your life, like when you were in love with someone or whatever, and you may even start smelling things that were common back then and having all sorts of perceptual/emotional changes that were associated to that cd. Its no difference with such profound experiences such as with psychedelics, logically we SHOULD get some sort of flashback from them Smile
#8 Posted : 7/11/2009 8:31:01 PM

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Flashbacks are not related to the drug being in the body. Most flashbacks happen to people who've experienced something that was very stressful or blissful, such as being in a war, or being in love for the first time. My uncle was in the Vietnam War, and had flashbacks to it for many years afterwards. He never used psychedelic drugs.

Flashbacks are a phenomenon that has been occurring to human beings all around the world for thousands of years. They are simply a natural occurrence.

Sometimes something as simple as a scent can trigger a flashback to something. In a flashback you can experience the emotions, memories, even the sounds of that past event. Some flashbacks are so severe that people actually SEE pieces of that memory appear before their eyes.

It’s a fascinating subject, but has actually nothing to do with psychedelics.

With that being said, SWIM had never had a flashback and has used LSD thousands of times.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#9 Posted : 7/11/2009 8:31:47 PM

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beat you to it ron hehe Razz
#10 Posted : 7/11/2009 8:41:33 PM

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LSD contains strychnine myth

What I find interesting about this myth is that SWIM knew someone who actually did mix strychnine with LSD and put it on blotters (the guy was eventually caught and was arrested). He heard about this myth and decided to try it out and found the combination to be quite nice.

How did this myth get started?

Also, the myth about peyote hairs containing strychnine, how did that get started?

Where did this strychnine link to psychedelics first manifest?

In small doses, strychnine is a very pleasant stimulant. It was once given to patients who were complaining of feeling lethargic. It’s still used for this purpose in some countries. Like LSD, it’s very potent and very cheap. Stimulants typically go well with most psychedelics.

I imagine that this myth, though 99% false, actually originated from an actual real case. Does anyone know about this?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Big Inhale
#11 Posted : 7/11/2009 8:46:16 PM

The Enlightend One

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Here is one. Exstacy is cut with coke or heroin.
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#12 Posted : 7/11/2009 9:13:44 PM

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Sometimes exstacy pills contain small amounts of cocaine although this is rare. I am not sure why but I have seen it on DEA microgram and other E analysis sites. Cocaine is not very orally active although it would have a mild stimulant effect at a low dose. I have never seen any reports of e pills containing heroin however I have seen reports of them containing other opiates like fentanyl. They are also very commonly cut with amphetamines, as well as ketamine. Now a day more than 50% of the E pills they find do not even contain MDMA but usually some strange BZP analogue. Caffeine is common too.

Thus there are pills which are more stimulant like than others which is likely where this talk got started.

Here is a cool site which analyses E pills:

#13 Posted : 7/11/2009 10:58:48 PM

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On flashbacks : I used to have a friend who was really into RC's back when Dr. Benway was still doing his thing. This friend was chronically depressed and was having a mental breakdown that caused him to attempt suicide by consuming every drug he had laying around which wound up being one ounce of cube's and around a gram of 5meo-DIPT. He went to the hospital for sure and the tale he had to tell was really something else.

Fast forward a year and I'm with this guy in my room making a dub of a VHS he wanted and I was smoking pot and he asked for a hit (he didn't smoke weed regular) and after two hits he dropped his snapple bottle and went right into a breakthrough experience, a replica of his experiences on his legendary OD. I had to call his parents and deal with that train wreck and later on he reported that it lasted for hours and it was prettymuch just like what was happening in the hospital.

Nobody knows why what or how but pot can trigger breakthrough psychedelic effects and sometimes pot can do that to people who never do something a psychedelic. So I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the possibility of a spontaneous flashback.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#14 Posted : 7/11/2009 11:05:52 PM

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Your friend was obviously unstable to begin with, as you pointed out in his history.

The fact that he used a psychoactive substance can, of course, have triggered some negative experience, psychotic symptoms and what not.... But a fight with someone close, going on a rollercoaster or lack of sleep could have possibly done the same.

What we are talking about, here, when mentioning the 'flashback myth', is the idea that a completely normal person who has taken a psychedelic sometime in life, suddenly, long after and for no reason at all, enter into a psychedelic state of consciousness with all the perceptory, emotional and mental effects, in a way different than what happens normally with everybody that has any kind of moving experience in life and 'vividly recalls' it after.. you know what I mean?

Your post brings something important though, which is, as we all know, psychedelics are not for everybody and neither for all times, and that people with a history of 'psychiatric issues' or in sensitive moments should be careful with psychoactive substances Smile
#15 Posted : 7/11/2009 11:43:51 PM

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The point of my post was to state that the mechanism for a flash back exists. He was in a bad mood and made a stupid choice but that does not mean he is prone to seeing everything around him melt. Its my assumption that inside the brain there is room for that to occur. Its unlikely that it will occur without some sort of post traumatic stress. But if something can happen, its likely that it will happen to somebody at some point in time maybe even to an astronaut in space.

I don't think the myth holds any real water though because nothing really seems to happen without reason. Cause and effect play a big role in brain-stuff.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#16 Posted : 7/12/2009 12:00:59 AM

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There is no way that the chemicals linger in the brain. Nor are there any known changes in the CNS that occur that could explain flash backs. Marijuana can precipitate a panic anxiety response in some people. Having had a traumatic experience in the past especially a drug induced one may influence the content of the attack. To have the exact same experience as one would have on psychedelics just seems unlikely but you never know.

Are you sure it was 5-MeO-DIPT? Taking 1000 mg means he took at the max recommended dose 50 doses. People have died from taking less than that amount. I believe one man died from taking 100mg intrarectally. 5-MeO-DIPT has strong SSRI activity and some suspected MAOI activity. (5-HT syndrome) How reliable is your friend? Sometimes people exaggerate?

Either way what did he say were the effects? Could he recall anything from the effects? How long did the effects last? LSD chemists speak about high doses experiences that occur during the production and handling of the LSD. Some times serious side effects can occur and trips that last days.
#17 Posted : 7/12/2009 12:25:03 AM

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Yeah this guy was in the hospital hooked up to an IV slurry. He recalled the effects he experienced before he passed out/lost consciousness (and was found on the floor) If he was making this up then his parents were in on it. There are so many chemical reactions possible for the brain to make that it seems ignorant to assume that the brain can't have the technical means to replicate the tryptamine experience. If you can dream at night then perhaps you can dream in the day (for some reason) and if you can dream in the day then you can experience ANYTHING. All ranges of possible experiences that the brain can have could potentially occur without drug interactions. Brain science is brand new. Someone could take a hit of 5meo-DMT and wind up in Salvia Space.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#18 Posted : 7/12/2009 3:57:49 AM
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I have many flashbacks, mostly due to LSD, and usually only within 4 months of using it. They pop up from time to time, but I get them about once a week when I've recently dosed. I forget where I am, nothing makes any sense, I don't understand who or what I am, and there's some asshole with glasses and a pet brontosaurus who bites his head off as he laughs at me. I don't know why, but I get really scared by this (lmao!) and then it disappears.

YOU might not have flashbacks, but flashbacks CERTAINLY exist. Other psychedelics don't tend to induce them to such a large degree.
#19 Posted : 7/12/2009 4:05:53 AM

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I was told that the strict 9 was used as a preserve to make the LSD active longer on the paper. I also remember a few types of doses that caused really bad cramping in the neck, back and we likened this to strick 9.

I was also told that the brain produces DMT durring REM sleep but upon further research I guess that is not true or inconclusive to say the least.
#20 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:01:51 AM

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Several lysergic acid class alkaloids do cause strychnine like effects in some people, and it’s very likely that some of these alkaloids are present as impurities in the LSD. It’s most likely that the “strychnine in LSD” myth comes from this. If you’ve played around with HBWR seeds, you’ll recognize the “strychnine in LSD” effect in some HBWR seeds. HBWR seeds DO NOT contain strychnine. The strychnine like effect is from some of the lysergic acid derivatives present in the seeds.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
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