Leithen wrote:I personally have had a few experiences that seem similar. Generally, this happens when I take a smaller dose of spice and sometimes when I seem to be distracted by "ego game" or "ordinary reality".
I fell very little, if anything, at first but as I start to relax and "focus" I can see more and feel a lot. It takes over my whole field of vision and is quite powerful. I still am slightly connected to reality and have never considered this a true "breakthrough". That being said, I think these experiences can be extremely valuable and help one get in a proper headspace as well as get more comfortable with the substance so they may eventually try a higher dosage.
Yes i agree although i want to say that when not on any substance [perfectly straight]..i can look at the walls in my bathroom and they will begin to move and ripple like a light dose of LSD..
Well i have done plenty of real LSD during the [Sands and Owsley era] and this is an easy trick for me to do..
Yes being on a marginal dose of vaped dmt and just looking in a mirror or at an object long enough changes my visual picture some..but ive found that with a small to medium dose of acacia with smoked cappi.. the same experiance changes ..[A Huge amount for me].. as the objects around me become multi neon colored and i find my self thrust forward into a darkened universe of zero gravity and objects in room become very colorful floating bodys floating past me as if i were in outer space or the inner space of my own [minds inner brain landscape]
This staring at objects after smoking ..[ with the help of dmt cappi mix]..for me alows me to change what my eyes see in the room.. to a totally diferent vision of what my mind normaly sees!
Kind of like seeing with ones minds eye...
Or finding it easier to ignore what your eyes normaly see in the room by purposly finding a diferent visual route within your minds visual field..
[example]..in waking world...i just observed something i thought fimilar?..after thinking about it a mind picture comes to focus..then i remember as the mental picture explanes...
It is very cool experiance similar to throwing ones self into a meditative visual trance...
This becomes more than just an image .. I becoming part of it..for at least a little while...i become part of it as if in a self imposed dream body or energy body..
All of this can be done on a small wimpy dose of dmt and cappi...
Sorry if im mixing a lot of lucid dream theory into the dmt experiance..but there is some conections with the normal dream state and dmt visuals i think...