I am downloading that Psykovsky album so i'll let you know what i think of it. I have been listening to psytrance for way too long and have developed a healthy obsession with it. i love all types of music, but something changed inside me after listening to "LSD" by Hallucinogen, when it first came out. It was that song that helped me understand psychedelics, as well as the psychedelics helping me understand the music.
Glade festival next week!!! For people who don't live in the UK, its one of the biggest psytrance/electronic muscic festivals in europe. Yum!!!
If people want to listen to some new stuff that sounds similar to classical mushroom (back when infected mushroom was good) then download Terrafractyl Chrysalis (it's an Australian dude's debut album).
To get back on topic...
I admire people who feel the need to dive into that place of horror. The only thing i can suggest is be careful what you wish for, as you might get there and completely regret it. Like others have mentioned so far, it isn't like watching something on TV where it is easy to change the channel or look away. It is more like you could thrown into the depths of pure hell. I think it is a possibility that going into a horror filled space can help us learn about our selves. maybe not in a good way, but a learning experience non the less.
People should all ways hope and ask the gods for a good experience before entering spice land. If an extremely bad experience occurs, then and only then should we have to deal with it. I really don't think one should intentionally try and go to that dark place... Whatever floats yer boat i guess