Amanita Muscaria - Holy Grail Method Options
#1 Posted : 6/30/2015 6:39:41 PM

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A couple weeks ago I posted about a new tech I was trying - creating a Amanita Muscaria based "Holy Grail". I got the recipe from this free pdf:
The tech is on page 60. Basically you get dried amanita pieces to grow a new fungus on the inside of a terracotta clay bowl by feeding it grape juice, and the juice will become infused with the fungus and becomes your "ambrosia" or psychedelic drink. Feeding the amanita pieces this juice causes them to grow a new fungus on the inside of the clay bowl and this new fungus is your Holy Grail which should give you an endless supply of ambrosia (you can extract every week once the grail is finished). I started my grail a week ago, so the fungus is still maturing - I need to wait another 2 weeks about for it to be ready for more grape juice.... But creating the grail did provide my first batch of ambrosia to test out!

Yesterday was my first experience drinking the "ambrosia" (infused grape juice) from what will be my grail. So basically juice infused for 8-9 hours with amanita and then watered down (2 parts water to one part juice). Tastes good actually - like grape juice with a hint of amanita (and amanita taste pretty decent). I drank about a third of what my first batch produced - it was about 2 wine glasses worth. I drank the second wine glass about 90min after the first one, because I was testing out dosage strength.

The come-on of the effects are a little slow and gentle which I liked.... Felt like a light alcohol buzz at first, but then when I closed my eyes I would see lots of colors, geometries and visuals. I never had any nausea throughout the entire experience. About 90 min in it seemed like it had peeked and I wanted a little deeper experience so I drank the second glass which took another hour or so to fully peak.

This amount of amanita was certainly enough for me to know I had consumed amanita and I got a decent feel for the mushroom, but normally I would like a slightly more powerful experience - next time I will probably drink what I have left of the ambrosia in one go to see what a stronger experience is like (I have about 60-70% of the infused juice left). Amanita seems really nice by itself, but I could also see it working well with psilocybin mushrooms added if the moment felt right....

Main experience consisted of very thoughtful meditations and reflections on life, interesting visuals, and at a couple points I also felt like my body was drifting away... I think a higher dose might have caused out of body experience....

I also had a very strange synchronicity when I decided mid-journey to go for a short walk at the park next door:
I saw to boys playing together, and they looked like brothers about 2 and 4 years old. The younger one sat on the grass and looked at me and I thought "Wow, he looks just like my brother at that age!" Then the older one called back my brothers name to the little child! At that point I realized the two boys were a look alike match for my brother and I.... And the younger boy called my name to the older brother! Was pretty trippy! lol.... These synchronicity type patterns seem to be a hallmark of the amanita to me, and I am curious to see how they progress with more experience....

Overall I would say this was a nice gentle introduction to Amanita and a very enjoyable experience with some insight and a good deal of relaxation. I think larger doses will be more insightful, and maybe also a little more challenging which I look forward to. I would certainly recommend the grail method so far - seems to produce a light and gentle psychedelic that is tasty and easy to make at home. If you made your own clay bowls and foraged your own mushrooms it could also be potentially free to make and can last you a lifetime (if you bought both the bowl and the mushroom online it would be close to $40-50 which still is cheap for an endless supply of amanita).

Arc of effects went something like: 30 min till first effects felt, 90 min till full effects felt, then experience lasted 8-9 hours before I went to bed still feeling the effects. I woke up this morning with some minor residual after-effects which are pleasant - no hangover of any kind. No nausea during any part of the experiment. Before bed I did smoke a little cannabis which was nice and complimented the experience - had a really deep experience listening to icaros in bed as I fell asleep....


Now, this was just the first batch of ambrosia that came from my first infusion which is how you start the grail.... I havent gotten to test out yet how the new fungus will infuse my juice. It still needs another 2 weeks I would guess to get to the right spot that I can feed it more grape juice.

Here is a pic:

You can see why the Holy Grail is not for the faint of heart! Looks pretty gnarly! Smells good though, and the notes I am following say it is supposed to look scary but smell nice, and the colors of the fungus so far match what the notes describe (amanita pieces have turned black and hard and there is a white/grey hairlike fungus growing all over the bowl). The white fungus will be my new grail if everything keeps working out.... I hope it does, as I really want to go deeper with this medicine and so far the grail was really nice to work with....

I will keep posting updates as the grail progresses and especially after I get to try my next infusion with the new fungus from my grail!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/30/2015 7:14:44 PM

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Nice, i never tried amanita this seem a good way...i don't see the pic and open the pdf link give me an error, you know where to look at or can you write the exact procedure ?

Thanks :-)
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#3 Posted : 6/30/2015 7:32:52 PM

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I just tried the link and it worked for me.... But you should be able to find it if you google "herb of immortality". (or google "herb of immortality pdf amanita" or something similar)
#4 Posted : 6/30/2015 11:41:45 PM

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ok, now worked...i'm under TOR, give me errors...but thanks to "print in a file"...look a good book on amanita....thanks :-)
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Mitakuye Oyasin
#5 Posted : 7/1/2015 2:42:52 AM

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Very interesting info. Do you know how long this information has been around or where it originated from? Thanks for sharing.
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

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#6 Posted : 7/1/2015 2:53:44 AM

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Mitakuye Oyasin wrote:
Very interesting info. Do you know how long this information has been around or where it originated from? Thanks for sharing.

Read the book. Smile
O Immortal, O Soma
Pavamana, Word of God
In flesh and living blood
Resurrected fruit of the Tree of life
#7 Posted : 7/5/2015 8:28:09 PM

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2nd test with first batch of Ambrosia.... Shared the remaining 2/3rds with my wife - so we each had a dose similar to what I drank last time, but this time we drank it all at once instead of in two glasses 90min apart....

Originally my plan was to drink the entire 2/3rds myself, but since my wife was able to join I decided to share and make up for the lighter dosage by adding a bit of cubensis (about 2 grams each). We enjoyed cannabis throughout and later in the ceremony we also snuffed hape'. First 3-4 hours were spent meditating in darkness/silence, and then we spent a few hours in the woods next door.

Very welcoming fungus - neither of us had any nausea and the experience was deep enough to get good insight, but gentle enough to be relaxing and fun at the same time. After the first few hours of meditation when we started interacting more there was lots of laughter and playfulness.

Something about amanita is similar to other psychedelics, and there is also something unique.... It is hard to describe. Felt like the mushroom gave me a lot of energy work, sometimes it felt like I was about to leave my body even... Lots of visuals, especially with closed eyes, and sometimes the visuals would turn into visions. More weird synchronicites - seems to be a specialty of the amanita... Hummingbirds were especially playful with perfect timing! And some people started interacting with us in very unexpected ways!

Over-all: so far this has been one of the easiest psychedelics to get to know a little... No nausea, pleasant taste, easy to make and cheap, easily available and legal, not overly intense so far... Still have more testing to do though - I want to try some stronger doses to see what happens and find the ideal range to work with.
#8 Posted : 7/5/2015 8:37:46 PM

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waiting for new post... very interesting...Thumbs up
#9 Posted : 7/18/2015 7:57:09 PM

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Wow, I never knew Amanita Muscaria could be cultivated like this, thanks for the info and bio-assay!Thumbs up
Flower Witch
#10 Posted : 7/21/2015 9:28:32 PM

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Thank you so much for posting this, this is very interesting! I am eagerly awaiting more of your stories. Smile

I am curious, do you normally experience significant nausea with other forms of amanita ingestion? I get it pretty bad on the coming up of either the muscaria or the pantherina, and though it mostly passes by the time the effects are really kicking, I would be lying if I said this wasn't a major trip deterrent. I already have gastrointestinal issues as it is as well, so nausea and stomach pain are about the worst (well, worst safe) side effects I can get....

However, everything else about the experience I love. So far I have mostly gotten effects mostly along the lines of moving shadows and visual warping and trailing on muscarias, but the pantherinas have been much more powerful; overall, I find the effect to be somewhat like some of the disinhibition of alcohol, some of the geometry of psychedelics, and some of the visions of deliriants, with a few truly unique qualities thrown in as well. They are fascinating fungi, and if I had a good way of taking them without nausea, my usage of them would very likely increase drastically!
#11 Posted : 7/22/2015 12:32:11 AM

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I havent ingested amanitas very many ways - so far most of my experience is with smoking them. Only drank this amanita juice twice so far, but I will probably do my second extraction this week sometime (first extraction of the new fungus that is growing in there - so I hope it works and doesnt make me sick!).

My wife and I both had no nausea though, so I think this is a pretty gentle method. I dont normally run from nausea though - I figure if it comes then it is probably part of the medicine (I work with plants/fungi for healing and guidance, not really for fun). I think part of the nausea might also do with how long they are cured before consuming - at least that is what the Herb of Life pdf says (nausea caused by ibutonic acid, which converts to mucimal during curing).

I do have some more amanitas, so maybe I will try tea or more likely a cold water extraction sometime...

I did not experience anything similar to alcohol. I dont know the difference between dileriants and psychedelics - they always seemed pretty similar to me, kinda like splitting hairs.... I got really good communication and insight from the fungus though, and that is what I was really looking for.
Mitakuye Oyasin
#12 Posted : 7/22/2015 12:39:20 AM

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This information is so welcome and refreshing. It actually fills in a lot of holes of the Christian/Biblical info - the body and blood being consumed, the grail, the wine, the body, the flesh - all fit better with AM than a human or man/god. I'd love to hear more about this and more peoples experiences of drinking the ambrosia.
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

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Flower Witch
#13 Posted : 7/22/2015 1:19:06 AM

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travsha wrote:
I havent ingested amanitas very many ways - so far most of my experience is with smoking them. Only drank this amanita juice twice so far, but I will probably do my second extraction this week sometime (first extraction of the new fungus that is growing in there - so I hope it works and doesnt make me sick!).

My wife and I both had no nausea though, so I think this is a pretty gentle method. I dont normally run from nausea though - I figure if it comes then it is probably part of the medicine (I work with plants/fungi for healing and guidance, not really for fun). I think part of the nausea might also do with how long they are cured before consuming - at least that is what the Herb of Life pdf says (nausea caused by ibutonic acid, which converts to mucimal during curing).

I do have some more amanitas, so maybe I will try tea or more likely a cold water extraction sometime...

I did not experience anything similar to alcohol. I dont know the difference between dileriants and psychedelics - they always seemed pretty similar to me, kinda like splitting hairs.... I got really good communication and insight from the fungus though, and that is what I was really looking for.

Thanks for the response! Not to get too side tracked, but would you mind if I asked how much you generally smoke to get effects? I have only gotten mild effects from trying pinches of material so far.

Good luck with the next extraction! Your results have gotten me excited so far. If the nausea actually culminated in a purge for me that might be one thing, but what I feel after eating or drinking really feels more just like my stomach having a negative reaction to the mixture, as it already does with many things. There are not many oral psychoactives I can take without nausea as of late honestly, but I was hoping that making a tasty juice out of it might help my stomach adjust! I had suspected that the ibotenic acid might be responsible as well, so that is also good to know....

I will admit to using these mushrooms for fun, which may be why I was able to notice the alcohol-like effects (and it's not the disorientation, just in the way it relieves anxiety and tension), but I also use them for deeper exploration. Higher doses are a little too psychologically disorganized to be described as fun, more like mystical. As for the visuals, the similarities I see with psychedelics are bright colors, smoothly organic visual patterning, and smoke-like warping distortions, but structured organization of the visions I see is more realistic but flat and mixed with static like a deliriant, but still unique. It's all superficial observation though, the mindset I find to be not overly like either of them.
Mitakuye Oyasin
#14 Posted : 7/23/2015 5:05:32 AM

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Has anyone ever tried this with psilocybin mushrooms? Do they resurrect?
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.
#15 Posted : 7/25/2015 6:26:22 PM

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Interesting;i have ever read this pdf, the amanita was young; old ? I am curious have you any picture?
#16 Posted : 7/25/2015 10:32:06 PM

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Flower Witch wrote:

Thanks for the response! Not to get too side tracked, but would you mind if I asked how much you generally smoke to get effects? I have only gotten mild effects from trying pinches of material so far.

I have to smoke quite a bit to get noticeable effects. Some people have told me smoking small amounts before bed give them lucid dreams, but I dont often remember my dreams...

I usually smoked them in spliffs with a little bit of mapacho (amazonian tobacco) mixed in(90% amanita and 10% tobacco and maybe mullein). Usually I am sharing with my wife - I found that we needed to share at least 4 big spliffs to get a very strong effect, and usually we would smoke 4 spliffs while also eating a gram or two of psylocybin mushrooms to help potentiate them. The effect felt more like Amanita then regular mushrooms though, like Amanita was guiding the experience and the other mushrooms were more like extra fuel...

It is quite a bit of smoking.... I greatly prefer the grape juice extract so far.
#17 Posted : 7/25/2015 10:33:32 PM

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Mitakuye Oyasin wrote:
Has anyone ever tried this with psilocybin mushrooms? Do they resurrect?

I think the resurrection is a unique property of the Amanita, but I havent tried it with psilocybin mushrooms, so I dont really know.... The above pdf made it sound like this was unique to amanita though...
#18 Posted : 7/25/2015 10:36:10 PM

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basilic wrote:
Interesting;i have ever read this pdf, the amanita was young; old ? I am curious have you any picture?

The amanitas I used were 6-8 months old/cured. The above pdf recommends curing for at least 3 months to let the ibutonic acid convert to mucimol. I honestly only know what I have read online though, and at the moment I am putting a lot of trust in the material from the above pdf for these experiments because I couldnt find other people using similar methods...

I dont have any pics of the amanitas before I put them in the grail... Just the above pic of how the new fungus was growing in there.... I do have some more amanitas which are curing right now - if this grail works out, I might make a second one with this strain as well to see how they differ...
#19 Posted : 9/6/2015 4:49:02 AM

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I've found this unique writing that seems to describe in metaphor ... well! it would be up to anyone to decide exactly, but it seems to describe this method perhaps to use with any crystalform medicine.

When, as has been said, our scarlet-clad bridegroom came to the old men with his dear bride, her white garments gleaming brightly, they were soon united and I greatly wondered that the maiden who might be the bridegroom's mother was nevertheless so young that she seemed newly born, as it were.
Now I do not know how the two had sinned; perhaps as brother and sister, united in love in such a way that they could not be separated, they had been accused of incest. Instead of a bridal bed and brilliant wedding they were condemned to a strong and everlasting prison. However, because of their noble birth and station, in order that they could do nothing together in secret, and so all their doings would always be visible to their guard, their prison was transparent-clear like crystal and round like a heavenly dome.

But what happened? As soon as they felt the faintest breath of warmth, they embraced each other so lovingly that the like of it will not be seen again. And they remained together in such ardor that the heart of the young bridegroom disappeared in burning love, and his entire body melted and sank down in the arms of his beloved. When the latter, who had loved him no less than he had loved her, saw this, she began to lament, weeping bitterly over him and, so to say, buried him in such a flood of tears that one could no longer see what had happened to him. But her lamenting and weeping lasted only for a short time, for because of her great heart-sorrow she did not wish to live longer, and died of her own free will. Ah, woe is me! In what anxiety, grief and distress was I when I saw those two I was to have helped, dissolved entirely to water and lying before me dead.

Certain failure was there before my eyes, and moreover, what to me was the bitterest, and what I feared most were the coming taunts and sneers, as well as the punishment I would have to undergo.
I passed a few days in careful thought, considering what I could do, when I recalled how Medea had restored the corpse of Jason to life, and so I asked myself, "If Medea could do it, why cannot you do it also?" Whereat I began to think how to proceed with it, but I did not find any better method than to maintain a steady warmth until the water would recede and I could see the dead bodies of the lovers once again. Then I hoped that I would escape all danger to my great gain and praise.

Therefore for forty days I continued with the warmth I had begun, and I saw that the longer I did this, the more the water disappeared, and the dead bodies, black as coal, came to view. And indeed this would have happened sooner had not the room been locked and sealed so tightly. But under no conditions dared I open it. Then I noticed quite clearly that the water rose high toward the clouds, collected on the ceiling of the room, and descended again like rain;

nothing could escape, so our bridegroom lay with his beloved bride before my eyes dead and rotten, stinking beyond all measure.
Meanwhile, I saw in the room a rainbow of the most beautiful colors, caused by the sunshine in the moist weather, which heartened me no little in the midst of my sorrows. And soon I became rather happy that I could see my two lovers lying before me. However, no joy is so great that sorrow is not mixed with it; therefore in my joy I was sorrowful because I saw the ones I was to have guarded lying lifeless before me. But since their room was made from such pure and solid material and was shut so tightly, I knew that their soul and their spirit could not escape, but were still enclosed in it, so I continued with my steady warmth day and night, carrying out my duty as prescribed, for I believed that the two would not return to their bodies so long as the moisture was present. This I indeed found to be true. For in many careful observations I observed that many vapors arose from the earth about evening, through the power of the sun, and ascended on high as if the sun itself were drawing up the water. But during the night they gathered into a lovely and fertile dew, descending very early in the morning, enriching the earth and washing the corpses of our dead, so that

from day to day, the longer such bathing and washing continued, they became even whiter and more beautiful. But the more beautiful and whiter they became, the more they lost their moisture, until at last when the air became light and clear and all the foggy, damp weather had passed, the spirit and soul of the bride could no longer remain in the pure air, and returned into the transfigured, glorified body of the Queen, and as soon as the body felt their presence, it instantly became living once again.


There are so many direct connections to what you describe! i wouldn't say that this is with certainty what the text is about, but, that the similarities are enriching and very beautiful.

What would happen in a clear, closed container that had moisture and a safe water cycle, that would house amanita material and eventual mycelial activity, along with perhaps an equal amount of DMT crystals?

I am pondering perhaps whether the crystals would end up being consumed somehow by the mycelium but, they would not just disappear, wouldn't the amanita mycelium, if it were to digest the DMT crystals, make a secondary metabolite?

Hopefully there is someone who might be able to find out within a few years or sooner!

And, moreso, you have already explored this very fascinating method of being able to have sort of an aquatic amanita, that can be used medicinally! That is just as exciting!

#20 Posted : 9/6/2015 6:59:55 PM

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I would try and read a bit the book, it's very stimulating this thing of amanitas....can i use a wood vessel for the same procedure, in the book or i don't remeber were i read about wooden think it's possibile ? i search also for a good clay pot wiyhout holes in the bottom, but i don't know if they are treated in some way, i can chisel a good piece of wood :-)
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