First of all - I'm not much of a writer, but more of a reader of the forums, but I believe this story must be told and advice to be heard...
A friend of a SWIM's friend told me a story of someone having a very strange experience (probably in his imagination). He was quite experienced in all kinds of psychoactive states for years and had many deep spice-dreams in a past year. It got to the point when regular amounts would not be significant enough to produce serious breakthrough, so he took a break for a couple of weeks and decided to try to get to the hyperspace again at a friend's house.
Recently he found somewhere some jungle spice (MHRB-Toluene extract) and some regular off-white spice. The "Machine" was loaded with approximately 0.25g of jungle spice and a good pinch ~0.2g of yellow-white spice. The exact amount couldn't be determined as no measuring was done, but it was the biggest load he ever managed to put in the "machine". It's also unknown if there was anything left as the device was lost, same as the spice...
He took 5 rips for the first time in his life as the regular 3 didn't seem to be interesting anymore. BTW, the "machine" allows you to take VERY big hits, hence the high tolerance mentioned earlier. Then the unusual started. First of - the place turned very dark-blue-violet (it was always bright!) with light shining through the cracks in the walls and rectangular patterns (instead of usual hexagons). The music that came on was very familiar and he realized that it was the same track he'd listen to in his solitary trips to hyperspace. It was unexpected (but very pleasant) as his friends did not share his musical tastes in this particular type of music!
The breakthrough started and then someone started banging on the door. Music was turned off and the voice behind the door demanded "This is police, open up!" The one living in this place said that "it must have been neighbors who called the cops". Here he couldn't stay in the body much longer, put away his spice and looked at the place from above the roof. Is looked dark outside with this particular building glowing in a variety beautiful colors. He realized that when someone goes that deep, it gets too obvious to the people outside and this moment was about to come one of these days.
People behind the door demanded it open a few more times and a minute later everything got quiet. He had some fear at first but then it went away and he decided to take the life the way it was going. It was the most significant trip anyway and he explained it to himself that it should have been expected - creating too much disturbance in the universe would cause trouble to him. He also thought that if it's possible to change the flow of events, then it is the time! He wished nobody was behind the door.
A few minutes later, when one of the (sober) people present in the room carefully has opened the door and peeked through, there was nobody there... She admitted (an hour later) that somebody was there earlier, but they were not opening the door.
At some moment he closed the eyes and got an explanation that this is it - the transition of life. He was explained that he pretty much achieved everything he wanted in life, that going forward is just a waste of time. There was a sequence of his wishes through the life and events that seemed to be precise responses to his wishes. They were going in the reverse chronological order. Then the sorted list of emotions, just like in catalog, with definitions and brief examples from the life experiences. Then the list of all the sounds his body could make, again, cataloged and very short samples but an enormous amount of them. Then the list of emotions-antagonists like love-hate used simultaneously with explanations and examples and so on... It was the condition of the zero-consciousness, nirvana, when the universe was equal to zero. It was the point that combined all possible events in the same point happening at the same time. He realized it was the end of his life, not just a trip, that he would recognize. After reaching the zero-point where the universe collapsed all it's infinity to zero, it started expanding again and he had to choose a body of a life form to be transported to for the next life. He chose his previous body as he though he had unfinished business. He had to confirm it again, because his internal voice was trying to reason him - he had pretty much everything he wanted in that life, a lot of things he wished never happened and didn't want anything else new. He remembers asking for at least couple more days and remembers the number 4 as an answer (not sure 4 of what).
The comeback to the world was very harsh. He found himself laying on the floor with friends trying to wake him up. Everything was too bright and colorless, black and white. Slowly colors got back in, but the mind still wasn't completely with him. It took him at least 3-4 hours to realize that he cannot walk through the walls or move things by the power of his thought. It took him about 6-7 hours to stop giggling (it was a funny thought that he had just seen all his future life and it was developing exactly as he saw it) and talking to himself. He was trying to convince others that what they are seeing doesn't exist and the reality can be modified at will. His actions and words and explanations to the people present with him (all were well experienced in DMT tripping) lead them to ask him to leave. There was nothing violent, aggressive, insulting... Well, maybe a little insane

He could remember trying to speak the language he heard in the Hyperspace, but no one would understand.
The feeling of continuing life in this body started becoming annoying.
The next day (+19 hrs) he woke up still feeling awkward in this body. Nothing seemed to interest him anymore. Continuing usual things in life became pointless. He realized that he indeed got all things he asked for and didn't want anything he didn't get. He tried to arouse any kind of desire - at least hunger or sexual- and it didn't happen. He wasn't feeling depressed or sad. His actions and normal life became so dull and boring that he felt he shouldn't have been back and moved on to the next level.
A little later he got a short note from a friend, by chance not being present at the time of that trip, a roommate who lived in that home. It said to never come to their place again or else they would call the police. No other comments followed.
Now he's wondering if there's a chance to actually remain in the hyperspace. He says he doesn't want to be treated as a mentally sick person here, he'd rather never came back. And all the worries in his life he has and all his gains and achievements seem so petty that there is no point staying here. He says he has never had depressions or suicidal attempts, neither any psychiatric conditions. And he has very little time before 4 days is over... Should he go on another very deep trip? Will an accident happen? Will he just disappear from this world? He doesn't have answers for any of those questions, but his current condition is not something he wants to be in...
Sorry about the length of the story, I tried to make it shorter - It was waaay more detailed before I cut out the philosophy revealed at the "zero point".