Voice recorders for more acurate trip reports? Options
#21 Posted : 7/3/2009 7:45:38 PM


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This has inspired me to record the S.H.E. and will transcribe thereafter.

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The Traveler
#22 Posted : 7/3/2009 7:56:17 PM

"No, seriously"

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I think that in essence this is a good idea!

However, I also think that it's best to transcribe the audio recording for these reasons:
1. Easier to search through, searching in an audio file to find specifics can be a crime.
2. No long mumbling or meaningless and embarrassing moments to listen through. Pleased
3. IMPORTANT ONE: Just like with Youtube vids, the general public would not understand the meaning of these recordings. For them it's just another example of "the nonsense and destructive power that DMT brings" and the mumbling plus incoherent speech will put them off. It's just more ammunition for the opposition who will use it as means to show "DMT is dangerous and should be kept away from our children" and that kind of nonsense.

For these reasons I don't like the idea of having links to these mp3's on the DMT-Nexus or in general anywhere on the internet, the general public just wouldn't understand it.

I DO however like the idea of recording the journey and then TRANSCRIBING the recording afterwards.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#23 Posted : 7/3/2009 9:55:54 PM


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Quick notes. Audacity is FREE software. You must d/l a small file called "lame_enc.dll" to export audio as an mp3 file. Follow the directions. It's easy.

As for voice activated recorders. I personally don't like them. They are activated by sound. So if you are silent for a long moment then continue talking, a half of a second(+/-) gets chopped off the beginning while its activating. The workaround is a cough or clearing of the throat just before you continue speaking. Pain in tha tucus and unlikely to be remembered in hyperspace. Just a personal opinion.

Also, many usb mp3 players have a mic built in. I got one at a dollar store for $10.00 on sale from $20.00. It has 2Gb and sounds fine.

And finally, mp3 files for voice only can be saved at WAY under 128Kb. Try around 32Kb. That is plenty.

Thanks for reading, I know this is not the thread but I like to help if I can.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#24 Posted : 7/3/2009 11:36:27 PM


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The Traveler wrote:
I think that in essence this is a good idea!

However, I also think that it's best to transcribe the audio recording for these reasons:
1. Easier to search through, searching in an audio file to find specifics can be a crime.
2. No long mumbling or meaningless and embarrassing moments to listen through. Pleased
3. IMPORTANT ONE: Just like with Youtube vids, the general public would not understand the meaning of these recordings. For them it's just another example of "the nonsense and destructive power that DMT brings" and the mumbling plus incoherent speech will put them off. It's just more ammunition for the opposition who will use it as means to show "DMT is dangerous and should be kept away from our children" and that kind of nonsense.

For these reasons I don't like the idea of having links to these mp3's on the DMT-Nexus or in general anywhere on the internet, the general public just wouldn't understand it.

I DO however like the idea of recording the journey and then TRANSCRIBING the recording afterwards.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

1. The longest I can see any of these files being is 10min. probably no more than 5min. once it's edited.
2. Editing the files it's easy as hell and it really doesn't take that long compared to what you gain (or loose I suppose Smile)
3. Why are we so worried about what the public thinks about this? its not for them. The whole reason for this is not to show how cool I am to my friends. My goal is for us to gain a better understanding of hyperspace for those who go there (us). It has nothing to do with anyone else.
As a matter of fact I would be open to any suggestions as to how I can specifically prevent these files from getting into the hands of those who would use them against us since it's obviously a concern of some. Anyone know of a free password protected file host?

Traveler, are you saying that I cannot post audio trip reports links to the Nexus?
Just want to clear that up with you as I'm not looking to get banned from this site.

If need be I will transcribe the audio, however I think practice is a necessary evil in anything worth doing and I doubt
recording trip reports is any different. Plus I have every intention to edit out unnecessary parts so that it is easy to listen to.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!


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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
The Traveler
#25 Posted : 7/4/2009 12:04:11 AM

"No, seriously"

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vegantoker wrote:
3. Why are we so worried about what the public thinks about this? its not for them. The whole reason for this is not to show how cool I am to my friends. My goal is for us to gain a better understanding of hyperspace for those who go there (us). It has nothing to do with anyone else.

As a matter of fact I would be open to any suggestions as to how I can specifically prevent these files from getting into the hands of those who would use them against us since it's obviously a concern of some. Anyone know of a free password protected file host?

I'm so worried about these files going public because the general public will look at these files like we are some lunatics on drugs in the most evil way thinkable, they won't see and feel any truth behind it. In the wrong hands this can cause trouble for us, by means of increased federal assets on DMT or even the prohibition of our beloved DMT containing Jurema.

Even if it's password protected I won't take part in spreading these files. So as for allowing links to audio trip reports on the DMT-Nexus I have to say sorry but no, I hope you understand my position on this subject.

There is a change however that I'm prejudiced about this. So to make a fair gesture towards you, what about you making an audio trip report as you see it fit for publication and PM the link to that file to me? I'll then review it with the senior members to see if I'm wrong on the subject. Is that alright with you?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#26 Posted : 7/4/2009 2:32:52 AM


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The Traveler wrote:

...There is a change however that I'm prejudiced about this. So to make a fair gesture towards you, what about you making an audio trip report as you see it fit for publication and PM the link to that file to me? I'll then review it with the senior members to see if I'm wrong on the subject. Is that alright with you?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Yesir we shall do that. I will PM you the file as soon as it's done for your review.

Respectfully, I have to wonder why be concerned about this effecting public opinion and not about posting links to suppliers, extraction teks, and the rest? The general public has full access to this site as you know. Nothing is stopping anyone from finding out exactly how we get our final product and where we get the precursors. And I think they should be able to get this information if they so choose. As you must as well. If this doesn't cause a problem for the legal status of Mimosa how would an audio file? Granted I'm new to DMT, and I'm fully aware that their could be things I'm not taking into account, but thats why I'm going to abide by what you and the other mods decide.

Thanks for your time on this matter,

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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
wake and bacon
#27 Posted : 7/4/2009 6:52:11 AM
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To the public, it is akin to a McKenna speech - heard by few, known by even fewer. And it's on a way smaller scale than that, way smaller. If youtube/mp3 McKenna speeches filled with "crazy lunatic devilish drug" talk are harmful to our [legal position of the] spice, well then... hmph.
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
one is called "Post Reply" and the other is called "New Topic"
You will find these buttons at the top and bottom of most pages

The Traveler
#28 Posted : 7/4/2009 1:22:28 PM

"No, seriously"

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vegantoker wrote:
Respectfully, I have to wonder why be concerned about this effecting public opinion and not about posting links to suppliers, extraction teks, and the rest? The general public has full access to this site as you know. Nothing is stopping anyone from finding out exactly how we get our final product and where we get the precursors. And I think they should be able to get this information if they so choose. As you must as well. If this doesn't cause a problem for the legal status of Mimosa how would an audio file?

I'll try to explain this to my full beliefs.

The main difference is presentation. When people see experience reports of DMT they get curious, when people see youtube DMT vids of people tripping on DMT they don't understand and it get's them scared and revolted against DMT, you only have to see what happened with Salvia D to understand this.

The teks are here for several reasons:
Learn people how to extract spice themselves thus leaving out the drugs dealers
* DMT is not for profit
* With drug dealers you never know for sure what you get (there is no such thing as a trusted dealer!)
* Drug dealers might get you involved in real drugs, better to stay away.
* No "I'm real drunk now so let's do some other crazy sj*t like scoring DMT" disaster stories (this is one of the main reasons why mushrooms are now prohibited in The Netherlands, people drunk way too much alcohol and in their party drunkenness thought it would be fun to take mushrooms as well. This without knowing what that would do to them, their knowledge of mushrooms was severely lacking)

To show people what is involved in creating spice and give them more time to learn
People who extract the spice themselves get more respect for it. Also, while waiting for the supplies to arrive and extractions to complete, it gives them time to research the molecule. This will learn people about things like set and setting, the do's and don'ts of spice, different ways of administration, etc. In general this will give people a far better and safer experience.

I hope this clears things up for you, if you have any other question, pleas ask.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

p.s. I wouldn't compare a random live journey to a well thought out McKenna speech, something with apples and oranges. Pleased
Attention All Shipping
#29 Posted : 7/4/2009 9:41:40 PM
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Great explanation Traveller, Agree with you completely. Don't think I can add to it but I'll just respond to a few points.

vegantoker wrote:

How is recording audio of you by the quickest means available talking about your trip at the hight of your ability to recall it anything at all like stupid kids posting videos on youtube?

Because, in my experience, while your at your height of ability to recall your also at your most f**cked up and incoherent. I've just re-listened to a few of my recordings and they're not particularly cogent or coherent. There's a lot of gaps, a great deal of repetition, poor audio quality, grunts and exhalatione and going off on tangents, sometimes for a good period of time - I've got one recording 30 min long, though harmala was used on that one.
When your still under the effects of DMT, whether visually or vocally you're still giving a very strong impression of wacked out crazy druggy, at least to those who haven't had the same experience. Thats why I compare it to youtube. Can you imagine the effect of a mumbly, stuttery incoherent drug rambling played on the 9 o'clock news? If DMT ever becomes mainstream media worthy (like Salvia, as in political hysteria - new drug coming to make your kids insane) then that could happen & it wouldn't be positive. Much better, I feel, to just write experience reports - or transcripts - which are less publicly accessible to folk who aren't looking for it.

kungpow wrote:
I am sorry but the police are not going to spend thousands of dollars to track down some guy that is posting audio clips of his DMT trips on a site. And if it is that big of a problem we could find a way to password protect it. I am sure a cop could get into it somehow, but you have to look at their gain over what they put into it. They simply would gain nothing, except for throwing some guy in jail. I mean it does happen, but usually because they find it in your car or house. Not because they see something about you on the internet and track you down.

I wasn't concerned about police tracking folk down after hearing their recording, I was more concerned over police having arrested someone finding the nexus & his recording on his computer & using it as corroborating evidence. Also there is the fact that some of us have very distinctive voices and accents. Anyone I know would be able to place my voice & recognise it so having it describing a DMT trip on a public place, the internet, isn't for me. Bear in mind that once you've uploaded something it could end up anywhere, copied & put alongside visuals on youtube even - remote but possible.
#30 Posted : 7/5/2009 2:24:15 AM

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I've often done it, especially with shrooms and dxm(when I was using it, bad bad substance)

With DMT and 5-MeO-DMT I don't feel like I have time. I should just turn it on before to smoke... well, I' ll try next time (although I don't really talk while travelling)

Also, I find it usefull for my dream diary, and it seem to make my memory become way better, with dreams.

Maybe, also recording DMT trips and listening later can help, after some time, to remember trips better.

That's just an idea...
Bad, bad english
#31 Posted : 7/5/2009 4:35:14 PM


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arimane wrote:

...With DMT and 5-MeO-DMT I don't feel like I have time. I should just turn it on before to smoke... well, I' ll try next time (although I don't really talk while travelling)

Thats what I'm concerned about, When coming down I could talk about what happened, but I often feel like what just happened is so beyond words (but we are working on that!) and special that I don't even need to share it. I really have no clue how this is going to go... I'm pretty sure that whatever the place of an audio trip report ends up being, there is at least some place for it in exploring Hyperspace. Even if it's just for personal use and to transcribe text trip reports from.

I would also request from anyone that reads this who is interested in exploring the audio format to make your own audio trip report and submit it to The Traveler. I really doubt I'm the most articulate person on this forum. It might make sense to have a larger sample size to judge this on than just me.

Attention All Shipping wrote:
Because, in my experience, while your at your height of ability to recall your also at your most f**cked up and incoherent.

Well in mine, which I bet is much less than yours, my thoughts are extremely coherent and sober (raving maybe, but thats because of what just happened, not because I feel different or intoxicated) when I'm coming down. The part I am worryed about is whole brain to mouth thing Very happy. This is were I hope practice will help.

Attention All Shipping wrote:
I've just re-listened to a few of my recordings and they're not particularly cogent or coherent. There's a lot of gaps, a great deal of repetition, poor audio quality, grunts and exhalatione and going off on tangents, sometimes for a good period of time - I've got one recording 30 min long, though harmala was used on that one.

Like I said like at least three seprate times already I will edit them. Already downloaded the program that was recommended earlier in this thread. Anything editing doesn't fix practice hopefully will.

Attention All Shipping wrote:
When your still under the effects of DMT, whether visually or vocally you're still giving a very strong impression of wacked out crazy druggy, at least to those who haven't had the same experience. Thats why I compare it to youtube. Can you imagine the effect of a mumbly, stuttery incoherent drug rambling played on the 9 o'clock news?

Yep. At worst a few republicans would freak out for about a week and then it would be over. I don't even want to have this discussion anymore. If I lived my life worrying about "someone else's" opinions about all my thoughts/actions I'm pretty sure I would have to find almost all new hobbies and interests. Besides the Traveler has already decided to review the file once I make it available to him. he will decide if he thinks it's appropriate for the site.

Attention All Shipping wrote:
wasn't concerned about police tracking folk down after hearing their recording, I was more concerned over police having arrested someone finding the nexus & his recording on his computer & using it as corroborating evidence. Also there is the fact that some of us have very distinctive voices and accents. Anyone I know would be able to place my voice & recognise it so having it describing a DMT trip on a public place, the internet, isn't for me. Bear in mind that once you've uploaded something it could end up anywhere, copied & put alongside visuals on youtube even - remote but possible.

All if this is just as true about text. The internet is primarily a textual medium.

Is it pointless to point out again that the audio is for us and not for THEM? Much like everything else on this site. Or any other site focusing on a wrongly prohibited activity. Unless one of us start sending it around the net, someone who finds it would have to be at the very least looking for some kind of psychedelic information. In that case I think it is a good thing they found it. Don't you?

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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#32 Posted : 7/5/2009 8:47:54 PM

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I see no problem at all in posting links to voice recordings of trips, but I'm not the one to decide the rules, it's merely my personal opinion. I do not really see the danger, I mean, It's a whole different world that the youtubephenomena. Youtube-videos are frequently watched all through the mainstream. Youths showing that they are so long away from reality for a couple of minutes, clearly was and still is a problem when it comes to the mainstream view on Salvia. It was written all over the place, trust me, I remember.

But I see DMT-recordings as something totally different. These recordings can only have one type of motivation and clear purpose, self-exploring and other non-recreational aims. They will not have that wacky "look-at-me-I'm-so-wasted"-theme that seems to be frequent in the youtube videos, instead they show a lot more responsibility and way more mature use. Actually, I think it rather would be a positive thing for DMTs view in the public. It shows that we are so distant from the recreational salviausers, that we actually try to analyze our explorations scientific.
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
wake and bacon
#33 Posted : 7/5/2009 8:51:25 PM
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A happy medium could possibly be transcribing your report, posting it, and letting all of us know that you have an .mp3 file of the recording by request. Maybe have if go through The Traveller, a la PM'ing or something of that sort. That way, it is never public, and you can allow those who really want to hear it (active members here, for example) the chance to do so. Just a thought. It certainly provides more privacy (full privacy, even), while allowing the recording to reach those who truly want to hear it.
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
one is called "Post Reply" and the other is called "New Topic"
You will find these buttons at the top and bottom of most pages

#34 Posted : 7/7/2009 12:40:15 AM


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I got the recorder today! I planing on testing it out tonight, but I bruised my ribs yesterday and I'm not sure how easy smoking DMT is going be. I'll make it work though Very happy .

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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#35 Posted : 7/7/2009 3:11:15 AM


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I talked in Hyperspace and recorded it! Most of my visit was spent figuring out I could talk, but I did figure it out and you can understand what I said on the recording! I'm finishing up editing the clip now and I'm going to send it over to The Traveler for review.

it's not a full trip report. The phone rang, which you can hear in the recording, and it made for a crazy few minutes trying to figure out what just happened for me. I think it's interesting listing to myself trying to explain what I thought was going on, but it's not something I would want anyone but the people here listening to.

I really didn't think I would be able to talk so clearly. best $25 I've ever spent Very happy
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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#36 Posted : 7/7/2009 6:19:54 PM

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vegantoker wrote:
I talked in Hyperspace and recorded it! Most of my visit was spent figuring out I could talk, but I did figure it out and you can understand what I said on the recording! I'm finishing up editing the clip now and I'm going to send it over to The Traveler for review.

it's not a full trip report. The phone rang, which you can hear in the recording, and it made for a crazy few minutes trying to figure out what just happened for me. I think it's interesting listing to myself trying to explain what I thought was going on, but it's not something I would want anyone but the people here listening to.

I really didn't think I would be able to talk so clearly. best $25 I've ever spent Very happy

Congratulations to your success!
I'm very interested in hearing this, and sure hope The Traveler thinks it's ok to share these. It's a great idea to use one's voice to get information out of hyperspace while in there, so to speak! Did you get any interesting information you would have missed without the recording? Did you get any "aha" while listening to it? Very interesting and fascinating my friend! Wink
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#37 Posted : 7/7/2009 7:07:30 PM

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West-en wrote:
Youths showing that they are so long away from reality for a couple of minutes, clearly was and still is a problem when it comes to the mainstream view on Salvia. It was written all over the place, trust me, I remember.

The people who made a big deal out of those Salvia videos, would make the same big deal out of DMT recordings, video, or any other medium, because they believe that putting any chemical into your body that changes the way you perceive reality is a bad thing, either morally, or legally!!
It does not matter that there is no picture to go with the sound, it does not matter what substance you are using!!

West-en wrote:
But I see DMT-recordings as something totally different. These recordings can only have one type of motivation and clear purpose, self-exploring and other non-recreational aims. They will not have that wacky "look-at-me-I'm-so-wasted"-theme that seems to be frequent in the youtube videos, instead they show a lot more responsibility and way more mature use. Actually, I think it rather would be a positive thing for DMTs view in the public. It shows that we are so distant from the recreational salviausers, that we actually try to analyze our explorations scientific.

The only difference here is that you are wanting to do this...not that.

To someone who believes the Gov't drug-war Bullshit, or has never experienced anything like this, there is absolutely no difference between Salvia, DMT, Heroin, or Crack!!!
I just can not fathom how people still do not get this?!?!?!?!

People...there is a "Drug War" going on against YOU!!!

Cops & judges do not care for one single second WHY you are using DMT or any other substance!!!
They do not even believe you when you say things like "self-exploring and other non-recreational aims" & "we actually try to analyze our explorations scientific"!!
They would just laugh at that.
They believe that the drug is fucking up your ability to think correctly & that is the only reason why you are saying those things!!
Or that you are just lying to get out of it.
This is about making money through fines!!! That is all!!
It is legal taxation without representation!!!
Millions of dollars are collected monthly from fines for small misdemeanor drug charges in every state in the USA & many other countries.

With all due respect guys...get your heads out of your asses!!!
Go get yourself busted once...your eyes will be forced open pretty fark'in fast!

BTW, Text is very different too, it is much less useful to them.
First, you have to prove it was me who actually wrote it.
Second, prove I wasn't just making it up.
Video's straight up show this!
Audio gives evidence to how you are effected by what you are doing.
Like being unable to talk normally after hearing you do something illegal.
The sound of you location is also recorded!! There is a distinct ambiance fingerprint to every room & location, proving that this took place in your home, etc...

Anyway, why is this so important to you?
Other than the legal implication's, there isn't much benefit to the reporter, or the person reading/listening.
I guess it saves the reporter from having to type it out.

Why not just record yourself, then transcribe it like Traveler said, that way you get to talk it out while still under the influence.
You can edit the text while transcribing too. Only write what you want to share...
But your not implicating yourself, or endangering the Nexus by posting it here.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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