Cazman043 wrote:I used to experience something along these lines when i took a lot of LSD in a short period of time, for the next 4 months, i'd go to bed, and i'd see these dark figures illuminated by white light walking in and out of my brain, it was quite interesting! (this could be the pineal gland opening and so you become more sensitive to the realities around you which are not normally available to everyday consciousness) I think the main thing is don't freak out about it and label yourself as something. If you want, you could see alternate practices which use clairvoyance as a mean for healing and understanding, this could be a gift you have, you might be able to see in the spirit realms. Again, look into symptoms of third eye opening/pineal gland cleansing, it wouldn't surprise me if its to do with that. (or you can classify yourself as a schizophrenic and go down that path,i'd rather use this to my advantage, but its all perception)
This is something that definitely resonates with me, and I think you should look into. Before labeling it as some type of eye problem, or a deeper lying issue with mental states or brain functioning/wiring, I think it would be a good idea to start studying different practices that involve reaching out into the spirit world or other realms around us and taping into those realms for healing or other purposes. This is if you believe in that stuff though, I know its not for everyone.
I personally think you could have a higher connection to these places then most people. Whenever these connections are there, it is usually realized and easiest to tap into when at a younger age, and you mentioned it started in your mid teens. Just something to think about...
Whatever it is, it definitely seems like more then just eye floaters. I think that is just an excuse for something that is not yet understood, especially if it is happening almost constantly. Eye floaters are not constantly there like that, and they usually are little dots or blobs that float around in your vision. This does not seem like what you are describing.
I have experienced this kind of phenomenon a few times. It use to happen more when I was younger, but eventually went away as I got closer and closer to being an adult. Back then I did not study or believe in any kind of alternate realities or realms of existence, but now that I have started my research into psychedelics and the realms that they can open up to us, I have found that this phenomenon has become much more frequent. Even after abstaining from use for quite a while. For me anyways, I have noticed that if it starts acting up, and I take even a very small dose of something and meditate with healing or other positive intentions in mind, the experience is much more profound and powerful then it would be normally. Its almost like its a calling to come back to those states because there is something to be taught or shown to me that is of importance.
I'm sure other people probably think this is pure nonsense, but to each their own. Just take a night to give in to it and focus and meditate on it, see what comes about from it.
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.