Non toxic food safe extraction of mescaline using d-limonene (orange oil) Options
#541 Posted : 7/6/2009 4:30:18 AM

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Trips wrote:
with double digit pills being consumed on a pretty regular basis.

Shocked wow, that is alot.... SWIM is glad MDMA was so expensive where he lives, the price often dictated the dose so you never got ahead of yourself, but there were many weekends spent with a grin from ear to ear

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#542 Posted : 7/6/2009 5:45:58 PM

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While MDMA has a definitely higher risk factor attached to it, I think it is still capable of a lot of good...MAPS have been using in therapy recently for treating PTSD, with very positive results apparently. Its not my thing really anymore, I don't seek it, but in past years I did have fun with it, although I was always careful not to use it to excess like some people seem to!

Anywho....a bit of news...noticed some beautiful mescaline acetate crystals forming on my dish from my first limonene pull this morning...for anyone who can't afford, or has access to a food deyhdrator, try getting hold of a heat mat (lots on Ebay, the type used for reptiles etc) to aid in evaporation.

So, being curious, I scraped what must have been a tiny scales weren't as sensitive or accurate as advertised...must have been around 50mg at most...which shouldn't even really be active...and it is! Mixed into a coffee an hour(ish) ago, and its still building...awesome though, energy and euphoria is building, am very impressed.

If I was just slightly more sad than I am, I would make a limonene appreciation society...I mean its a good solvent, good for cleaning, good for massage, good for the digestion, good at smelling awesome, and eer oh yeah, good at extracting mescaline and stuff!

Thanks for all on these boards, and 69Ron for this fantastic tek...this is my first ever attempt at an extraction, and it looks like it went rather swimmingly...

So muchos gracias and top sunny vibes to all!! Very happy
#543 Posted : 7/6/2009 5:52:51 PM


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haha enjoy my brother!!
50mg for me is quite euphoric and blissful

say if you have datura s seeds give a few a chew
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#544 Posted : 7/6/2009 6:36:15 PM

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Thanks Very happy

I am zinging, very stimulated right now, and I think its still building...Cool

Well don't have any seeds to mix it with, but a good friend on these boards is gonna send me a few at some point to play around with which is awesome..

Oh dear meant to be doing research for my dissertation now but feel like running up a mountain, lol

One thing I might add is that I extracted from peruvian torch, so the crystals seem to be very 'clean'...tried 5g of the cactus alone as a test a week ago and could feel it even at that dose, so can't be bad stuff!

Au revoir! Very happy
#545 Posted : 7/6/2009 7:06:56 PM

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The Peruvian Torch is the cleanest. It's mostly just mescaline. With it you're more likely to see mescaline crystals form in the final stage of this tech. With San Pedro or Achuma, you’re more likely to just get a dry amber or brown mass with little or no crystals forming in it.

The experience you get from Peruvian Torch is the most like pure mescaline you can get from a natural source. SWIM has pure mescaline and Peruvian Torch alkaloids, and their effects are nearly identical. Not so with San Pedro or Achuma.

SWIM has found that coffee, kola nut, yohimbe, and especially 3 Datura stramonium seeds all potentiate the effects of a small dose of mescaline. These are all stimulants, and work best with low doses of mescaline. SWIM loves 50 mg of mescaline with 3 Datura stramonium seeds and 1 cup of coffee. It’s a fantastic combination.

THH also goes well with mescaline, but greatly alters the trip. It becomes similar to ayahuasca. I call this combination mescahuasca. It’s a very spiritual and dreamy experience, full of lots of euphoria, and without much stimulant effects. For people who get a lot of stimulation from mescaline, using THH with it can help block the stimulation. It also increases the potency of the mescaline by about 2x. 3 Datura inoxia seeds can also block some of the stimulation without altering the trip as much as THH does.
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#546 Posted : 7/6/2009 7:40:10 PM

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Thanks for the info...I look forward to future experiments!

Yes have just checked on the evap dish...all the vinegar has evaporated now, and there is a beautiful web of pure mescaline acetate crystals covering the dish, almost completely pure though it seems, no brown colour, just seems so clean that washing it to get pure mescaline hcl isn't really necessary.

I like the sound of the THH mescaline synergy...something for the future...

Have just found on old batch of powdered San Pedro I had forgotten going to do an extraction with this next time for comparison.

Oh yeah am having a white tea with honey at the mo and its going down very nicely Smile
#547 Posted : 7/6/2009 10:37:11 PM

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Congrats on the extraction, enjoy Smile
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#548 Posted : 7/7/2009 1:26:00 AM

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This may have already been asked, but can the acetate be freebased again and then turned into HCL? or would this just be counterproductive? better maybe to just use HCL from the beginning?
#549 Posted : 7/7/2009 8:58:11 AM

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There’s no need to freebase it. HCl is a stronger acid. All you do is cover the mescaline acetate with HCl, and the acetic acid is released. Dry it and all the acetic acid vaporizes away leaving mescaline HCl.

Actually it’s a great way of getting mescaline HCl. The problem with using HCl from the start is that evaporating away large amounts of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is very irritating to people. It’s better to use vinegar for the pull from the d-limonene. You can boil away vinegar, and it’s not nearly as irritating as hydrochloric acid. Then when it’s nearly dry, you cover it with some concentrated hydrochloric acid to convert the acetates to hydrochlorides, and then evaporate it away again. There should be a slight smell of hydrochloric acid while evaporating away the vinegar. If it only smells like vinegar, add more hydrochloric acid. There should be a slight excess of hydrochloric acid. Add more until it smells slightly of hydrochloric acid and then you know you’ve added enough.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#550 Posted : 7/9/2009 3:27:00 PM

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I've had some very mixed results with this. My first extration yeilded a very dark very sticky ball that somewhat resembled opium.

My last few have been forming what apear to be crystals. After scraping it up I get an almost powdery, orange substance. The powdery orange stuff seems stronger.

Anyone have any thoughts?
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#551 Posted : 7/9/2009 4:52:13 PM

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Actually, when I scraped up my crystals, it turned into an orangey, powdery substance...nothing much like the brown waxy stuff others have been getting, but I assumed that was because I was using peruvian torch.

I couldn't accurately measure the dose, but it can't have been more than 50/60mg at the very most...and I was quite surprised at just how active it was.

So based on my extraction, it seems like the powdery orangey stuff is just purer mescaline acetate, so less is needed.
#552 Posted : 7/9/2009 5:03:31 PM

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^^I was thinking the same. The powdery orange stuff was more potent. I was using San Pedro however and I can't really weigh my doses either, need to get a scale.
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#553 Posted : 7/9/2009 6:23:48 PM

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Maybe give Ebay a look man. Have one on the way that is sensitive to 0.001g apparently...was cheap, from a seller based in Hong Kong.
#554 Posted : 7/10/2009 1:08:55 AM

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I recently did one limonene pull on 100gs of San Pedro and then let the cactus sit in limonene for over a week. Will this effect results?

It has taken on a slightly pastey consistancy.

I will scope out Ebay thanks for the sugestion Banco.
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#555 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:10:55 AM

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So, my kilo of torch is on its way. Is there a shelf life for the acetate? Planing on doing 10 extracts at 200 grams each and would like to be able to store in a jar and have basically a year + supply.
#556 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:20:51 AM


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Baffald wrote:
So, my kilo of torch is on its way. Is there a shelf life for the acetate? Planing on doing 10 extracts at 200 grams each and would like to be able to store in a jar and have basically a year + supply.

i would say its very stable but i have no idea...

thats an awful lot of mescaline though somewhere in the range of 20-100+ grams depending on the cactus
you really want to keep that much mescal in your house?
id suggest you do a smaller extract as you need it.. its not hard doesnt really take long
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

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#557 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:41:15 AM

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i would say its very stable but i have no idea...

thats an awful lot of mescaline though somewhere in the range of 20-100+ grams depending on the cactus
you really want to keep that much mescal in your house?
id suggest you do a smaller extract as you need it.. its not hard doesnt really take long[/quote]

Good point- I will probably do 2 batches for a total of 400 grams and see what the yield is. I will keep everyone posted.

I really have no worries though as I do not have parties and am not a dealer of any kind, I have absolutely no reason to think that it would be an issue.
#558 Posted : 7/10/2009 3:12:05 AM

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Hey Psichosisdosis, could SWIY pass their eyes over SWIMS last posts in the other d-limo extraction thread? perhaps shed some light on SWIMS experiments
#559 Posted : 7/10/2009 8:28:32 PM
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69ron, would SWIY say a pH of 6.5 is alkaline enough to extract freebase mescaline? the 25g lime + 300ml water + 100g cactus powder has a pH of around 8 or 9 but the d-limonene seems to push it closer to neutral..
#560 Posted : 7/11/2009 12:45:50 AM

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25G lime and 100G cactus is perfect every time.

This tek made me the best summers day ever. I didn't even get laid, but it was that good. Me and my friend made really good friends with a horse. Then he snorted and we ran for our lives, until we realised how funny it was.

I had the weirdest sensation! It was quite a sunny day and as I walk my arms swing (naturally) and it was almost as if I had the physical sensation of the sun on my elbow in a different position to the current sensation of my physical arm. Odd sensation, but pleasant. Also I swallowed my own throat... 400mg + 5 datura seeds and 2 cans of red bull. Good combo Smile
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