Good vs Evil Options
#21 Posted : 7/3/2009 9:43:10 PM


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I understand where baffled is coming from, but his views are tainted by his Catholic upbringing. Good and Evil don't exist, except for that fact that good gives us what we want and evil takes it away, it has to do with our perception. God doesn't exist in heaven and we don't need to fear him and worry about doing what he wants, because he might strike us down. That's not GOD that's mankind speaking, the power and control of the human race. Good and evil is relative, case and point Arab terrorists attack our country and they are Evil, we blow the shit out of them for 15 years and we are holier than thou. Perception!? Baffled needs to think about these things and open his eyes to the true light, and stop listening to priests and the news media and government propaganda and start thinking for himself! I have faith (lol, no pun intended) that he will find it because if he's taking these doses then his religion is letting him down, but he needs to see it in a true light and not let his religion control and taint his experience. GOD Doesn't exist out there somewhere he is us. GOD could not exist without us because he would be empty, he needs us so he can experience something. Good, Bad, Evil its all good to him, there is no difference, only experience. There is an awesome series of books called "A CONVERSATION WITH GOD", the guy asked GOD should sex be dirty, should it only be for married people, etc. Then GOD said " What kind of Father would give a child a toy and forbid it from playing with it."

The power is within you the light shines a brilliant spectacle, its rays hit you in the face and you still deny it because your ego, stumbling for control wants you, to have you, to embrace you and control every facet of your existence. The conflict arises between good and evil, the senses can't focus, this is why trippin is illegal the government needs control, they don't want you to know the evil is them!

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 7/3/2009 9:48:49 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
Along came Adam. Thats a good name for a book about humanity, huh?

Laughing Twisted Evil Or a Christian Rock bandTwisted Evil Laughing

jasons741 wrote:
We shook things up, still are shaking things up. May kill ourselves in the process and only Styrofoam will live to tell the tale.

Yea, we should probably ditch the whole digital revolution & start figuring out how to store information in Styrofoam & roaches...huh?Wink


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#23 Posted : 7/3/2009 10:27:29 PM


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A couple of well placed E.M.P.s and a government sponsored book burning and there goes encyclopedia Britannica!

Forget Mp3 recorders. Everyone write their experiences on your styrofoam cooler. Learn cunieform. I found a helpful guide.
Espiridion attached the following image(s):
cuneiform-23 copy.jpg (163kb) downloaded 78 time(s).
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#24 Posted : 7/3/2009 11:32:44 PM

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virgodave61 wrote:
God doesn't exist in heaven and we don't need to fear him and worry about doing what he wants, because he might strike us down. That's not GOD that's mankind speaking, the power and control of the human race. Good and evil is relative, case and point Arab terrorists attack our country and they are Evil, we blow the shit out of them for 15 years and we are holier than thou. Perception!? Baffled needs to think about these things and open his eyes to the true light, and stop listening to priests and the news media and government propaganda and start thinking for himself! I have faith (lol, no pun intended) that he will find it because if he's taking these doses then his religion is letting him down, but he needs to see it in a true light and not let his religion control and taint his experience. GOD Doesn't exist out there somewhere he is us. GOD could not exist without us because he would be empty, he needs us so he can experience something. Good, Bad, Evil its all good to him, there is no difference, only experience. There is an awesome series of books called "A CONVERSATION WITH GOD", the guy asked GOD should sex be dirty, should it only be for married people, etc. Then GOD said " What kind of Father would give a child a toy and forbid it from playing with it."

The power is within you the light shines a brilliant spectacle, its rays hit you in the face and you still deny it because your ego, stumbling for control wants you, to have you, to embrace you and control every facet of your existence. The conflict arises between good and evil, the senses can't focus, this is why trippin is illegal the government needs control, they don't want you to know the evil is them!

Whats funny is that I thought that way until my experience last week. Trust me, I do not listen to priests, or the gov't, I do watch the news and the more time since my experience I am going back to my old thoughts and belief systems. I was just trying to give a trip report and what I felt from that experience, I think people are reading way too far into it.... all is well.

Actually I appreciate all the responses to this post and thank all of you. I have learned something from everyone here... The only thing I do not like is that some are trying to preach about something or seem to be stating things as fact (myself included) that no one really knows for sure. What I am finding is that there is no true right answer for any of this.

thanks again.
#25 Posted : 7/4/2009 7:05:49 PM

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So I have come to the following conclusion.

My catholic upbringing and what I was taught of Heaven and Hell, good vs. Evil manifested itself in my experience. What I saw was as main question I have always had regarding God and Heaven and Hell and its existence basically took shape/ played out in the experience.

What happen was an insight into myself of that upbringing.

Pretty cool if you ask me. Again, thank you all for helping me through this learning experience.
#26 Posted : 7/5/2009 1:21:09 AM

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#27 Posted : 7/5/2009 3:08:57 AM

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Life is learning, sometimes the hard way, that our actions affect the world around us. Growth is taking responsibility for it. If you take a close look at an anarchist, You will see he is not past his mid-twenties (Unless he's in a band).

Why putting politic in a trip comment?
I know 60 years old guys being anarchist, I know a guy who, in Peru, gone to jail for this, and I wouldn't feel to call him an immature.
These generalizzations seems to me just like slogans, retoric works

The ones who actually believe in the equality necessary for a true Anarchist society & do not strive to have more, or be better than the other people.
So once again, even in your "free" Anarchist society, the Have's, end up ruling over the Have-Not's.
That's why there are no Anarchist society's that have proliferated!! They eventually destroy themselves & become dictatorships.

Historical proves for it?
All the anarchist more famous applications (Makhnovicin, Spain, Kronstadt ecc.) have failed for an external attack, and still in Italy, as in many other countries, there are communities living in an anarchist-collectivized way.
I don't know I' d call those guys immature, or stupid.
That doesn't concern my political or ideological view, I mean just as person, as human.

The anarchist story, and theory, is a complex world (especially for its non-ortodoxy doctrins), so I think all these thoughts on anarchist are quite inadapt and rethoric.

I'm really sorry for not being able to say things in a better way, english is not my first language, try to understand me and be soft =)

About the trip, well... nice, thanks for sharing, but I' ve never really feel this evil-good battle.
Everything is everything. Nothing more, and I suppose nothing less.
But well, I guess it's a personal perception problem, so nothing to say

Bad, bad english
#28 Posted : 7/5/2009 4:43:20 AM
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virgodave61 wrote:
I understand where baffled is coming from, but his views are tainted by his Catholic upbringing. Good and Evil don't exist, except for that fact that good gives us what we want and evil takes it away, it has to do with our perception. God doesn't exist in heaven and we don't need to fear him and worry about doing what he wants, because he might strike us down. That's not GOD that's mankind speaking, the power and control of the human race. Good and evil is relative, case and point Arab terrorists attack our country and they are Evil, we blow the shit out of them for 15 years and we are holier than thou. Perception!? Baffled needs to think about these things and open his eyes to the true light, and stop listening to priests and the news media and government propaganda and start thinking for himself! I have faith (lol, no pun intended) that he will find it because if he's taking these doses then his religion is letting him down, but he needs to see it in a true light and not let his religion control and taint his experience. GOD Doesn't exist out there somewhere he is us. GOD could not exist without us because he would be empty, he needs us so he can experience something. Good, Bad, Evil its all good to him, there is no difference, only experience. There is an awesome series of books called "A CONVERSATION WITH GOD", the guy asked GOD should sex be dirty, should it only be for married people, etc. Then GOD said " What kind of Father would give a child a toy and forbid it from playing with it."

I understand what you are saying when it comes to government propoganda and such, but I'm not entirely in agreement with the idea that good and evil don't exist.

Imagine a German soldier and an English soldier during WWII. Both think they are the good guys, but that I agree is a relative assumption. Now if the English soldier were to find a wounded German, and he decided to tend the German's wounds and care for him as a human being - this I think is clearly a good action. If the same English soldier found a German soldier, wounded, but begging for his life, and the English soldier shot him in cold blood, that would be an evil action.

I can't really explain myself very well, but there are some things that good and evil transcend in terms of relativity. Probably some philosopher has expressed it better than I can.
#29 Posted : 7/5/2009 11:34:46 PM


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"Nietche said it is better to have loved and ...set it free then to have lost......wait, then it's yours forever, no....Burl Ives said it. Dog is dead!

Anarchism will not work as an IMPOSED way of government without eventual dissension. However, if some VERY high-minded, like-thinking, balance-seeking, share-me-wife-wiv-me-mates-if-need-be type of folks get together, stick a flag on an island then MAYBE. For that particular generation and possibly some of the off-spring it might work. It simply is not a LASTING form of government(lack therof, rather). Too much PERSONAL responsiblilty is required. And don't get sick or injured.

I respect any ones right to explore their own ideas because that is how people learn, grow-up, mature and evolve. (And yes, those are all different things)

Good luck to he who does not study history and must learn everything the hard way. I learned everything the hard way and I am only here because of luck.

Good and evil. In a nutshell for me, in the strictest sense, there is no such thing.
Just a thought experiment; Imagine that are no humans. In this world, there will be birds that make nests in trees. They are vulnerable to many things, forest fires(which we know are a natural occurance to aid future growth), hurricanes, predators higher on the food chain, etc. Any one of these things can come along and kill the birds or destroy the nest. It is the order of one thing being disorganized by the order of another. Does the bird think the hurricane is evil? Does the bird sit in woe in the aftermath? Do we know better?

We as humans have pleasurable sensations and we can experience pain. We have memory and logic. Hunger equals hunt. Horny equals hump. These things have been programmed into us
over hundreds of thousands of years. We are carved BY this world to LIVE in this world. Everything makes sense if you look at how it fits in the bigger picture.

The exception of course is free will. This is the big monkey wrench in the works. Look at the ordering of societies. Alpha males usually get the babes. BUT, because we figured that Bucks are easier than Barter. And because SOME women value money over, well, VALUES. Then sometimes Bill Gates gets the babe.

Anyway, sorry to rant and derail. To sum up. In my personal, not scientific, opinion(because they do differ from time to time) I think that BANKING is evil, the STOCKMARKET is evil, POLLUTION is evil, CARL ROVE is evil, UNCHECKED GREED is evil and MOVIES that use "555-****" for telephone numbers are evil.

Also, Arimane. Perhaps they were Communists fronting as Anarchists. It does sound cooler.

Thanks for reading,
Thanks for not reading,
(Just wanted to be fair to both parties involved),



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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