Good vs Evil Options
#1 Posted : 6/26/2009 3:53:52 PM

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Did some pharma last night while wife and baby where away which gave me the opportunity to reflect and search for answers.

200 mg of THH, Harmaline and Harmala mix and 30 minutes later 200mg DMT. Dissolved the DMT in OJ. Took about 45 min to an hour to kick in then it really kicked in. At first it was a very euphoric nice relaxing fun sensation then began to really get deep. Started to see Myan /Aztec type shapes and symbols and patterns in everything, even folded laundry. The shapes and symbols soon turned into what seemed like hats or head gear for lost souls and spirits as it became a collage of bodyless skulls with the ancient head gear, and guess what they were doing... They were Laughing at me, it was like pure evil was all around and laughing. If I closed my eyes it seemed to got a lot darker and was leading to a place that I did not want to go. I actually had to turn on the TV to get some distraction going and change the course of my thought.

But then I felt the sense of goodness and light and the overwhelming presence of GOD. Now I did not see GOD, I just felt the warmth and the light and the realization that there really is an ongoing battle of GOOD vs. EVIL in this world. It is a constant battle for the souls of MAN. I also got a feeling of what God wanted, and that was to procreate and teach your children the RIGHT way of things, and that you better do more good in this world than bad or else you are in for it once you leave the shell that is your body. It also convinced me that we are all Children of GOD, and then realized that those lost evil souls were those that did not believe or CHOSE to go the wrong path. I got the feeling that there were messengers from both sides giving small hints of their knowledge. But even with the goodness, I could still see the evil, just laughing at me.

In watching TV, there was a thing on Michael Jackson. They showed recent clips of him, and I could see the spirits taking him away, and not to the GOOD place. He actually looked more like a skeleton and death itself, I could not help to feel pitty and sorrow for him, but also realized he was a lost soul and that probably the worst thing to do beside denying GODS existence was to harm his children and take away their innocence.

I was born and raised Roman catholic, but have gone away from organized religion, I have had doubts in the past about the existence of GOD, but through this experience not any more. It was a very intense, deep and spirtual experience that I am very thankful for. After I started to come down, I got this overwhelming feeling of thankfulness for what I have in my life, all I could think of was WOW... WOW at the awesomeness of it all.

So, just wanted to share the experience with you all, and say thanks to those that moderate and run this site, and its members. There is truely something special here.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/26/2009 4:01:10 PM

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nice experience dude...200mg of spice would be a bit much for SWIM...i also find it very interesting how everybody seems to wait an amount of time before taking the dmt after the maoi's...SWIM has had the best of luck taking it at the same time with a bit of food right after...he has dosed other people with this method..and the total that anybody needs to take for a STRONG becoming a rock 70mg of dmt fumarate..with 200mg thh..SWIM cant imagine doing ANYTHING except laying there on 200mg..
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 6/26/2009 4:08:33 PM

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also the effects kick in in about 20 minutes
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#4 Posted : 6/26/2009 4:11:38 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
nice experience dude...200mg of spice would be a bit much for SWIM...i also find it very interesting how everybody seems to wait an amount of time before taking the dmt after the maoi's...SWIM has had the best of luck taking it at the same time with a bit of food right after...he has dosed other people with this method..and the total that anybody needs to take for a STRONG becoming a rock 70mg of dmt fumarate..with 200mg thh..SWIM cant imagine doing ANYTHING except laying there on 200mg..

The other interesting part of it was my cat, they are very intuitive, sensitive creatures, he seemed to know exactly what was going on. In the dark times he would let his presence be known almost as a protector.

I guess that is why I chose the screen name I have, because once again, I am baffald by it all.

Total length of time was harmala's at about 7:50, DMT at about 8:30, By 9:30 was full blown and started coming down around 11, but still had glimpses well past midnight, by 1am pretty much completely done.
#5 Posted : 6/26/2009 4:28:30 PM

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definitely time SWIM was experimenting with some bufotenine..he had taken some ginko b. and 50mg THH and 300mg of theobromine the ginko, thh and theobromine were being used as vaso dilators to cancel out the vaso constricting effects of the bufotenine..and he wanted some mild mao then he smoked somewhere around 40mg of very pure white bufotenine and barely got any visuals from it..and after two hours he was like...well that didnt he decided to finish the night off with some pharma...

he took 95mg THH HCL..50mg dmt fumarate..and 40mg some warm water and drank it down...he immediately started tripping soooo hard...he had forgotten about taking the theobromine..and theobromine has been shown to increase the effects of both dmt and maois..about 3-6 times more powerful...

so for SWIM who usually takes 50-60mg dmt fumarate..and it was most certainly like 6 times more that would be around 300mg dmt(effect wise) and around 600mg of maoi's...he puked as soon as he figured out what was going on..and continued to puke...but OH..

the point to that was as soon as he took the brew..his cat started TWEAKING attacking him and almost looked like SHE had taken then he went for a walk to get more water(he lives out in the woods) it was about 15 degrees out..and his cat followed him the whole way...and it takes about 5 minutes to walk to the place..she was his little guardian..

she also protects him in his dreams sometimes from bugs and other weird things...shes completely jet black..but in certain sun this almost redish brown hue comes out...its crazy..and shes nuts as well...she attacks everyone the first time they meet...and sets up he power inside the house..its intense to see
it's a sound
#6 Posted : 6/28/2009 5:58:36 AM
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The evil bastards seemed to be pretty happy with their damned condition. Maybe it is all just a joke God is having on us, and that's why they're laughing?
#7 Posted : 6/28/2009 7:07:00 PM

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Morphane wrote:
The evil bastards seemed to be pretty happy with their damned condition. Maybe it is all just a joke God is having on us, and that's why they're laughing?

Of course we all have our own perception on what we a truly experiencing in these states, but I just want to say again how these being you meet, good or evil, they are just you!!

Parts of yourself manifested during the experience by your own mind, to help show you the parts of your own personality & actions that you want to change, but don't!!
Usually due to the fact that these issues are so deeply rooted in your personality, that you don't normally even notice that your are doing them.
A large dose of Ayahuasca (or Pharmahuasca) can literally bring these issues into the forefront of your consciousness, sometimes even appearing as a solid, entity there in the room (or in your mind) with you!!

Usually either the manifestation of the "evil" parts of yourself, so you can become aware of it (maybe for the 1st time...?), face it, deal with it & eventually wash yourself of it & heal.
Or, a manifestation of the "Ayahuasca spirit", to help you see these things from a "safer" position. This "spirit" is a common theme among users who have a lot of "emotional baggage" that they have been burying deeper & deeper into their psyche for years & carrying that along with them throughout every situation they are in.
With B.Caapi as the MAOI plant (true Ayahuasca), there is a presence that seems to be the spirit of the vine, a compassionate, helping, healing energy that will be there to assist you if you ask her, or if things get too heavy/!

If you are not expecting, or ready for the realism of the "others" that are uncovered, a big ass dose of Pharmauasca could very well be a frightening experience!!
Especially if you have some deep healing to deal with!!

Keep these things in mind next time, whether they are 100% accurate or not, it will help you to literally talk to the entities & ask for help understanding them & why they are there, at that point.
If you get into something heavy & your feeling scared or trapped, straight up ask the Ayahuasca spirit for help in getting past it.
It will pass & she will help.

Man...I sound all new-age-incenses-&-crystals-shopishEmbarrased , but I say this from experience & having to learn this myself too!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#8 Posted : 6/30/2009 8:05:46 PM
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With you on this one warren.

Not feeling the "religious undertone" by the OP...

warrensaged wrote:
Morphane wrote:
The evil bastards seemed to be pretty happy with their damned condition. Maybe it is all just a joke God is having on us, and that's why they're laughing?

Of course we all have our own perception on what we a truly experiencing in these states, but I just want to say again how these being you meet, good or evil, they are just you!!

Parts of yourself manifested during the experience by your own mind, to help show you the parts of your own personality & actions that you want to change, but don't!!
Usually due to the fact that these issues are so deeply rooted in your personality, that you don't normally even notice that your are doing them.
A large dose of Ayahuasca (or Pharmahuasca) can literally bring these issues into the forefront of your consciousness, sometimes even appearing as a solid, entity there in the room (or in your mind) with you!!

Usually either the manifestation of the "evil" parts of yourself, so you can become aware of it (maybe for the 1st time...?), face it, deal with it & eventually wash yourself of it & heal.
Or, a manifestation of the "Ayahuasca spirit", to help you see these things from a "safer" position. This "spirit" is a common theme among users who have a lot of "emotional baggage" that they have been burying deeper & deeper into their psyche for years & carrying that along with them throughout every situation they are in.
With B.Caapi as the MAOI plant (true Ayahuasca), there is a presence that seems to be the spirit of the vine, a compassionate, helping, healing energy that will be there to assist you if you ask her, or if things get too heavy/!

If you are not expecting, or ready for the realism of the "others" that are uncovered, a big ass dose of Pharmauasca could very well be a frightening experience!!
Especially if you have some deep healing to deal with!!

Keep these things in mind next time, whether they are 100% accurate or not, it will help you to literally talk to the entities & ask for help understanding them & why they are there, at that point.
If you get into something heavy & your feeling scared or trapped, straight up ask the Ayahuasca spirit for help in getting past it.
It will pass & she will help.

Man...I sound all new-age-incenses-&-crystals-shopishEmbarrased , but I say this from experience & having to learn this myself too!



#9 Posted : 6/30/2009 9:01:20 PM

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I appreciate all your insights to my experience. I think that because it was my experience that yes, everything was a part of me ... good or evil, but at the same time, gave insight to what is out there as we are all a part of it. I do not know anyone that is 100% good (besides my grandmother) or 100% evil.

Not trying to be religious or anything because I am not a part of anything organized, but just sharing and expressing my experience with everyone.

I think they were laughing because they knew something that I did / do not. But I laugh at myself all the time, so that is nothing new.
#10 Posted : 6/30/2009 9:57:37 PM


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One thing to remember is to get rid of the concept of good and evil. Good and evil are manifestations of what we as humans think. Everything in the universe just exists. There is no good or evil until we label it so. Without the concept of good and evil you are left with just the experience. I try to look at everything this way.

It seems that what we see as good or evil slowly changes and evolves. So how could it exist past our consciousness. You may think that someone is evil because they have sex with someone under age. But a thousand years ago that is how the world worked. I believe that people are placed in circumstances where they have to make a choice. Sometimes it's not the right choice, but you can't really judge that person because you did not experience what they did. I am sure there are many experiences in your life where you have looked back and wanted to change that decision you made. But really you shouldn't, because without the good and the bad life would just be bland. It's these experiences that make life so exciteing. Just try to experience everything for what it is and do not pass judgement on it.

I spent my whole child hood with the religion bullshit shoved down my throat. By time I was a late teenager I felt that there really wasn't anything out there past what we experience here. Through my psychedelic usage I have found that there is a lot more and that our experience is only a part of the big picture.

I hope that this made sense as I am not very good at writing my thoughts.
#11 Posted : 7/1/2009 7:36:18 AM

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Even if good and evil are a cultural phenomenon, always changing as history goes along, shouldn't we go along with it? After all, currently we are human beings in the 3rd dimension. It's not a coincidence. If we had chosen to experience this duality, with all its traps and paradoxes, then we should dive into it as much as possible, because that's how our (spirit's) original wish/intent is best fulfilled. We have to live with the blissful/painful consequences - karma - we create by doing so, but that's life (and that's how we learn - without these experiences, we would never learn, these things cannot be learned by just observing).

In other words: for the current to flow in the wire, there must be a positive and a negative pole.
#12 Posted : 7/1/2009 2:38:30 PM


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Cellux. Dive right in? Yes. It is called being a teenager. You are right in that we must experience everything the hard way.

I have heard it said that a smart man learns from his mistakes but a wise man learns from others mistakes. But I bet that wise man was just a smart man once. And that the smart man was once a teenager.

Life is learning, sometimes the hard way, that our actions affect the world around us. Growth is taking responsibility for it. If you take a close look at an anarchist, You will see he is not past his mid-twenties (Unless he's in a band).

The ultimate lesson is to know that past all that, is that the world is an illusion.

Quantum Buddhism 101.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#13 Posted : 7/1/2009 7:06:06 PM

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cellux wrote:
Even if good and evil are a cultural phenomenon, always changing as history goes along, shouldn't we go along with it?

Well I guess ignorance is bliss...right?
So, sure....if you want to remain "blissful" of the best ways is to just go along with everything.

cellux wrote:
After all, currently we are human beings in the 3rd dimension. It's not a coincidence. If we had chosen to experience this duality, with all its traps and paradoxes, then we should dive into it as much as possible, because that's how our (spirit's) original wish/intent is best fulfilled.

But that is only one concept of consciousness & reality, who's to say it's the "correct" one?
Or that any of them are "correct" for that matter?
Or that each consciousness doesn't have it's own individual concept of reality that is "correct" for them?

There are literally millions of theory's on what we truly are, why we are here & what here even is.
So only using one of them to define your concept of the universe, is unfortunately a very, very small window to view reality through.

jasons741 wrote:
Life is learning, sometimes the hard way, that our actions affect the world around us. Growth is taking responsibility for it. If you take a close look at an anarchist, You will see he is not past his mid-twenties (Unless he's in a band).

That's funny!!Laughing
Albeit kind of true...

Yea, I don't know to many adults, who have experience interacting in the real-world & the other people that life in it with them, who still believe that Anarchism would actually work...for too long.
Unless of course, like Jason said, they are in a band & making money off of selling that idea to teenagers!!Laughing

Anyway Jason, I'm sure you & I will now get a screenfull of post's about how Anarchism is the only way to have true freedom & how we don't understand that Anarchism doesn't actually mean chaos, just people governing themselves, etc, etc...

But I do understand all that (even believed in it, back in high school) & I also understand now that it can't work for very long, due to the fact that too many people just plain suck!! And if given the chance, they will gather & hoard, whatever it is they need to have more of, to be better than (& eventually control) the rest of the people.
The types of people who would do this, usually take from the "weaker" people first.
The ones who actually believe in the equality necessary for a true Anarchist society & do not strive to have more, or be better than the other people.
So once again, even in your "free" Anarchist society, the Have's, end up ruling over the Have-Not's.
That's why there are no Anarchist society's that have proliferated!! They eventually destroy themselves & become dictatorships.

My biggest question for all the Anarchists out there is; who will pay for building & maintaining the roads & city's that seem to just take care of themselves in a modern society? (because there is someone there to take care of it for you...)
One time I had someone answer; "the people who like to do that kind of thing would just keep doing it". (They were actually serious!)
I responded; "well who the hell enjoys digging ditches & pouring hot asphalt & cement out in the sun all day, for minimal pay?!?!?"
"The same people who do it now..."Rolling eyes was his juvenile answer...

So clearly this person has never had a real job, were you do real work that they hated to the core, but had to keep doing to get the bills paid & eat.
That is the kind of people I run in to, who still believe in Anarchism.Crying or very sad
Usually it is young people who want to live in a place where they can do what ever they want, when ever they want.
But in the real world, that only lasts as long as your bank account...

Geez...can someone say RANT...Embarrased

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#14 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:04:17 AM

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You both raised valid points. I don't want to claim authority on this subject, what I wrote came from my own world, my own experience.

By "going along with history", I did not mean ignorance. I meant that instead of hiding in an ivory tower of psychedelic otherworldliness (where the problem of good vs. bad can be rightfully seen as non-existent), we should partake in society as it is historically evolving, should actually *help* it evolve, by bringing to it our own unique perspective enriched by our experiences (and perhaps our firm stance regarding basic questions of morality, again the result of direct experience of how things really are - yeah, I recognize this sounds like slippery slope).

I feel that by partaking in the psychedelic experience, it became my responsibility to act in this world according to the knowledge I was given. This is not easy, but for me, a necessity. I feel the need for a certain groundedness: one foot in Heaven, another on Earth. And I have a belief that if a lot of us were doing this, the world could be somehow "lifted up", freed from the prison of materialism and the two worlds could reunite. If we deny material existence altogether and just wait for 2012 to sweep it all away, then we may actually hinder the eschaton we are so much waiting for.
#15 Posted : 7/3/2009 4:26:11 AM

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"The ultimate lesson is to know that past all that, is that the world is an illusion.

Quantum Buddhism 101."

Simple fact for everyone- this world we live in is VERY REAL and GOOD and BAD things HAPPEN and there are GOOD and BAD people out there. MOST have both, some have more good, some have more bad, that is something they have to work out for themselves. I guess that is my first issue with Buddhism because unless I don't understand the concept of illusion, I do not buy into that statement one bit.

Our society like the Roman kiddie lovers still does bad things as a whole. IE- Incarcerating non-violent sick (addiction is a disease) people, instead of getting them the help they truly need. Although it is not nearly as awful as forcing your rocks off with 10 year olds. I am just trying to relate a modernized issue of the related topic.

As much as some would like to say it is not real or all an illusion, and that there is not really good or evil, then they have not walked a day in my shoes.

This goes back to Warrensage's point-

"But that is only one concept of consciousness & reality, who's to say it's the "correct" one?
Or that any of them are "correct" for that matter?
Or that each consciousness doesn't have it's own individual concept of reality that is "correct" for them?

There are literally millions of theory's on what we truly are, why we are here & what here even is.
So only using one of them to define your concept of the universe, is unfortunately a very, very small window to view reality through."

Well Played sir....

#16 Posted : 7/3/2009 4:53:02 AM

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Baffald wrote:
...but also realized he was a lost soul and that probably the worst thing to do beside denying GODS existence was to harm his children and take away their innocence...

I didn't like reading that part. You should not pass judgment like that. Sure he's a little nuts/eccentric, and openly states he shares his bed with children, but no one knows if he actually did anything to harm anyone. Now that he's dead, if he did harm his children, I'm sure it will be known because they have nothing to fear by telling others.

I don't think stating a person is guilty of something without knowing for sure is a good thing to do publicly on the internet.

What if you are wrong? What if he didn't do anything like people are saying? Then who's the wrong doer?

We should all be careful about accusing other people of things. It can be very harmful. There are people locked up in prison, and even given the death penalty who are completely innocent, but were still found guilty because of how things looked to other people.

I am so glad I don't have to pass judgment on others and I hope if anyone ever judges me, they do so based on facts and not rumor.

If his children accuse him of such things, then that's completely different. So far they have not. They look intelligent to me. If they were abused, I'm sure it will be known in the near future. Until then, we shouldn't talk about things we don't know about. None of us were there. None of us knew him or his children.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#17 Posted : 7/3/2009 5:20:42 AM

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69ron wrote:
Baffald wrote:
...but also realized he was a lost soul and that probably the worst thing to do beside denying GODS existence was to harm his children and take away their innocence...

I didn't like reading that part. You should not pass judgment like that. Sure he's a little nuts/eccentric, and openly states he shares his bed with children, but no one knows if he actually did anything to harm anyone. Now that he's dead, if he did harm his children, I'm sure it will be known because they have nothing to fear by telling others.

I don't think stating a person is guilty of something without knowing for sure is a good thing to do publicly on the internet.

What if you are wrong? What if he didn't do anything like people are saying? Then who's the wrong doer?

We should all be careful about accusing other people of things. It can be very harmful. There are people locked up in prison, and even given the death penalty who are completely innocent, but were still found guilty because of how things looked to other people.

I am so glad I don't have to pass judgment on others and I hope if anyone ever judges me, they do so based on facts and not rumor.

If his children accuse him of such things, then that's completely different. So far they have not. They look intelligent to me. If they were abused, I'm sure it will be known in the near future. Until then, we shouldn't talk about things we don't know about. None of us were there. None of us knew him or his children.

Ron- excellent point on not passing judgment on someone, however, that is the intuition that came to me on my experience and what I really felt/ saw/ dreamed. I cannot deny that. I was/am just reporting on the experience that I had and what I saw and the conclusions I came to. For me, the fact that he settled out of COURT (twice) and a child was able to describe distinguishing marks on the most private of privates... to me validates my conclusion. Let me capitalize "TO ME"

Those points I made above in my defense were not a part of my thought process during the experience but something I think that my subconscious brought to the table, and is probably why I came to that conclusion during said experience.

I don't think he abused HIS children, that was never part of the situations and there have never been any accusations to that point, in fact, I believe he was probably an excellent father to HIS OWN CHILDREN to but others... there I go passing judgment again.

Would you allow your child to sleep in the same bed as a 40+ year old?

I have gone through the mother and extortion argument before. I think one lawsuit settled at $20+ Million. However, if I know 100% that if I/ YOU am/ are innocent of any charges would YOU ever settle out?

If I am wrong, then I will apologize and man up and take that responsibility when that time comes.

#18 Posted : 7/3/2009 5:33:03 AM

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We don't know. No one knows what really happened. It's very easy to plan an attack on someone like that for monetary gain. A child could be coached all about all those marks on his body from someone who knows him personally, like a maid.

I think settling out of court is what someone after his money would want. If your child was abused, would you want money? Or would you want him in jail? I think most people would want him in jail, not money.

Anyway, I'm not saying he's innocent and I'm not saying he's guilty. No one knows and we should not pass judgment like that.

Imagine for a moment that you are wrong. Just think, half the world has probably already accused him. If they are wrong, they've done him a horrible injustice. If they are right, then he got what he deserved. But I know, none of us really know. We've read stories about it, saw it on TV, but none of us know any of them.

If I knew a kid personally, and that kid told me he was abused, and I knew the kid wouldn’t make up stories to get rich, then of course I would be saying something about it and trying to get the guy, but I don’t know any of those kids, and you don’t, none of us do.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#19 Posted : 7/3/2009 5:45:53 AM

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Man...I sound all new-age-incenses-&-crystals-shopish , but I say this from experience & having to learn this myself too!

Do not worry man we know who you are, you wont find to many new agers working in the machine shop.

Keep on Truckin (any one remember the FREAK BROS)

Alright WS nice..............................................................................Laughing

EDIT Kungpow same here I know excatly what you mean having considered possibilities is much different from MAKING JUDGEMENTS.
all judgements lead to DEAD ENDS correct or incorrect. There is always something more to consider about anything so making concret judgements in the mind is destructive and a waste of time and mental enegery. my opion
#20 Posted : 7/3/2009 5:47:18 PM


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"Quantum Buddhism" is a tongue and cheek statement. I refer to the OLD term Samsara and the NEW idea of quantum reality(that matter is an illusion, just a frequency, blah blah blah).

The Devils advocate in me responds with "well, reality is as real as the pain of fire."

And yes, in modern society, pedophilia is 'wrong' and enough so to be a crime. I, myself, was very nearly a victim. Fate intervened. Enough said.

This mortal coil is designed in accordance with the laws of the 3 or 4 dimensions in which we live. We feel pain/joy and respond accordingly. Our actions have wakes and ripples. The effects of which are almost always outside our ability to fully comprehend.

And I say that causality cannot be traced back to the big bang simply because humans are the WILDCARD. The universe was bored with its own predictablility and along came Adam.

Along came Adam. Thats a good name for a book about humanity, huh?

We shook things up, still are shaking things up. May kill ourselves in the process and only styrofoam will live to tell the tale.

But it hasn't been boring....and maybe thats the idea.

I know I'm having a good time.Cool



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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