Listen to your body Options
#1 Posted : 7/11/2015 3:02:38 AM

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So this is just a short little piece I though that I would share in hopes that more people will realize that our body's know what they need to do.

For the last couple of days I've felt the need to throw up but I just dismissed it as a small stomach bug and let it be. Although what made me think is the feeling wasn't that of being sick or anything it was more like my body, mainly mt stomach, was telling me it had something in it it didn't want.

So after a couple of days I decided to listen to it.

I went outside to purge my stomach. I was worried that I was going to waste the large dinner I had just eaten by my guts turning inside-out, a hellish experience as usual, but what happened was entirely different.

I was expecting it all to come loose as soon as I let it, but it actually took a bit of trying. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't forcing myself, it was as if my body needed me to want it to do it.

After some concentrating and a few dry heaves I almost gave up, but I decide to give it one more try. I asked my body to do what it needs to do.

Finally it came out. Not a lot like one normally would when throwing up, instead only about an ounce of thick brownish goopy liquid came up. In fact. it felt rather pleasurable. I am also glad only that small bit came up and not the entire contents of my stomach.

As soon as that happened, I no longer felt the need to hurl. As if my body told me it did what it needed to and was done.

After all pf this i felt pretty great, as if a pound of lead was removed from my gut, and consequently, my whole body. I was very glad that I decided to listen to my body and let it direct me in a path that would benefit us.

In short, when you feel a need for something, do it. Your body will point you in the right direction. I hope this will inspire at least a few people to take more notice to their instincts. And trust the billions of years of evolution that went into creating you. Good vibes everyone Big grin
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#2 Posted : 7/13/2015 11:23:14 PM

Pay No Mind

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Our bodies intrinsically know what to do...

Our minds tend to overthink it all & get in the way of healing.

I see this all the time at our acupuncture clinic & herbal pharmacy.

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No Knowing
#3 Posted : 7/16/2015 8:11:13 PM

fool adept

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Yea vomiting and the gag reflex are functions best purged of all cultural hangups and conditioning.

Whenever I feel like you did I just give in and let it out. Usually start dry heaving or touch a finger behind my tongue and let it rip. When you eat something bad give in, don't let your body process it GET IT OUT! Gag reflex releases alot of tension even without vomiting.

A body practice I learned is make yourself gag[don't do it near eating or you may vomit] 5 times before a job interview, date, etc. And this will release ALOT of the tension in the throat, chest, and belly. Always sets me at ease and gets me back in a my body before something where I need to be on point.

Glad you got past your conditioning against vomiting and got that crap outta you!
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
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#4 Posted : 7/16/2015 9:53:41 PM

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No Knowing that's a very interesting habit, I think I'll try that. Very happy
Open your mind and expand your conscious.
#5 Posted : 12/3/2015 3:44:02 AM

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Great OP, I have come to the same conclusion over the last few years.

I think most of us in general are def when it comes to listening to our bodies. Unfortunately a lot of the "medicine" that is practiced these days is about "shutting" the body system up instead of heeding its demands and warning signals, or supporting its actions/reactions.

Cognitive Heart
#6 Posted : 12/3/2015 5:34:11 PM

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Listening to the root of the current issue(s) can unlock greatness in health and well-being. Thumbs up
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