A series of experiments with extremely high dose DMT trips. Options
Bill Cipher
#21 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:29:00 AM

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...and a quick IP check revealed Swimfrey to be in reality... Hysterix, perhaps?

Listen, Swimfrey. That's some fanciful creative writing (I guess), but with all due respect... IT'S BULLSHIT. So, what is the point of the exercise, I wonder? What exactly are your motives? Because there ain't a bit of truth in your report - not a fucking bit. And had you ever had the experience AT ALL you would know that your silly, juvenile 20-hit story was soooooooo completely over the top that it was better left untold.

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#22 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:50:47 AM
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The Traveler wrote:
I'm sorry I'm saying this but I find it a bit hard to believe that someone is capable off taking 20 straight hits. I also have doubts with the 'fact' that you could move after those 20 hits to 'go lay on your bed and meditate'.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice report but somehow I doubt that it's a report about DMT or jungle spice...

This is nothing more than conservatism. People tend to fall into a very particular mindset when it comes to this drug, as if there is only one CORRECT way to use it. "I'm gonna vape this, lie back, and levitate to another world." There are, however, a few points that I would like to bring to your attention that can hopefully shed some light on this issue. Let's use music as an example: If people limited themselves to textbook musical theory, as opposed to putting their own expressive variations on it we would almost certainly be left with dull, dry, boring music. As with anything else that we experience as human beings. A DMT trip is completely subjective, and there is no right or wrong way to experience it. If you don't think it's possible to walk during an intense trip, then it's only because you refuse to allow yourself to walk during the trip. This is a simple case of preconceived collective consciousness. I mean honestly, how many trip reports have you read that had the same general outline? It all comes back to the fact that the majority of people who are familiar with this substance follow a rather formulaic approach to using it. I was the same way at first: Load, Vape, Toke, and Float, but one night during a group session. The unbelievably energetic disposition of DMT was brought to my attention, and I inexplicably jumped out of my chair and began running around the room like a raving lunatic. What I took from that was the idea that the energy created by these experiences can be expressed in several different ways. Ever since that trip, physical activities have been something I have been focusing a lot of my energy into. I've tried walking, running, drumming, playing guitar, etc. and succeeded in all of them. I even remember one pharmahuasca experience that consisted mainly of me walking around an apartment complex for 4 hours, and smoking booster bowls of jungle spice every 45 minutes. I retained perfect balance the whole time, and didn't even so much as stumble once. With experience comes understanding, but don't take my word for it. Start with a 25 mg dose, stand up, and walk around as much as you can possibly stand to before sitting back down. Raise your dosage by 5 mg, and walk a little more each time. You will struggle with balance issues at first, but it DOES get easier with time. Promise.
Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
#23 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:52:20 AM

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honestly 20 sounds insane. may i suggest (without flaming) that maybe SWIswimfry took many short fast hits and lost count? SWIM knows after a bunch of hits counting becomes downright ridiculous. anyway, SWIm isn't one to judge or claim authority. i can only take SWIswimfry's word for it, however the report given sounds no more intense than SWIM's experience with DTM taking 3 deep hits or maybe 8 or so fast hyperventilating hits.

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.
-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)
Bill Cipher
#24 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:58:33 AM

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mugwump77 wrote:
honestly 20 sounds insane. may i suggest (without flaming) that maybe SWIswimfry took many short fast hits and lost count? SWIM knows after a bunch of hits counting becomes downright ridiculous. anyway, SWIm isn't one to judge or claim authority. i can only take SWIswimfry's word for it, however the report given sounds no more intense than SWIM's experience with DTM taking 3 deep hits or maybe 8 or so fast hyperventilating hits.

Yeah, my suggestion is considerably less charitable. HE IS LYING. Do you doubt it for a second? Puhleeeze... I mean, honestly, he operated TWO lighters to take his 20 hits... Give me a fucking break.

If this mook has EVER even seen DMT, then I am the Queen of England. Whatever your game is, pal, take it someplace else. YOU'RE A FRAUD, and your bullshit is stinkin' the joint up 'a plenty.
#25 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:58:42 AM

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i am so sorry to jump into this with a chip on my shoulder....but i have to say just a couple things here to my family of the sacrament.
firstly- this should not be an arena to tell tall tales of false psychedelic bravado. truly. at this point i have gotten to a place where i can "feel" the honesty of someone recanting their commune with the sacred molecule. it is palpable. it is told with awe.

...and it is told with humility....

tales of "20 hits..then i walked around and meditated on my bed...." is fabrication. it is sad for me to see these posts because they detract (in my opinion) from what we are all striving for in this righteous, sacred space called the DMT Nexus. this is a place for all of us to come together and LEARN. to SHARE genuine accounts. to TEACH new methods of extraction and consumption. to HEAL through community after experiencing the impossible. and to feel SUPPORTED in a sharing of such experiences...

Swimfrey- i will not outright call you Hysterix. however, i will say that your ego-based style of writing is hauntingly familiar. i, with utmost humility, have to share with you that i have worked with the spice almost EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 7 months. what you claim to do is IMPOSSIBLE....and i am one to normally refrain from using this word....

without starting a veritable maelstrom of ego-puffing, i would simply ask that your tales of bravado be tempered with a sensitivity to the general vibe of this site. if it is in fact you, hysterix- PLEASE, learn from your last sojourn came on WAY too strong, WAY too fast. ego has no place here...this is a sanctuary to come be with like spirits...

....having shared in the same magical oneness, we are all quite capable of INSTANTLY smelling and calling bullshit when it is thrown up here.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#26 Posted : 7/2/2009 4:02:42 AM

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very creative writing my friend! i commend you on your writing style and your imagination! i'd be lying if i said that, once i suspended my disbelief, i didn't get a kick out of your tales!! Very happy

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#27 Posted : 7/2/2009 4:03:50 AM

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its interesting that you talk about getting up and moving is indeed very easy to do..on low doses(~25mg) but after you go higher it becomes very very difficult...

SWIM has seen two people actually pass out from standing/walking while on large doses..their face goes all white..and they collapse with some slight muscle twitching going on...they usually regain consciousness about 30 seconds afterward..these were both very recent(within two weeks)

and these are on doses of no more than 40mg..

while SWIM does enjoy walking around and doing things after smoked spice...sometimes its impossible because you will just pass out...
it's a sound
#28 Posted : 7/2/2009 5:27:22 AM

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It isn't like Opti has an accurate scale or anything, but he has been loading up a "standard" near breakthru dose and having me hop around on the crag with a bostick when the sun sets. This is after about 5 years of regular work with both the spice and the bostick [and maybe 30 years of work on the crag].

I find SWIMS writing style to be somewhat pulp-fictionish, myself, but I thought that in interests of honesty, that profound physical activity on moderate dosages is entirely possible for some people.
#29 Posted : 7/2/2009 6:09:06 AM

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It isn't like Opti has an accurate scale or anything, but he has been loading up a "standard" near breakthru dose and having me hop around on the crag with a bostick when the sun sets. This is after about 5 years of regular work with both the spice and the bostick [and maybe 30 years of work on the crag].

Damn Opti your making me feel young again havent bruised myself in years spice to.....

Hey SMALL FRY get out of here and stop making yourself more of a idiot than you all ready are

see you in hell punk!!!!!!Cool

Very happy thats right before I edit out my smile as well

never more the raven did squack
deep in the woods from upon rusty loft
Seeking freedom for a imprisoned soul
long lost forgotten and out of control
existance multiplied into trillions of forms
only to find its self innumerably
twisting knots excrueating pain
angles and demons are one and the same
just as the blinding sun and cool summer rain
youthful lust dances with inocent feet
#30 Posted : 7/2/2009 6:55:32 AM

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Swimfrey wrote:
This is nothing more than conservatism. People tend to fall into a very particular mindset when it comes to this drug, as if there is only one CORRECT way to use it. "I'm gonna vape this, lie back, and levitate to another world." There are, however, a few points that I would like to bring to your attention that can hopefully shed some light on this issue. Let's use music as an example: If people limited themselves to textbook musical theory, as opposed to putting their own expressive variations on it we would almost certainly be left with dull, dry, boring music. As with anything else that we experience as human beings. A DMT trip is completely subjective, and there is no right or wrong way to experience it. If you don't think it's possible to walk during an intense trip, then it's only because you refuse to allow yourself to walk during the trip. This is a simple case of preconceived collective consciousness. I mean honestly, how many trip reports have you read that had the same general outline? It all comes back to the fact that the majority of people who are familiar with this substance follow a rather formulaic approach to using it. I was the same way at first: Load, Vape, Toke, and Float, but one night during a group session. The unbelievably energetic disposition of DMT was brought to my attention, and I inexplicably jumped out of my chair and began running around the room like a raving lunatic. What I took from that was the idea that the energy created by these experiences can be expressed in several different ways. Ever since that trip, physical activities have been something I have been focusing a lot of my energy into. I've tried walking, running, drumming, playing guitar, etc. and succeeded in all of them. I even remember one pharmahuasca experience that consisted mainly of me walking around an apartment complex for 4 hours, and smoking booster bowls of jungle spice every 45 minutes. I retained perfect balance the whole time, and didn't even so much as stumble once. With experience comes understanding, but don't take my word for it. Start with a 25 mg dose, stand up, and walk around as much as you can possibly stand to before sitting back down. Raise your dosage by 5 mg, and walk a little more each time. You will struggle with balance issues at first, but it DOES get easier with time. Promise.

Rolling eyes
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#31 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:04:36 AM

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Congratulations, Swimfrey! You've managed to publicly humiliate yourself, and destroy any type of discernible credibility that you may have had on this forum all in one fell swoop!

Nice work.

Jackass ....
Please note that I am completely and totally off the wall stark raving mad, and that anything I post is simply a reflection of my poor mental hygiene, and is in no way meant to be taken seriously by anyone.

Thank you ....
Bill Cipher
#32 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:05:58 AM

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Yeah, I don't know why exactly this pisses me off so badly...

Perhaps it's because this is an experience which SWIM has found to be life changing. Maybe it's because this is a place where those who have had it gather to share and make some honest sense of it. Could be it's because of the level of respect I have for Traveler and company. Whatever it is, this guy reminds me of a pimply faced 12 year old out in the schoolyard insisting he's just fucked the babysitter... except that I think there's something more sinister than a dipshit's boasting going on here.

You are a complete fraud and a joke, Swimfrey. I don't believe for one hot second you've ever encountered DMT. My guess is that your experiences are about as real as Hysterix and his big assed jar of Splenda, and I'd bet the ranch you are one and the same, or some knucklehead associate.

Bad mojo, Nexus. Watch your backs with this guy. HE ISN'T REAL, and his presence here feels distinctly hostile in nature.
#33 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:19:56 AM

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In Hungarian, we have a phrase "szentségtörés". In the dictionary, I found two English translations: profanity and sacrilege. I don't know the etimology of the English worlds, but in Hungarian, "szentség" means Holiness, and "törés" is breaking, so "szentségtörés" is something like breaking the Holiness.

I always wondered about this word. Through my psychedelic voyages, I learned to associate Holiness with something that was eternal, divine, immaculate and everlasting. Essentially unbreakable. So I couldn't really fathom how such a word could be created, especially in a spiritual context. It occurred to me that perhaps people who did not have an unshakeable experience of the absoluteness of God, were afraid that what is dear to their hearts may be lost because of acts of irresponsible people and from this belief came the idea of protecting the Holiness at all costs.

On the other hand, the Zen writings mention that when you meet the Buddha, you should kill it.

I hope I made myself clear. Smile
#34 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:24:27 AM

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cellux wrote:
In Hungarian, we have a phrase "szentségtörés". In the dictionary, I found two English translations: profanity and sacrilege. I don't know the etimology of the English worlds, but in Hungarian, "szentség" means Holiness, and "törés" is breaking, so "szentségtörés" is something like breaking the Holiness.

I always wondered about this word. Through my psychedelic voyages, I learned to associate Holiness with something that was eternal, divine, immaculate and everlasting. Essentially unbreakable. So I couldn't really fathom how such a word could be created, especially in a spiritual context. It occurred to me that perhaps people who did not have an unshakeable experience of the absoluteness of God, were afraid that what is dear to their hearts may be lost because of acts of irresponsible people and from this belief came the idea of protecting the Holiness at all costs.

On the other hand, the Zen writings mention that when you meet the Buddha, you should kill it.

I hope I made myself clear. Smile

Welcome friend!

Thats the justice system of the universe!

one departs
another arrives
#35 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:00:22 PM


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I feel stupid for my post before taking this seriously. I won't delete it cuz that makes forums messy. I was trying to read and comment on others trip reports as, after posting one, I can see why people like the feedback. Kinda bummed that I wasted my time reading what turned out to be a fake report when I could have been reading and commenting on a real report by a real fellow DMT explorer.

IMHO, DMT deserves respect. What this is, and were it takes us is very special. To make up stories about DMT especially on THIS forum. DMT-nexus is hands down the most respectful, welcoming forum I've every been on about anything in the seven years I've been posting on forums.

No need to make up anything here, and uh, obviously we have some grade A bullshit detectors here as well. Nice work to you.

Do you guys get this alot?

Visit the Hyperspace Lexicon and contribute to the discussion. Help define the previously indiscribable!
Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#36 Posted : 7/2/2009 5:22:00 PM

The Great Namah

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Yeah we get a poster or two that does this. Usually some kid living at home with his parents and too much time on his hands. We try our best to weed them out quickly, but you know, sometimes they just really want to come back and share more BS with us. Not really sure why, but whatever.

Some forums that are about drugs have this kind of mentality. Something like "I did more drugs than you, I'm a super macho drug warrior." I remember it was like that in highschool for some kids.

However, on the Nexus most of us feel DMT is not a recreational drug to be abused, but rather that DMT is a sacrament/medicine that should be used for healing, understanding, and exploration (internal or otherwise).

This thread cannot do anymore good, I'm locking it at the end of the day if I can remember. If another mod sees it still open go ahead and lock this thing if you feel it is the right thing to do.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#37 Posted : 7/2/2009 11:40:11 PM


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I ripped a handful of root bark from my neighbors mimosa and stuffed it in my maw. Then I went to seven-eleven and picked up a harmala slushie, told the teller "Namaste" and I swaggered out the door. I was so high when I got home I thought jumping on my trampoline would be a good idea. Boy was I wrong. I bumped my head on a low flying dc-10. If my roommates werent Shpongle I don't think I would have made it. Anyway, long story short. I have done DTM lots and lots so Nyahhh!!!

"the Heroic dose" can be rearranged to "oh heroes deceit"

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#38 Posted : 7/3/2009 12:12:04 AM

The Root

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antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#39 Posted : 7/3/2009 2:23:47 AM

The Great Namah

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acolon_5 wrote:

This thread cannot do anymore good, I'm locking it at the end of the day if I can remember. If another mod sees it still open go ahead and lock this thing if you feel it is the right thing to do.


I ripped a handful of root bark from my neighbors mimosa and stuffed it in my maw. Then I went to seven-eleven and picked up a harmala slushie, told the teller "Namaste" and I swaggered out the door. I was so high when I got home I thought jumping on my trampoline would be a good idea. Boy was I wrong. I bumped my head on a low flying dc-10. If my roommates werent Shpongle I don't think I would have made it. Anyway, long story short. I have done DTM lots and lots so Nyahhh!!!

"the Heroic dose" can be rearranged to "oh heroes deceit"


Ok, so I was wrong. It looks like some good CAN still come of this thread. Damn that made me laugh.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
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