"The Freedom to be" ; vaporhuasca (plugged rue) Options
#1 Posted : 7/5/2015 5:21:51 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: What good is salt if it has lost its savor?
Mindset: Skeptical, but ready. Curious.
Physical condition Set: Alert, only slightly fatigued from working a shift earlier in the day.
Setting: Couch, cold room, fleece blanket. Nitin Sawhney on the MP3 player.
Time of day: 22:30
Recent drug use: Last DMT trip 10 days ago. Otherwise no drug usage whatsoever.
Last meal: 17:30, pocket pita stuffed with salad and hummus.
Body weight: 70 kg.
known sensitivities: None.
history of use: I have vaped DMT approximately 100 times. Maybe 30% with MOAI. Aya analogues a couple of times.
Substance(s): A light tan coloured snowy crystal dmt; a bit of the red/brown wax. From freeze precipitated ACRB using Cyb's salt tek. ALSO: powdered rue extract, light gray/tan coloured.
Dose(s): 40 mg spice, 111 mg of extracted rue freebase
Method of administration: rectal/plugged/anal MOAI and vaped DMT. Spice half-sandwiched in some cilantro. Vaped from .75 litre bong w/ "the key" attachment. Rue extract dissolved in 5ml water and 5 ml white vinegar (5%).

Administration time:
T=0, Plugged the MOAI .
T=25 Vaped spice

40 mins of deep, wild hyperspace.
20 minutes of in and out hyperspace.
30 minutes of sharp introspection and amazement.
First effects:
T = 0 ; No noticeable MOAI feelings. No discomfort, and the full bowel feeling with enemas faded after 10-15 mins. As per usual, I was left thinking if the MOAI was doing its job.
Peak: T = 4 minutes.
Come down: 1h
Baseline: 2 hours
Intensity (overall): 3 out of 4, but not in an unpleasant way.
Pleasantness: 2/4
Unpleasantness: 2/4 (due to a freakout/fear at the beginning). No intestinal/physical discomfort.
Visual Intensity: 2/4


Hangover: none
Afterglow: Attentive relaxation; heart rate still above normal. Mind clear, focused, less headspace noise despite the introspection. Slightly difficult to fall asleep after the comedown.


The plugging of the rue extract went by without consequence. Many people find that sticking things up their rear to be unpleasant, but I posit that it does not have to be so; it is unpleasant as far as the mind decides it to be. The same could be said of a bounty of endeavors, have patience, go slowly, things will work in the end.

I relaxed and listened to some music, surfed the internet. Then I hit the bong.
The first two hits here mild vapour; the kind that is wispy and clean and you even wonder if you’ve done it right. It was during the third inhale where I felt the throb of dmt coming on. As I held it in, I felt the technicolor darkness envelop me with surprising speed and depth. Before my mind was slung mercilessly into hyperspace, I had one final thought, involuntary.
“Oh man, I am in trouble.”

The haze was green and orange and unrelenting. I would have an image of a Peruvian forest, the verdant creep pulsing as my eyes attempted to focus. Then in a blur of milliseconds, someone changed the tune of my cosmic television to an in-between channel. Static, digital, neon lines, and for a moment I was caught between the regular scheduled programming of ancestral shamanic practice 101 and an airing of Immortal Ad vitam (sorry for the obscure French movie reference). Visually interesting, but no meaning while I was in between.
When I could settle for moments inside the shamanic world, I saw my intestines as if my mind was giving myself a colonoscopy. The veins on the tissue surface were fascinating. The weird part was that I felt like I was experiencing the universe via my anus; not sexually, but sensitively. I wondered why the rue was so powerful down there – wasn’t the DMT in my brain, and didn’t it come into me via my lungs? Isn't DMT supposed to be the carrier of the magic?

I mused on the light versus the force aspects of ayahuasca but couldn’t coherently make an argument about it, I was WAY too high.

It seemed as if the MOAI was the major force of the experience and like an aya experience, I pulsed in and out of body, mind and hyperspace to the rhythm of some unknown cosmic orchestra.
The trip was so unexpected; I must have forgotten what power DMT has when you can remember the experience. I began to freak out at the 10 minute mark. What if someone were to come upon me in this state? (I do have a family, so it’s not implausible) I would be able to shake off the vision and almost be able to walk and talk if needed, but they’d know. Oh they’d know.
Was this a fear of being found out? Or just a fear of sharing the personal and sacred with others? I have this every now and again, whether the fear is unfounded or not. To have a sitter means I cannot truly be free to experience, their presence somehow inhibits me from opening up fully. To go it alone means I must hide myself, be in potential danger of what I may do … etc. It took serious mental effort to chill. The. Heck. Down.

My inner shaman prevailed and noted, “Next time, you’ll know what to expect though. You’ll be better prepared and can enjoy things more.”
I also felt strange, thinking of having a rich inner experience without telling anyone; I resolved to alert my spouse when I would go into my meditative mode, even if I required no sitting.

At the 40 minute mark, I stopped the full blown visuals and insanity – for I did truly think I had temporarily become mad – I felt the drunkenness of my mind being blown apart. Each function, talking, moving, introspection was its own master, and there was considerable dissonance while trying to do any of them. I would take periods of time to open my eyes center myself, check the time (as it so far had seemed to bend .. 1 minute, 1 hour? Who knew?) and assure myself I would be okay. Closing my eyes, I began to see some heavy metal musicians, riffing a strange chord, hitting an amusical lick built off minor scales (B? D? its hard to tell). It was piecemeal – a thrash here, a discordant jam there … then silence for a random time.

Eventually, experienced a trinity of mental sound; I remembered a song and sung it to myself(non-vocally); I created a basic child-like tune (like a slow toddler on a xylophone); I heard an external, hyperspace song (not created by my mind, but floating in the deepspace void).

Some other stuff happened; I saw a magic snake dragon (Shenron from Dragon ball z?), I vowed to create a sacred space for my spouse to enable anything private they’d want to do inside of it (I have a chill space of my own, and none other can inhabit it for most hours of the day) and I decided that telling my tales did not constitute attention-seeking approval traps; they are how I make sense of my experience to the world.

In the afterglow, I repeated six times the phrase, “Holy S@%$. That was something.” Followed by a bout of laughter, then a tear, then silence.

In the end, telling the story is as important for me as it is potentially for the hearer; the need to express (without or without recognition) is human. And with my prowess and my follies, I am precisely that. Human.

If you read this, thank you - I will attempt to answer any query.

- FF

The two great commandments: to love god and love thy neighbor as thyself. How do we love god? By serving our neighbor in equal pleasure to ourselves.
FiniteFox attached the following image(s):
Nine-Dragons1.jpg (215kb) downloaded 138 time(s).
IMG_20150709_102605219 (1).jpg (3,544kb) downloaded 86 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 7/5/2015 11:06:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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my brother's last blast off, he drank WAY too much Rue Tea and then blasted off 15 minutes later. He called me in a panic because the 10 minute mark had passed and he was STILL tripping. He said that he would walk over to do the dishes, think of another task to do, start heading in that direction, and think of another task, and he couldn't even begin the 1st task. He said that he couldn't even solve a simple math equation if he had to much less do anything that requires high motor skill functioning.

I think overshooting the Harmala dosage can make oneself really loopy for a while. Be careful!
#3 Posted : 7/5/2015 11:33:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thx for sharing, not many put it up.
#4 Posted : 7/6/2015 3:18:52 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 168
Joined: 28-Jun-2014
Last visit: 06-Jan-2025
Location: What good is salt if it has lost its savor?
Operculum wrote:
my brother's last blast off, he drank WAY too much Rue Tea and then blasted off 15 minutes later. He called me in a panic because the 10 minute mark had passed and he was STILL tripping. He said that he would walk over to do the dishes, think of another task to do, start heading in that direction, and think of another task, and he couldn't even begin the 1st task. He said that he couldn't even solve a simple math equation if he had to much less do anything that requires high motor skill functioning.

I think overshooting the Harmala dosage can make oneself really loopy for a while. Be careful!

Point taken, I much more acquainted with dmt effects than rue. However, From what I've read and experienced, I can't say your bro overdid harmalas without a dosage. I've done rue tea plus vaped spice and tripped for 3+ hours, so 15 mins is nothing imo.

For me the freak out is tied to the unknown; even a small change, like rue vs caapi or a tweaked roa , will produce unique effects and thus trigger my fear. I really need to try some combo twice before I can work with the experience effectively.

That said, what do you all think is a high/med/low dose of harmalas for this administration route?
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