definition of a breakthrough Options
Big Inhale
#1 Posted : 11/11/2007 2:57:25 AM

The Enlightend One

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swim would like to know what your definition or a breakthrough is because swim has been having some super hard trips for example swim was in a space with a giant green organic thing that was popping and pulsing and moving then it started projecting emotional energy at swim and swim felt like he was was being charged up now swim wants to know would that be considered a breakthrough or just an intense journey
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#2 Posted : 11/11/2007 4:01:00 AM
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a breakththrough is breaking through the veil. the veil is like a large wall of geometric shapes..rotating and changing. morping and spinning around. sometimes it looks sort of dome shaped (the dmt dome) when you breakthrough, you reach the other side of this veil, smash through it. This is where the elves and other creatures lurk. Things on the other side seem just as real as anything. You are totally enveloped in this world. You can't open your eyes and make it go away. You are in a trance.

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El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 11/11/2007 10:04:32 AM

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Great explanation - it sounds so simple when you put it that way..! But often, it's hard to remember much of anything except the 'going through' and coming back parts of The Veil
#4 Posted : 11/15/2007 2:13:37 AM


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ive never really met the elves yet. i have gotten to a point where i lost memory of my self and was aware only of energy that extended infinitely and eternally and i was that enrgy. and on returning to my physical body it took a while to register that i was who i was and that i had a life at all. is that considered breaking through? Confused
#5 Posted : 11/15/2007 3:50:16 AM

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I would certainly consider that to be a breakthrough varun, IMHO people put too much focus on 'the elves' - SWIM has never seen anything like that (which he can remember...) His trips have had much more in common with the experience you describe. It really is impossible to describe the experience with a language that is so heavily based upon time and space, as ours is. I certainly don't have the words to do so.
#6 Posted : 11/15/2007 11:12:10 AM
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when one feelz like they've smoked FAR too much and and is dying... Smile like literally waking up out of the matrix... complete teleportation and phazing into hyperspace Smile
how deep does the rabbit hole go???
#7 Posted : 11/16/2007 4:20:00 AM


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yeah i thought it was a break through, because i just cant imagine going any further than that, this side of death. i would like to meet the entities though. cheers Very happy
#8 Posted : 11/16/2007 9:20:35 AM

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It could well be termed breaking free. Breaking free of the physical anchors that keep us in this reality.
Infinite I
#9 Posted : 11/16/2007 4:54:06 PM


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[quoteVery happyd0fa26940]ive never really met the elves yet[/quoteVery happyd0fa26940] Ive never really met elves either, though I have thought ive died a few time and met strange female spirits who were having sex with me Laughing Ive also met space pixies ( young teenage gorgeous ones lol) and an alien cow type thing and ive felt the presence of inscets a few times, actually seen some like glow in the dark spacefleas with a big smile and big eyes all overy my body, id seen them before once when I took too many mushroooms, anyone ever seen anything like that ? , was all generally positive though. Ive seen what I thought to be a few reptilians/negative entitys trying to intimidate me and scare me, though I beleive in shapeshifting reptiles anyway, ive actually came across quite a few things but never any elfs, maybe im doing it wrong or something lol
#10 Posted : 12/4/2007 1:29:32 AM
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[quote:1b3f07217b="XENONSION"]a breakththrough is breaking through the veil. the veil is like a large wall of geometric shapes..rotating and changing. morping and spinning around. sometimes it looks sort of dome shaped (the dmt dome) when you breakthrough, you reach the other side of this veil, smash through it. This is where the elves and other creatures lurk. Things on the other side seem just as real as anything. You are totally enveloped in this world. You can't open your eyes and make it go away. You are in a trance.[/quote:1b3f07217b] I thought that people encounter "the dmt dome" once they've broken through the veil, not that the veil itself consists of it. Mckenna says: [i:1b3f07217b]When you break into this space, you have several impressions simultaneously that are a kind of gestalt: First of all (and why, I don't know) you have the impression that you are underground - far underground - you can't say why, but there's just this feeling of immense weight above you but you're in a large space, a vaulted dome. People even call it 'The DMT dome' I have said, had people say to me, "Have you been under the dome?" and I knew exactly what they meant.[/i:1b3f07217b]
#11 Posted : 1/9/2008 9:04:22 PM
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Ive been in a dome also thru takin high doses of Psilocybe semilanceata it was a very very strange place, strange because there was no doors or windows & no sources of light whatsoever but i could see perfectly in there & there was pillars i noticed and walked over to them & touched them, & they didnt feel or look human made at all, the whole place was very alien indeed
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#12 Posted : 1/9/2008 11:19:10 PM

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[quote:bd2ea33e4a]walked over to them & touched them[/quote:bd2ea33e4a] Whaoh ! I don't understand how you can 'walk' and 'touch' in that state where no body is available Shocked ! Or are you describing a kind of lucid dream state ?
#13 Posted : 1/10/2008 3:13:49 PM
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it was a brew of about 500 Psilocybe semilanceata taken @ about midnight then i retired to bed, it definately wasnt a dream cause i think it would be humanly impossible to sleep on that high a dosage, i remember when i reached out to touch this one pillar that i didnt have a hand or i wasnt conscious of it or my body but the pillar felt wet,cool & like a mixture of some kinda tranlucent material crossed with stone and metal very odd but beautiful & also thinking to myself YES this is the computer graphics of the future.this dome also reminded me of those films where the flying saucers are beings in themselves u know no-one driving them cause their alive
don't worry when the skies not blue, cause flowers grow from everything you do
Big Inhale
#14 Posted : 2/28/2008 3:44:05 PM

The Enlightend One

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Well I have to post this here because I cannot start a new thread but anway of to the report. I have a couple of drinks at work about 4 beers 2 shots of jack then im off to my house.I get there and a Friend is there drinking also we both got good buzzez going so we decide to spice things up a little now tripped 3 times this night and the trips were the same for the most part but here is the second trip so we are in my back room med lightingsupplied by christmas lights around the room sitting Indian style I load up a little metal bowl (when we smoke and you dont finish the bowl the next person just packs there dose on top of the left overs) with salvia leaf on the leftovers then a dime full of spicethen a little more salvia then a little cannabis and then a little deep breathing to clear my head.Fire away the music is Eek-A-Mouse(good tripping music if you dont know)so I hear Eek-A-Mouse and shut my eyes and see this beutiful white and pink design and I cant help but think of carnations then all of a sudden a great laughter comes over me and i laugh hysterically and not at anything particular its just an intense feeling so im thinking to my self this crazy because I cannot control myself so Ifall over to put my face in a pillow and then the pink turns into dark blues and purples but the laughter increases to uncontrollable convulsive insane hysterical laughter I talkin tearing up snot coming out of my nose spit coming out of my mouth I thought Iwas going to laugh my insides out. I hear my friend say "damn you sound like a witch" and im feeling like something was being pulled out of me and im thinking I know why some people think shamans are crazy especially if they see them like thi. So the laughter subsides and i sit up smiling ear to ear feeling like a million bucks my friend looks at me and says DAMN because of all of the tears and snot. Man what a rush. So this happend three times that night once to Eek-A-Mouse once to Aphex Twins Diggeredoo song and again to Aphex Twins Mario bros theme.I didn't know it was possible to laugh like that but after I felt like something was gone cleansed someho. So thank you all for this community and this site because these experiences are unmatchable. THANK YOU FELLOW PSYCHONAUTS
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