Dearest dmtsavedme,
Glad you posted about this combination. I've been working with the two recently though have not written most of my experience down. After the 150g range of dried torch, things get to be pretty dreamy...
A week ago I brewed 200g dried Trichocereus Peruvianus with an estimated 15g of dried Passiflora Incarnata and a little less of Turnera Diffusa. Those were herbs I purchased from a local herb shop.
I also added homegrown Sage(Salivia Officinalis), Apple mint, Phalaris Aquatica flowers, Strawberry mint, Skullcap(Scutellaria Lateriflora), and Lemon Balm(Melissa Officinalis).
This combination did me in.
Was able to walk around comfortably after 3 hours. Actually I walked more than five miles with my dog after the come up due to an exhausted water supply...but that's another story.
While I've mixed MAOI plants such as Elaeagnus Umbellata, Hippophae Rhamnoides, Passiflora Incarnata and Peganum Harmala with such plants as Phalaris sp., Acacia sp., Psilocybe mushrooms, and San Pedro; I would say Passiflora Incarnata is the least likely to either fully inhibit monoamine oxidase or rather make your San Pedro more potent.
With mixing Peganum Harmala and Psilocybe mushrooms, I noticed a breach through the mushroom realm into something completely unfamiliar though seemingly always present. Reminded me of an Acacia journey. I've had successful experiences mixing Passiflora Incarnata and Acacia Simplicifolia as well. There is a bioassay I posted("An Acacian Climb to the Flowers of Passion"
though others would argue I didn't use enough to do the trick and it may have been the power of the Acacia working inside me. What triggered the visuals and intensity of the experience was eating a peanut butter/chocolate cookie. The high tyramine content of that cookie and my body's reaction to it validated I had indeed inhibited MAO. Sometimes posting on here does little service to your path of integration.
As well with the fry-feel of the MAOI+Mushrooms and less visuals than usual, the same occurred for me with the combination of all these plants.
There were no negative side effects.
I would recommend this combination. Indeed a recommendation to those using San Pedro for deep healing and a renewed affiliation with the love of life.
In terms of safety, take it in a safe setting and connect yourself to the San Pedro spirit with conscious intentions.
When starting your dosages maybe start with 20-30g of dried torch and 30-100+g of Passiflora Incarnata dried.
Consider the implications of entering the spirit realm for experimentation.
As Steven Beyer said, "you cannot be a tourist among the spirits".
All the love