I've been a long time lurker and was just granted full membership, which I am very grateful for. I owe so many thanks to so many people here for sharing knowledge of all these awesome extraction teks as well as great information about safe and responsible use. I am so grateful that I have been able to share these amazing gifts with so many people!
I recently went to Sonic Bloom, it was my first festival and I loved it. The biggest breakthrough I had there was this: "The most beautiful thing you see at this present moment is a direct reflection of yourself." This came to me while on 2 hits of super clean LSD, laying under the geodesic dome and being swept away by the beauty of it all. If ever you are feeling down, just remember that quote.
"We are able to give so freely because the universe will provide exactly what we need exactly when we need it." Give, give, give, and it will instantly return tenfold, but give without expecting to receive anything in return. "Find peace with what is and you won't be distracted by what isn't." When you live in the present moment, you will almost always realize that you have everything you need and more. If you need something, don't be afraid to ask, we are all brothers and sister on this planet and we are here to help!
I'm not sure what all this means or where it all came from, I'm usually fairly quiet, but thank you all for accepting me, letting me be me, helping me love me, and shining with me!
If you haven't noticed by now, I'm a bit weird