I recently started reading From Science to God by Peter Russell and have found it to be a quite simple yet fascinating book regarding human consciousness. I first heard about it years ago while reading Tryptamine Palace by James Oroc. I had just read a chapter regarding the strange properties of light, during which he says some neat things such as:
"Peter Russell" wrote:Nothing can ever attain the speed of light. Nothing, that is, except light. Light travels at the speed of light. And it can do so because it is not a material object; its mass is always precisely zero. Since light travels at the speed of light, let's imagine a disembodied observer (pure mind with no mass) traveling at the speed of light. Einstein's equations would predict that, from light's own point of view, it travels no distance and takes zero time to do so. This points to something very strange indeed about light. Whatever light is, it seems to exist in realm where there is no before and no after. There is only now.
I went to work the same day I had finished the chapter with the book still fresh in my mind. I was invited later that day to an event my co-worker was hosting involving local ambient music. I went and found there were quite a few people from my workplace, including a guy in his fifties who works in my department and is usually really quiet, incredibly nice and generally unassuming. I noticed he was standing alone and went to accompany him, provoked conversation regarding music in an effort to sort learn more about him. I found out he has been into ambient music since his twenties, has a room dedicated to making music with heaps of equipment, etc. One thing leads to another and we start discussing psychedelics, something that tends to occur frequently during my conversations.
He explained that he frequently uses mushrooms in a ceremonial setting while playing music, and has used a variety of other substances during his youth, but the one psychedelic he has yet to try is DMT but has a strong desire to do so because of the followings story:
He goes on to tell me that a few years ago he had a near death experience. I can't remember why he was in the hospital, something about his pancreas i think, but basically he had been placed with his partner into what was pretty much a closet because the hospital was full. The lights were out and he was in the worst pain he had been in his entire life. At one point he said, okay, I give up, i can't do this anymore. Instantly he began to see a blinding white light. The last thing he remembered was covering himself up like a mummy to avoid the brightness, then he says "i awoke into the universe." There he proceeds to tell me that he saw angelic light beings which were communicating with him through song, telling him various things about life such as never to feel fear while here, they told him to explore the mechanics of sacred geometry using music, etc. They then told him it wasn't his time yet and that there was still much to learn on earth. And thus he returned. He says he used to be a really negative person but since that day he transformed his entire disposition. What was particularly strange about his story is that he said his partner, who was in the same room as him, saw a white light over his body as well!
Immediately i recalled the story by James Oroc where he says the person he smoked with witnessed while sober the same white light Oroc experienced (or something to that effect). I asked him if he had ever read Tryptamine Palace and and he had never heard of it, nor was he familiar with 5-meo-dmt.
I usually always have synchronicities which don't have much meaning behind them so far as i can discern, for instance once having smoked earlier in the day I was in the car with my wife and she ran over a pot hole. I said "jeez it looks like someone hulk smashed the road'. When we drove off the highway and stopped at the first traffic light, i looked to the car next to me and on its side was written "hulk smash" which i found hilarious but not particularly meaningful. This one blew my mind though. Seems to occur at the perfect time in my life as I have just received my GVG (about time i purchased one).
Anyways, tl;dr, thought i would share in case anyone found it interesting or wants to discuss From Science to God or Peter Russell.