3 breakthroughs last night! Options
#1 Posted : 6/28/2009 4:11:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM's been lurking on this site for weeks now and he just had the Terrence McKenna classic elves experiences last night, so he figures he'd share. Last week he completed his DMT extraction and had a few trips. He experienced ego death, which scared the shit out of him, and a shit load of synesthesia. Pretty cool, but he wanted to see the elves.

Yesterday he had a trip in the early evening at my brother's place, and he felt a female entity's presence. he couldn't see her, he just knew she was in my peripherals and she was laughing, thinking she was hilarious. She brought him to a local bar's bathroom for some reason, but his brother brought him out by talking before he figured it out. Later on, around 1 AM or so, he tripped again, only he was alone this time. He felt time come to a stand still and there were multiple female presences behind me where he couldn't see them. As soon as it had halted, time began to speed up again. There was a light fixture with the light off on the ceiling that was extremely ominous for some reason.

SWIM's friend then arrived and SWIM tripped again. This time he could see the women! Only the more he tried to focus on them the less he could see them. He remembers mentioning the Heisenberg principle, and his friend had no idea what he was talking about (he never did chemistry). These women thought that they were the funniest thing ever! He was laughing with them. Then they showed him that death is no big deal and he has no reason to fear. This stuck with him, and he is glad he has it. When he had experienced ego death before, he had a taste of what they were talking about, but this was much more overt. After this happened, the women were trying to tantalize him and get me horny. He refused and they thought it was hilarious. Then he was leaving and they were sad, as was he.

The next trip, about 30 minutes later was the classic McKenna experience with the elves. His vision was completely fucked by the time he took the third hit so SWIM knew he was going somewhere cool. These little pixie-like little girl-elves were flitting across his minds eye, jumping around and were soooo curious. The image that stays with him is of a little pixie lying down with her fists under her chin and her legs in the air behind her crossed, with her head tilted. She was so damn interested in me! Then they brought him to the drug store at the local mall. SWIM wondered why they had brought him here. They replied without saying a word. "Why here, why anywhere?" The concept they were trying to communicate was that human experience is completely the domain of the body, that memories and things we see are all part of the ride that is life. It could have been a certain cave in the arctic for someone who lives in upper Canada, or a certain place in the Savannah for an African, or even another drug store for another person. Sensory input it just cues for our souls in our bodies. SWIM can't believe he's saying that after being a completely skeptical Atheist for so long, but this was a deep, deep experience. That doesn't really explain it well but it's the best SWIM can do. The memories of these trips are incredibly fleeting, like a dream. The little pixies then realized that it was time for him to go, and they were so sad. His friend told him after that he was reassuring them that he would be back, like he was speaking to his loved one.

As for the final trip of the evening, SWIM does not remember much. He does recall that he had male elves for the first time. It was very pleasant, with mucho synesthesia. SWIM's friend turned out the light at one point which made the elves sad, because they needed the light. They also touched on the sensory input thing again, but alas, he can not remember it. Somebody said that a DMT trip is like holding sand in your hand. SWIM believes that is a fantastic allegory.

SWIM burned through most of his extracted DMT. He pulled it out of 250 grams of MHRB, but still has 200 grams of it untouched as well as 114 grams of peganum harmala. He is anxious to try mimosahuasca sometime in the near future, as the shortness of these trips leaves one wanting more.

On a side note, SWIM's friend had a pretty amazing trip himself. He will post it here since he knows his friend will never do so. He saw larger entities which were mostly legs and arms. They appeared to be upset that he was there, like he was an unwanted houseguest. The landscape was very fungal. He described it as similar to Zangarmarsh, for anyone who's ever played World of Warcraft. The entities were hostile, but they weren't going to hurt him. He said it was very dark, but there was a very bright light which got brighter and brighter. The end of the trip came when the light seemed to explode like an atomic bomb, and he opened his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw the light that was on in the room.

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#2 Posted : 6/28/2009 8:06:41 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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dam i wish i could remember that much!!!!!!!
#3 Posted : 6/28/2009 10:13:35 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Nice report, thanks! Always hard to put to words the staggering depths that are opened up...

Why not make use of that Peganum Harmala if you have so little spice left, there are ways to 'get more out of it': make tea from 2-3 grams of crushed seeds depending on body weight, smoke the spice half an hour after drinking the well filtered tea.
You need only half of the usual dose, it's qualitatively different: more fluid, mellow, much longer, long afterglow.
#4 Posted : 6/28/2009 10:57:58 PM
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Thanks, I'll try that.
#5 Posted : 6/29/2009 1:01:39 AM
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tryptographer wrote:
Nice report, thanks! Always hard to put to words the staggering depths that are opened up...

Why not make use of that Peganum Harmala if you have so little spice left, there are ways to 'get more out of it': make tea from 2-3 grams of crushed seeds depending on body weight, smoke the spice half an hour after drinking the well filtered tea.
You need only half of the usual dose, it's qualitatively different: more fluid, mellow, much longer, long afterglow.

mellower? so your not in that pandemonium for a prolonged amount of time?
#6 Posted : 6/29/2009 3:23:18 PM

tryptamine photographer

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mellower? so your not in that pandemonium for a prolonged amount of time?

No guarantees... it's always wildly variable; if it's becoming a pandemonium it's going to be a long one, not as long as oral DMT though. There still is a peak but it's extended, rounded. More time to inhale some more if needed.

#7 Posted : 6/29/2009 7:56:38 PM

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Thats an interesting report Chupacabra.

Yesterday I tried 3 trips, but it just doesn't seem to work too well for me if I use it more than about once or twice a week. I don't know why, but the following trips are never quite as amazing as the first and I guess I always try going to the level of that first trip and can never quite make it. The second and third trips end up crashing quickly on me. I sure wish the DMT experience lasted a little longer...will have to try some combinations I guess.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#8 Posted : 6/29/2009 11:19:14 PM
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I tripped again yesterday, although it wasn't very good. I was very tired, having been functioning on 5 hours of sleep or so, plus the slight hangover from having had a few beers the night before. The elves scolded me for having returned so soon, they said I wasn't in as good shape, which I think may have been part of the fact that I was in a shitty mindset. I didn't enjoy the trip very much. Planning an ayahuasca trip on Canada Day with a friend, will report back then.
#9 Posted : 6/29/2009 11:46:15 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Chupacabra wrote:
The elves scolded me for having returned so soon, they said I wasn't in as good shape, which I think may have been part of the fact that I was in a shitty mindset.

A well deserved whippin'! Prepare better next time, and they will welcome you back. Not something to fool around with casually...
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