A series of experiments with extremely high dose DMT trips. Options
#1 Posted : 6/29/2009 8:19:23 AM
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Hello, I am new to this forum and I would like to take a moment to formally introduce myself. I am SWIMfrey, nice to meet you. I would also like to take the time to apologize for a rather embarrassing first post regarding a problem a friend of mine had, I'm not going to go into the nature of the topic, but I would like to reassure everyone who was aware of that particular post (which has long since been deleted) that it was a simple case of careless preparation by my friend, and this is in no way a reflection of my actual knowledge of the subject. With that being said, I'll go on to share a few rather shattering experiences I've had with considerably large doses of Jungle Spice.

"This is the most significant moment of your entire existence as a human being." I heard a voice in the back of my head whispering as I weighed out 250 mgs Jungle Spice on my digital scale. It looked so intimidating, a quarter of a gram of unknown plant alkaloids and N,N-DMT going into a pipe and into my lungs wasn't something to be taken lightly. Now before I elaborate on the absolute absurdity of the last few sentences of that passage, I want to give you some background about my previous experiences with the dark mystery alkaloids. The first time I ever tried some, my friend had pulled a bit, and loaded 100 mgs into a freebase, which was to be shared by 4 people. I had a breakthrough experience with astral projection on approximately 25 milligrams. A month later, I procured 100 milligrams from a different batch, vaporized 25, and on impulse loaded up the other 75 and vaporized it as well. This is where my pursuit of the high dose trip began. After I set the pipe down I looked around the room and noticed a heavy pixelation effect, with colors bleeding together, paint melting off walls, Hendrix posters playing guitar, personal revelation as to the meaning of my very existence, and a fountain of tears of happiness. My next high dose Red experience was with 110 milligrams in a freebase, it was supposed to go around, but apparently I vaped the whole thing in one hit on accident because nobody got anything. This was completely unintentional, but in retrospect, I'm glad it happened because it was one of the most memorable trips I've ever had. After vaporizing I blew out my hit and everything began to vibrate intensely as the plaster molding on the walls detached itself and began morphing into patterns right in front of my eyes. Then what appeared to be some type of serpentine creature began crawling around under the plaster, showing only it's shape, and eventually morphing into a perfect circle, which in turn materialized a face, grew limbs and took the shape of an abstract clay person which grew more in detail every couple of seconds, I can go into greater detail about this trip if so desired, but I digress from my point. These previous experiences with j. spice sparked a particular interest in the actual amount of which I could tolerate, so I decided to load up 250 milligrams of freshly pulled red/white mix into my trusty space shuttle and see where it took me.

This is the end of chapter one, as my body requires sleep; I will go into further detail tomorrow, thank you for your interest.
Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/29/2009 9:44:50 AM

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I can see a number of members not being very impressed by this. Then again, its good in its own way. To see the effect or such a crazy high dose. I look forward to the next chapter!
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#3 Posted : 6/29/2009 5:42:03 PM
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I can understand why they wouldn't be. I could even see several people calling it downright stupid, shunning my actions, and possibly kicking me off the forum altogether. This is, however not something I can just keep to myself, as it has had such a profound impact on my life. Furthermore, I would like to make it clear to everyone that I am in no way writing about these experiences in an attempt to potentiate my ego, and that I am extremely humbled by the fact that I am even being allowed the privilege of posting on a board alongside the likes of explosively brilliant minds such as Noman, Entheogenist, Jorkest, 69Ron, and Warrensaged. I also would like to let it be known that the sole purpose of my visits to the Nexus are to learn from others who share my passion for this beautiful substance.

Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
#4 Posted : 6/29/2009 9:28:06 PM
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Chapter 2.

Approximately 1 pound MHRB is simmered in a solution of acetic acid and water for 4 hours, and siphoned into a 1 gallon wine jug for extraction. After basifying, it is pulled with naptha 4 times until the final pull which resulted in significantly yellow solvent, at which point it was decided to begin pulling with xylene.

First pull: I fill the wine jug to the top with heated xylene, tilt it end over end for no less than 3 minutes, allow the mixture to separate, repeat agitation 3 times, and siphon off the top layer into a large flat bottom pyrex baking dish for evaporation. I place the dish under a fan, and let sit for 2 hours. After fully evaporating, a thin layer of gelatinous goop has formed at the bottom of the tray. It scrapes together to form a waxy tan/light orange crystalline goo which in turn hardens into rocky chunks when scraped repeatedly. I sample 50 milligrams and decide to pull again.

Second pull: I leave the remnants of the first pull (about a half a gram) on the tray, and re dissolve it in the xylene being pulled from the jug. I siphon off about the same amount of solvent as my first go 'round, and put the tray back under the fan for evaporation. After fully evaporating, I scrape the tray again to find a considerable change in consistency. About half of what I scraped looked like the initial results of my last pull, but the other half had much more structural integrity, and actually sparkled slightly in the light. This was about the point when I decided to try washing out the solids with xylene to see if there would be any further accentuation of this effect. I pour in some xylene, slowly adding just enough to completely dissolve everything on the tray, place under a fan, and once again allow to evaporate. Upon scraping, the solids formed hard, rocky chunks that sparkled considerably in light, interesting.

At this point, I have about a gram, I section it off into 4ths, and all of the sudden get the crazy notion that I should load one of them up and smoke the whole thing as fast as I possibly can just to see what would happen. I pack ex amount of MJ into a pipe, put the spice on top, and cover it with a thin layer of tobacco. "So this is it?" I thought to myself "Every experience you've ever had with this substance has all just been leading up to this. Are you ready?" Maybe I wasn't, I couldn't find my lighter anywhere. "This could be a sign" I thought, but I was bound and determined to see what was on the other side of this bowl, so I used a bit of stoner ingenuity, and created a makeshift lighter out of two broken ones. One had a flint wheel with no gas, the other had gas but no flint wheel, and it was operated by sparking one while holding down the tab on the other one. Once I had fire, I picked up my pipe and proceeded to draw deeply, re igniting every 3 or 4 hits, and cumulatively totaling around 20 hits. Around hit number 15 it became extremely difficult to function as I fumbled the two broken lighters back and forth. There was a very specific foreign energy engulfing every aspect of my entire existence, and the effects were ramping up exponentially. I looked down at the lighters in my hands, and sat awe stricken at the bizarre, alien appearance of them. They looked like cartoon machines of some sort. I continued struggling, until I eventually succeeded to re ignite the absurdly preposterous contraption, and drew the flame into my pipe, which at this point had appeared to have a life, mind, and consciousness all of its own. Not to mention the startling physical appearance of some type of reptilian marine creature with rigid scales ranging in color from one end of the spectrum to the other. I drew deeply one last time, and set the pipe down. I held my hits as long as I could before I exhaled the smoke, at which point something extremely peculiar happened. The smoke formed a large spherical orb that began to divide into several smaller ones, which all grouped together and formed what looked like a large 3 dimensional molecule that centered itself beneath the fluorescent light in the middle of my room. This molecule was the very center of the entire universe. This molecule was an amalgamation of all deities in an abstract manifestation inside my consciousness. I began to feel a strong vibration coming from within. The molecule was communicating with me. It told me that I was no longer fit to be within the realm of the physical, and instructed me to go lay on my bed and meditate. I followed its instructions, and that's when things began to get very interesting. After situating myself; I closed my eyes and was immediately launched out of my body and into a world between dimensions. Nebulas exploded in my mind's eye, billions of stars, planets, moons, and comets created a symphony of light that stretched across my entire field of vision. There was no peripheral, my vision spanned 360 degrees. "Now you see us as we truly are." I couldn't comprehend what I was experiencing. I had become the objective. My ego and subjective perception were trapped in a dimension far away from myself, and I was left with a completely unbiased perspective of everything that has ever existed. Opinion, along with identity were unfathomable concepts. I was no longer limited to the veil of perceptual illusion draped over me in human form. I had become pure energy.

This concludes chapter two. I will continue to chapter 3 today or tomorrow.

Love and happiness,

Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
#5 Posted : 6/30/2009 3:16:43 AM


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By pushing the limits, we understand what we are capable of.

Your intentions seem quite honorable, and the spice appreciates that respect.
Also, no one to my knowledge has O.D.'d directly from spice.

So with that in mind, experiment away!
We are interested in your experiences!

ps. Your writing style is neat, organized and to the point along with
the details you describe. Thank you for that.
"The more one is able to articulate what it is, the less others are able to understand."
I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars.
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
Our Great War's a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives.

#6 Posted : 6/30/2009 4:02:20 AM

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Fantastically deep read! I cannot wait for the next chapter. It is a no wonder you can remember anything on such a massive dose.
How To Stop a Nightmare
Insanty at its finest!
The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
#7 Posted : 6/30/2009 4:19:42 AM


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I want to chime in here. I once had a dream it was my first time smoking spice. I had a quarter of a gram of jungle spice (the same amount as you!) that I loaded into a pipe on top of some herb. This was a long time ago, I wasn't very knowledgeable back then. I took a few huge hits, held them in, and before I knew it I was shot at what felt like light speed through the sizzling green tunnel! (My avatar, the yantra, was there like a gate except crawling and interwoven more complicated than I'll ever remember) There were greys there who let me know I was being abducted and they wanted to show me something.

An entire civilization was grown from seed in fast forward. Then another. Then I was flying above another planet somewhere far, far away. I was guided through all of this by what appeared to me as aliens who couldn't necessarily speak but were the loudest beings I've ever encountered.
There was music blasting across the meadow (on earth, where my body was!) and they were using it to construct the mechanism necessary to travel through were bringing it to me because "all is reflection"

in my dream, many people were given access to the higher octaves from that one bowl. humbling, delightful tour of the Milky Way.

#8 Posted : 7/1/2009 2:32:13 AM
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Thank you all for the positive feedback so far. Chapter 3 is on its way; I'm having a bit of trouble trying to articulate some of the events into words due to the extremely abstract nature of this part of the trip, but I WILL figure out how.
I have to share this.
Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
#9 Posted : 7/1/2009 12:26:35 PM
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Chapter 3.

So here I lay, on a bed hurtling through hyperspace at the speed of thought. Slowly coming to grips with what was happening around me; I began to form a sort of lucidity. I slowly opened my eyes which to my surprise hardly did anything at all. I had to squint hard and focus all my concentration into trying to see through the thick fog of bright, aural energy that filled the room. There was no light on, but it seriously looked like a Simon Posford show was going on in my basement. I closed my eyes again, and the image remained the same as when they were open, only minus the thick cloud of colored particles The dynamics of it were something like putting on goggles in a swimming pool. Everything became clearly visible. I turned my head, eyes still closed, and saw everything in the room in its proper place. My closed eye vision was actually so accurate that I even managed to get up and walk across the room to get something to drink .... at least I thought I did. After taking a moment to revel in the sheer lunacy of what was taking place I opened my eyes again and realized that I had been lying on the bed under a blanket the whole time. "What the fuck?!?!?!" Seems to be the general theme of Jungle Spice. Where pure N,N would take you by the hand and say "Here, I'm going to teach you something." The Jungle would almost invariably get up in your face every time and say something along the lines of "Hey you, I'm gonna fuck your shit up and there's nothing you can do about it." There was no sense left in trying to distinguish reality from fiction anymore. They had become one in the same."Lord help you, you've taken too much." I thought. I was completely certain that this trip was very similar to what one would experience at death. Considering that a standard 50 mg dose is only a small fraction of the flood that your brain releases when you die. Completely immersed in visuals, and crying like a newborn child with ego in pieces on the floor; The very fabric of conventional reality began to unravel right in front of me. Black became white, up became down,impossible became probable. The seas evaporated into the sky, and the clouds descended to float around the continents like an ever lingering fog for all eternity. This was the cataclysm. How long had I been like this? How much longer could it possibly last? After a while I felt myself slowly descending back into reality, and I eventually mustered the ability to get up and look at the clock. It had been two hours. I looked in the mirror to find that my hair was wrought with static electricity, and there was a significant green aura encompassing me. It was a gift that they sent me back with. After that trip, there has not been one waking moment of any given day that prominent closed eye visuals were not present. Additionally, I encounter the same neon green aura every time I take any psychedelic.

This concludes my trip report, thanks for reading.

Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
#10 Posted : 7/1/2009 3:34:15 PM


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Wow. That third one sounded amazing. I was wondering what real difference was between the size of doses your trying and a normal 50mg trip. Your third report really made it clear for me.

Now you get CEV all the time!? Really? How long has it been since that happened? It's like you have a little piece of a DMT trip with you all the time. Tell us more about that please.
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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#11 Posted : 7/1/2009 4:43:47 PM

The Root

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very nice - one thing i wholeheartedly disagree with is that jungle bit - jungle has only ever made the experience more guided and euphoric for me - thats jungle pulled with jorkests tek tho - i couldnt care less for jungle pulled with a petrochem.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#12 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:08:56 PM

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20 hits!! how the hell could you even manage that!? SWIM can get about 5 hits TOPS in before he cant tell which way he is breathing..

Phlux- SWIM finally did some experimenting with large doses of the j spice pulled using the d-limo tek and found something very interesting about it....SWIM has to agree with was rather dull...even though the visuals were awesome and the euphoria was awesome...there was absolutely NO content...just pretty this one....SWIM was flying through many rooms and came to one where there were hundreds of cartoon women with jimjam shooting out of their tits..(jimjam is that sticky squishy goopy substance that can make anything in that reality)

SWIM has had experiences like this from normal spice..but isnt sure if the j spice will continue to produce those sort of effects...maybe a higher dose is in order...SWIM went in three times..and all three times it was the same was the easiest breakthroughs hes ever had...and he could easily speak and communicate with the outside world..maybe 'they' were just giving SWIM a welcome home party...and then next time they will get down to business...

but back to the thread...SWIM has a friend who experimented with LARGE doses of smoked dmt...while on semi-large amounts of Rue...and acid...he took say 5-8g rue and then one hour later took two hits of acid...and then once the acid kicked in...he loaded up at least 150mg freebase crystals...could have been way was a massive pile...he then proceeded to smoke it...took it all in three hits...and then he was looked like the life was draining from his face and SWIM and his two other friends that were there..basically had to take care of him for the whole night..

at one point he woke up...dumped more crystals into the pipe..and smoked more...crazy bastard...he came back a slightly different person...
it's a sound
The Traveler
#13 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:40:51 PM

"No, seriously"

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I'm sorry I'm saying this but I find it a bit hard to believe that someone is capable off taking 20 straight hits. I also have doubts with the 'fact' that you could move after those 20 hits to 'go lay on your bed and meditate'.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice report but somehow I doubt that it's a report about DMT or jungle spice...

#14 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:58:17 PM


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I wondered the same thing. I figured he must have taken little hits very quickly? I think it would be impossible to take 20 whilst holding them all in...the human would be gone far before 6...7...

#15 Posted : 7/1/2009 9:00:26 PM


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I also thought that was funny when I read through this post the first time. After 2 hits I can't make myself take another. I don't see how it would be physically possible to take 20.
#16 Posted : 7/1/2009 9:06:15 PM

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I've tried taking 5 hits from an overpacked bowl before. After 4 the lighter transformed into a trillion moving things and my mind started looping the last hit until full ego loss occured. Very weird experience.

20 hits? Are you even holding them in or just power smoking? Neat reports though.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#17 Posted : 7/1/2009 9:46:32 PM

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kungpow wrote:
I also thought that was funny when I read through this post the first time. After 2 hits I can't make myself take another. I don't see how it would be physically possible to take 20.

Well, if your not smoking DMT....or, if your only taking one toke, every 5 minutes or so...but that'd take a while.Wink

When I'm taking that 3rd hit (sometimes a fourth if one of them was a dud), the bowl looks extremely close to my face & the lighter feels too far away...never really sure if I even get it lit right!

Also, I can see the lighter & the bowl...I know what I'm supposed to be doing with 'em...but a lot of times after 2 hits or so, I don't recognize them!Confused
Not a clue what it is I'm doing with them, or what the hell they even are, I just know what to do with 'em!!
Plus, while I'm taking that last hit, what I'm seeing looks as if my head is stuck inside a small hole, that's lit up with the light from the lighter...& just big enough for the bowl (not the pipe...), the lighter & my face!! It's not uncomfortable or even constricting or anything...I can't really feel it, it's just what it looks like.
Confused Weird...Confused

20 hit's?Rolling eyes
Do you mean all night long?
I don't take 20 hit's of DMT in 3 month's time!!! Seriously!

Anyway, that is a great story about what someone who has never experienced DMT might imagine it to be like.Rolling eyes

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#18 Posted : 7/1/2009 10:12:40 PM

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Even if one could take 20 hits, SWIM doubts that this person would be able to continue counting from hit #5 onwards. Unless he's got a sitter instructed to count hits.

"how did I do thees time matey?"
"ah, reached 20, you still need meir training methinks"

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#19 Posted : 7/2/2009 12:30:43 AM


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The most I've ever done is three so far. When I came back from the breakthrough I had to ask the people there how many hits I finished before I left because I couldn't rememberSmile. Now I admit that I'm still very new to DMT trips but the idea of even taking 5 real hits even if I tried really hard seems close to impossible to me at this point let alone 20 real hits.
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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#20 Posted : 7/2/2009 2:31:18 AM
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Jorkest wrote:
20 hits!! how the hell could you even manage that!? SWIM can get about 5 hits TOPS in before he cant tell which way he is breathing..

Well, the best way to go about something like that is to keep a constant draw going with your cheeks, and blowing out through your nose when you run out of room in your lungs. So if you wanna get technical it was like one massive hit with 20 small draws. Sorry for any confusion. I was on acid when I wrote most of this report ....
Please note that anything I post on this forum is purely fictional, and nothing more than the product of a highly overactive Imagination ....
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