First breakthrough - Scary/Beautiful/Confusing - Please read/comment Options
#1 Posted : 6/29/2009 2:07:50 AM
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This is a copy pasta from another site so there's some information in here that we all know. Please comment back.

I just had my first ++++ (plus4) experience last night. It may be my last. Here's what I wrote to a friend:

Earlier in the night I had ingested about 3.5g of p. cubenesis mushrooms. These mushrooms were very mental but little visual, as 3 hours later I barely had any visuals. Mostly tracers and cloudy, but hailarious thoughts. I figure... let's spice it up. "We're calling in the Russians", I said to my wife. She nervously laughed and said "If you think you can handle it." I loaded half of my third pull of DMT into a pot pipe with ash at the bottom. Not the optimal way to smoke this, I admit, but I don't own a tweak pipe and I'm NOT putting it in my Volcano due to risk of damage or it smelling and tasting like DMT.

My third pull was very successful. I had taken expert care to follow all of the instructions carefully and had prided it as "my baby" as no one assisted with the third pull. I selfishly took the entire third pull home with me, not knowing when I'd use it. I was proud of myself, I, with the help of friends, had created a chemically stable product that looked identical to the images on Erowid. Not owning scales that have a resolution in the mg range I have no idea how much I loaded, feeling slightly drunk from the mushrooms I basically said "fuck it" and loaded half of the third pull in. I'm honestly guessing 80-100mg.

I return to the couch, my wife in our recliner next to me. I stretch out, relax, and begin to inhale the foul taste of DMT. I take two quick hits, holding both of them in at the same time. I release, an incredible euphoric body high takes over me, inducing light visuals. I take a third massive rip, holding it in for what felt like weeks. Upon release I had entered hyperspace. I had been bere before and it was good. Testing my limits, I picked up the pipe for a fourth rip, using my finger I moved the DMT into a gooey ball and flicked my Bic, the ball ignighted like the burning of a thousand suns. This inhale I don't remember releasing.

My memory is spotty from here on out. I am sure my eyes were open but my field of vision was replaced with one that was completely alien. Thoughts raced through my brain at the speed of light. I felt my whole ego, image, life had been torn down and was being analyzed by a higher being. I was made to believe by this higher being that I had been wasting my life and certain parts of it could've been done better. That somehow I was wrong. Images of an event I had tried to hold earlier in the day flashed in my head (rained out, sadly), this was an event of peace, love and tranquility. I was told that things like this wouldn't accomplish anything, and while not a waste of time, would never hope to achieve the goals mandated by the objective.

The colors, visuals were intense. Overwhelming. Nothing scary like bloody heads or snakes or anything. Nothing scary in the TRADITIONAL sense of human fear. Scary as in uncomprehendable. Questions were forced at me:

- Why are we here?
- Who am I?
- What is the meaning of life?

Music was playing in the background, but I was not in my body. I could not hear or see anything real. I was truly in another place. I honestly feel I was guided by some spirit force, and while Agnostic, I reject the Christian belief instead believing good actions and proper karma will get one through life.

I wish I could remember more of the visuals and experience, but it honestly felt like the scene in the movie Contact when Jodie Foster uses the intergalactic machine to transcend Earth. Even though she was only gone (jn reality) for a few minutes, she felt like she had been gone for 12 hours. That's the best way to describe my experience. I truly felt like I had been taken through my life and judged on it. It completely dissolved my ego. It made me challenege all of my morals and princpals. Is my life a waste? Have I corrupted some part of myself by using drugs in the past? What of those I have purposely deceived in times past?

DMT is said to invoke the flashbacks of your life before you die. DMT is said to invoke the tunnel vision some get before they die when they meet a religious entity. I honestly believe these things to be absolutely true.

When I returned to my body I could not speak, instead I could only motion to my wife I needed help. I began to cry and at that moment I could speak. All I could say to her was:

- Wow
- Uncomprehendable
- Where did I go?
- I don't understand

I was truly in tears from the experience. I could not understand what just happened to me in a short amount of time. The tears were not from fear or distress but from the overwhemlingness of the experience. It was mindblowing.

I sat up for the next 2 1/2 hours reflecting on the experience. I was no longer buzzed off the mushrooms. My pupils had returned to normal dilation. I was not high, I was not sober, I just "was". I sat reading the writings of Terrance McKenna, only now truly able to understand what he meant.

Erowid says on the subject of DMT: Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

That is an accurate description of DMT.

At lower doses it produces an excellent stoned marijuana buzz with light visuals. At slightly higher doses your field of vision, while remaining in reality becomes like a cartoon oil painting. At extreme doses, well... You just read my story.

DMT is truly for the experience psychonaut only. It is said to be the one of the most powerful psychedelic substances known to man. It produces and regulates our dreams and REM sleep.

DMT is powerful.

Do not fuck with DMT unless you are prepared.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/29/2009 2:32:36 AM

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That was excellent, compelling, and deep. I get a little nervous reading these trips nowdays. I have not had the chance to go this far though, I got a taste of what will come. A small drop of universal Ice-Cream.

I agree with you, and yet disagree. DMT is for the experience psychonaut, but it should not be limited to sead psychonaut! I (as you might of read, or maybe not have read), have taken LSD once. Then tasted Spice a few weeks later. I think someone should only get into DMT unless they REALLY want to, not because the dealer can sell it to you. Someone who really wants to get into DMT, will do there research.

DMT is powerful.

Don't fuck with it, instead go at it with extreme respect. And I have to disagree with "Do not fuck with DMT unless you are prepared". Nothing can prepare anyone for DMTs power, you should know about that by now Very happy .

Again, nice read.
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#3 Posted : 6/29/2009 2:34:20 AM
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welcome to the club ....i had my last night as well and i'm still try'n to make head or tails of it

just like 'contact' yes......mine horrifying and amazing at the same time.....i dunno what to tell ya!

will have to just go there againConfused Shocked
#4 Posted : 6/29/2009 2:42:39 AM
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I have never taken LSD.

Mushrooms 4 times, including last night.
Salvia a few times but never liked the trips I went on.
MDA a couple of times but that doesn't count much.

I sought out DMT because a friend gave me a low dose once and I had like a ++ experience, maybe light +++, but it was ALL GOOD.

That's why I decided to contact the Better Business Bureau to get bark.

Thanks for the replies guys. Useful to see other perspectives!
#5 Posted : 6/29/2009 2:49:29 AM
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did u find the experience familiar in some warped way?
#6 Posted : 6/29/2009 4:27:41 AM
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Familiar how?

I am not kidding about what I am about to type:

I had a dream about a week after my first DMT experience (a month or so ago), in this dream I was:

- In the same room
- In a different chair
- My wife was in the SAME chair she was last night

I had taken a hit and could not speak to her that I needed help. I could only open my mouth but no words would form.

THE SAME THING HAPPENED LAST NIGHT but I wasn't in a chair. I was on the couch, but the same thing happened from my dream, I couldn't speak to her that I needed help until (what felt like) much later in the trip.

I didn't think ANYTHING of the dream until today because my first DMT experience was weak and just lightly visual. This is my 5th or 6th time to try it.
#7 Posted : 6/29/2009 4:37:36 PM

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I found there is a very de ja vu experience on my first time DMT. Like I had been there before, but not exactly sure of how and when.
#8 Posted : 6/29/2009 5:57:06 PM
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Baffald wrote:
I found there is a very de ja vu experience on my first time DMT. Like I had been there before, but not exactly sure of how and when.

yes exactly.....i'm not sure if its something i was seeing or feeling or what....its annoying me quite a bit now...

i hope i am able to retain more as time goes on .........or else i dont even see the point in doing it anymoreSad Sad Sad
#9 Posted : 6/29/2009 6:10:01 PM
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Thirty six hour later my wife is still scared about DMT.

I'm normal again, and have been for about 34 1/2 hours (1.5 hours after the experience was difficult for me, not difficult bad, difficult like complex math problem)

She was just freaked out because I had never broken through before. I had gone to hyperspace, and it was good, but never broke though.

I was probably 1 hit away from seeing machine elves too. What a shame.
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