Trials with moclobemide as an MAOI Options
#1 Posted : 6/26/2009 3:08:47 PM

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Hi y'all.

This isn't a particularly interesting report, but I hope it might be useful to some spice explorers out there.

From a plant/intoxicants perspective I am most interested in the 'ancient, highly revered shamanic teacher plants and fungi' camp, and don't really use the odd drop of LSD here and there...much at all. I have dabbled in many, including the 2C's, which I think are interesting, but not nearly as rewarding, for me anyway.

Anywho, ages ago I acquired a 300mg moclobemide tab, and 2x 125mg doses of DMT fumarate.

I split the moclobemide, only 150mg being required for MAO inhibition. I took this after a small meal, in the evening, as directed by the elf who supplied me with the goods, and 45 mins later, took the fumarate in a '00' gelcap.

It started creeping over me very gently, about 40 mins later...and all in all was very gentle...pleasant, but more of a recreational buzz, yet not that fun, and certainly not profound or inspiring in anyway.

So anyway, I get reading that gelcaps can seriously impede absorption of goodies, and generally delay/mess things up.

Well, recently, it was a beautiful summers day and I had a free eve. I took the 150 moclobemide at around 6, again after a meal, and around 7 took the 125mg DMT fumarate...but this time I poured the contents of the gelcap into a glass of apple juice, with a few drops of lemon juice added for good measure.

I drank this down, and noted immediate, but subtle nausea, which I thought was strange.

I went to finish off a bit of gardening...and then around 15 mins later...WHAZAM...the world had very suddenly shifted...everything was more vivid...this caught by surprise, so I finished up, went back home to grab a shirt, hoping to avoid any entanglements with people on route, while noticing the world was twisting in to a bizarre alien reality more and more with the passing seconds...

I then fled into the safety of the countryside, to find some nearby woods to chill in for the duration. I was walking down the road, which by now was crawling with strange, geometric forms, even in the broad daylight, and saw someone walking towards me, but thought little of it.

However, I soon realised it was my neighbours son...a nice guy, but now wasn't the best time...he had also decided to go on a walk to enjoy the sun, and we talked for a while, particularly on the intricacies of beehive design for some reason, a subject I don't know that much about...surprisingly though I felt very clear headed, despite all the visual activity and strangeness of the road, plants, clouds, and the guys face and eyes...

I started yawning A LOT. Well I finished chatting and continued on my walk, and was yawning more and more, suddenly feeling VERY exhausted...major melatonin side effects I suspect from the MAOI and the DMT.

I could go on no more and found a nice grassy patch in the corner of the field, and collapsed into it, and curled up. My state literally forced me to close my eyes against my will.

The resulting experience was entirely unpleasant. The visions were full on and very alien and extra dimensional...imagine a strong and particularly bizarre and intense smoked trip the last an hour.

I was surrounded by nature, with birds singing, and the sun setting, and yet my realm of suffering was on a different setting to all this...I felt sick to my stomach, was unable to purge, felt exhausted, and was having some very dark thoughts, and generally felt rotten. I tried vocalising to guide the experience but lacked the strength to actually do it...

This weird experience lasted just under an hour, and ended as suddenly as it had begun...I came back down to Earth very rapidly with a bit of a thump on was nice to be back. I had a nice sort of afterglow actually, I think just coming back from an experience so vile.

I know darkness and challenges are a part of psychedelic experiences...but this was entirely dark, and very hard to make use of or integrate in any way.

The thing which I find interesting, and the reason I really dislike that it has NO character of its own, AT ALL...very much unlike Rue or caapi. Unlike these plants there was no guidance at all.

So yeah that about wraps it conclusion though I'm not interested in takling Moclobemide again..

Peace Smile

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