has this ever happend to you Options
#1 Posted : 6/26/2009 1:26:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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alright i have tried spice 2 or 3 times so far, but two days ago i had a breakthrough. i was at the river camping and i brought some with and i decided to try it there with my cousin. we went to this little island and sat down watching the river and it was about dark.

so i decided it was now or never on smoking so i lit it up. i took 5 hits (no idea on how much was in there) and suddenly i was in the tropics watching the ocean roll in and people like you and me walking all around me. it freaked me out at first but turned out to be the best time of my life. the only things left from this reality were the inner-tubes me and my cousin were siting on.

he became a new person and got up and started doing his own thing but in reality he was still sitting there and watching.

has any thing like this ever happend to you
For legal reasons it's necessary to make this perfectly clear: My posts are pure fantasy; a pretend game in which I pretend to be a drug user. I often play such games on the internet, as a form of personality exercise and amusement. I try to make very REALISTIC sounding posts about imaginary drug using experiences. The MORE realistic they appear, the more fun I have making them. But in all cases they are pure fantasy. I make this statement for two reasons 1) So that law enforcement personnel understand my posts are NOT real statements, and 2) So any confused person visiting this site, who mistakenly believes he is reading REAL drug information, will understand that my posts are specifically NOT real drug information. I am against illegal drugs and I discourage the use of illegal drugs. Anyone receiving PMs from my fantasy forum character should also note that the above statement applies to PMs as well. Furthermore, I am convinced that other posters on this site are also only pretending about drug use, as I am. I assume they do NOT believe my posts are real, and that they understand that I do not think THEIR posts are real.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/26/2009 2:44:11 AM

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Are you saying that you had a kind of immediate lucid dream ?
This never happend to SWIM althought he already 'saw' realistic environment (but he always felt he was at home)

I enjoy your signature Smile
#3 Posted : 6/26/2009 2:56:18 AM


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seems like more people are reporting this kind of experience as of late.'s all connected...(and so are subatomic particles etc!)

most of the reports I've read involve a human being swept away into unforeseen territory.
There must be a way to intentionally navigate.

thanks for the report, and welcome to the Nexus
#4 Posted : 6/26/2009 2:58:56 AM

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it was like i switched places with some skinny guy in Cancun and there were other tourists walking around me.
For legal reasons it's necessary to make this perfectly clear: My posts are pure fantasy; a pretend game in which I pretend to be a drug user. I often play such games on the internet, as a form of personality exercise and amusement. I try to make very REALISTIC sounding posts about imaginary drug using experiences. The MORE realistic they appear, the more fun I have making them. But in all cases they are pure fantasy. I make this statement for two reasons 1) So that law enforcement personnel understand my posts are NOT real statements, and 2) So any confused person visiting this site, who mistakenly believes he is reading REAL drug information, will understand that my posts are specifically NOT real drug information. I am against illegal drugs and I discourage the use of illegal drugs. Anyone receiving PMs from my fantasy forum character should also note that the above statement applies to PMs as well. Furthermore, I am convinced that other posters on this site are also only pretending about drug use, as I am. I assume they do NOT believe my posts are real, and that they understand that I do not think THEIR posts are real.
#5 Posted : 6/26/2009 1:11:43 PM


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I just made a thread that is closely related to this then I seen this one. I get the same thing. During my session last night I would close my eyes and I would be transported to some other earthly place. With dmt these experiences don't seem to bother me, but with mushrooms my trips always go bad there. last night when it happened it seemed like I was just sitting on a deck somewhere really warm. Just like you said it was like I just switched places with someone, and it was as real as me being here typing this. I could smell a grill cooking brats, I could feel the warm sun on my skin.

My other thread was more of a question about the people I encounter when this happens.

Welcome to the nexus and I would really like to have some more conversations with you as it seems you are getting the same effect as me. I have never really talked about these experiences online, but it seems as if I can't get past them and I would like to figure it out.

#6 Posted : 6/26/2009 1:53:06 PM
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These things happened to me as well. I even have had the very odd experience of being at two different places at the same time. I stood up and took a walk when i suddenly realized that i was still sitting somewhere else, wich was absolutely bizar. Furthermore i have had these visions wich later became true. The only thing is that they did not came true exactly in the way i initially saw them but it's more that i ended up in the same places, with the same people in the same sort of circumstances as in the dreams.
#7 Posted : 6/26/2009 2:32:48 PM

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ok guys, now this is getting intersting. i personally have never experienced an exact experience when I have felt like I was swapping places with the perspective of another human... I have had similar experiences where I have felt like I have embodied a very alien perspective... however either way these type of experiences seem to be becoming more and more prevalent in the general conscious field of DMT space that we entrain to...

The exercise of mapping this dimension that we all explore is beginning to extrapolate some resonating parallel time lines

#8 Posted : 6/26/2009 2:51:57 PM


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do you think that the increase in occurrences of these types of experiences could be related to the approach of 2012. I myself don't know what to think about 2012, but I can't help but notice things are changing as the date gets closer. I really hope that it is going to happen as the human race is going in the wrong direction.

What strikes me about these experiences that I have is that I feel like I am in the same time frame as now. It is not like time travel. The time of day is always the same in this place as the same place I am really at, and the people seem to be wearing the same type of cloths as we do now.

Tonight I will be having another dmt session as I am trying to figure this out. I would like to try some smoked dmt on an MAOI, but all that I have is syrian rue and I have only had tough experiences with it. I may try to completely break through as I have only had 2 large hits at one time. All of the experiences that I have had on DMT are sub breakthrough. At least they feel to me like they are sub breakthrough as I have not had any ego loss with these experiences.

All that I know is that I am happy that I have you guys to share with and help figure this thing out.
#9 Posted : 6/29/2009 11:45:51 PM

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Consciousness transference, the ability to experience another sentient beings subjective perception, is an established yogic art described in Tibetan Buddhist texts, and was practiced in Tibet when it was a shamanic culture, remnants of which still exist in Tibetan Buddhist culture today, although not perhaps in Tibet itself any longer.

This ability is described also in Taoist texts,and is one of many that becomes available to the training mind on the path to enlightenment. These abilities, such as telepathy, generating inner heat, flying (there are some interesting reports!), and a few more besides, while incredible and powerful, are seen as distractions from the main focus, enlightenment. To use them for personal gain, and to focus on them once discovered, instead of continuing on the path to enlightenment, is a dark art, sorcery.

If oneness is the defining principle of the internal experience, as separateness is the defining principle of the external experience, then it is not too great a leap to envisage how consciousness in a transcendent state, induced by drugs or yoga for example, can vibrate to a level where it connects briefly with other sympathetic nodes of consciousness, in a quantum entanglement that causes you to experience another sentient beings reality.

I could go on, it's a very interesting topic, and an experience I do not need entheogens to have, difficult to control though, as soon as you (rational ego you) realise it's happening, it stops!
#10 Posted : 6/29/2009 11:54:39 PM


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Welcome, Entanglement! I love that... "other sympathetic nodes" wonderfully put.

@Kungpow, as you can see this is nothing new. With the internet more people are just able to report these things and document them. Over in Tibet, down in the amazon, on the mesas of america, and now in bedrooms around the globe :]

Although, I really wouldn't consider psychic abilities to be a dark art unless, you know, you're doing them with mal-intent. Which some people certainly do.

#11 Posted : 6/30/2009 3:25:58 AM

John Murdoch IV

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This is multidimensionality Smile It sure is a confusing thing Smile hehe

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#12 Posted : 6/30/2009 7:22:24 AM

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I had such an experience once on LSD. I could "look out" from behind the eyes of a friend of mine, while still being in my own body. Like being two people at once. An interesting aspect was that the two "selves" were not mixed up, they existed simultaneously, as if a grander being (uniting several humans into kind of a group-soul) were experiencing two of its manifestations at once. On this same trip I also had an out-of-body experience when I saw my body in front of "me" and I could "walk" there and reunite with it. (Without "me", my body looked like a puppet.)

On my first (and greatest) trip I actually understood this group-soul stuff completely, but now it's only the memories, not the actual experience of understanding. It was revealed to me that every person I met in my life is somehow an extension, a part of "myself" (where "myself" most likely refers to the mentioned group-soul or some kind of God consciousness). The visual explanation of this was a kind of Tree of Existence, where the leaves represented the 3rd dimensional human beings (and all other "peripheral", most concrete, most well-defined manifestations), and as I progressed (ascended?) from the leaves towards the root of the tree, so I united and united and united into the higher group selves, until I reached the root of the tree which is God.
#13 Posted : 6/30/2009 9:17:00 AM

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well my last break through i think i mite of put to much in because the weirdest thing happened i lived a literal life time on this plant not earth but sort of similar and had a humanoid family.

when i died there i was back in my house it was so intense i was screaming like a mad man for a minute after i could see my house again. for a minute i thought i literally shit my pants. but really didn't thank god.
For legal reasons it's necessary to make this perfectly clear: My posts are pure fantasy; a pretend game in which I pretend to be a drug user. I often play such games on the internet, as a form of personality exercise and amusement. I try to make very REALISTIC sounding posts about imaginary drug using experiences. The MORE realistic they appear, the more fun I have making them. But in all cases they are pure fantasy. I make this statement for two reasons 1) So that law enforcement personnel understand my posts are NOT real statements, and 2) So any confused person visiting this site, who mistakenly believes he is reading REAL drug information, will understand that my posts are specifically NOT real drug information. I am against illegal drugs and I discourage the use of illegal drugs. Anyone receiving PMs from my fantasy forum character should also note that the above statement applies to PMs as well. Furthermore, I am convinced that other posters on this site are also only pretending about drug use, as I am. I assume they do NOT believe my posts are real, and that they understand that I do not think THEIR posts are real.
#14 Posted : 6/30/2009 10:43:20 AM


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damn I really need to just pack my pipe nice and full and take as many hits as I can. So far I haven't done that. I just take one or two hits. I am sort of pissed. My throat has been hurting the past few days. So I haven't done the dmt too much the past few days. Living a life time on another planet sounds like something very interesting. I know that I am really intrigued by what happens to me with just one or two hits. I couldn't even imagine where it can take you after that.
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