weird dmt and hacking the matrix? Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2015 2:32:55 PM
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iv been doing dmt for a while and it was all good and 'normal' going to hyperspace. But recently every time i do it i stay here in this reality, like my eyes are open and im looking at things here except that it looks different. My hands look weird, the place im in looks super HD as if im in hyperspace. And the trees... they do strange things... like a huge tree with thick branches will suddenly, literally, blink of an eye change to a completely different tree, and it keeps doing it, many times, until the dmt wears off. So im just staring at a tree for 10-15 mins mouth open like wtf.

My best theory is that since we live in a hologram, and consciousness directly affects realty, that somehow via DMT im 'hacking the matrix'. or im just going insane lol

however their was another strange incident a few days ago, i tried MDMA for the first time, i took 500mg and then an hour later another 500mg. I didnt think that mdma was so psychedelic. I remember being able to look into the computer, behind the characters on the screen. After that i put on one of my youtube videos, a recording i made in the amazon of ayahuasca icaros.

Thats when shit got real weird, i was the only person on MDMA my friends were just on weed. I have shown them the video many many times. But this time all of us saw that the video was completely different. Its basically a slideshow with the singing in the background. Every single image was different. They were images similar to the ones that were their before but we were all sure they were new images. heres the video just so you get the idea .

The images are back to normal now, but that night they were different. Either my consciousness was directly manifesting those images onto to video or those images were coming from a parallel universe. The next day my friends acknowledged that the video had changed but that it was probably 'auto-updating from my phone'. Thats just not possible.

GUys trust me i know how this sounds, everyone thinks im insane and i seriously have questioned my own sanity. Please if anyone else has had any similar matrix hacking experiences please tell me. if my friends hadnt also noticed the changes i would of just said i was tripping balls that night, but im sure something is going on. maybe a glitch in the hologram? i really have no idea. I probably still had dmt in my system when i took the MDMA, and im thinking the dmt is the key to manifesting reality.

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#2 Posted : 5/23/2015 3:41:36 PM

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You're highBig grin
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#3 Posted : 5/23/2015 3:57:27 PM

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null24 wrote:
You're highBig grin

Also 150mg mdma is a hefty dose ... 500mg is careful!
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#4 Posted : 5/23/2015 3:59:41 PM
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i know i was 'high' while the event took place. That doesnt mean that i was delusional. I have witnesses. Im just trying to understand what happened. The MDMA in combination with the dmt raised my vibrational state to a level where i was able to manifest onto our reality.

Is their anyone who for a moment will take what im saying seriously? i know that might be difficult for some of you but please.

I have no idea of the physics background of people here. According to our current understanding of the universe nothing im saying is impossible. Quantum mechanics shows how consciousness directly affects matter ( just youtube double slit experiment) and many of the leading scientific theories currently suggest we are in a holographic reality, as well their being an infinite number of parallel universes.

All i know is what happened, and the science, so the best i can do is come up with strange sounding theories, which is why im asking if anyone else who has had anything similar to come forward. It may sound crazy and you may think it was just in your head but please tell me.

( i took so much MDMA because i dont take things for recreation , i take everything at high doses to get the effect needed, this is all part of my research into consiousness and reality )
#5 Posted : 5/23/2015 4:16:43 PM

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kokopelli wrote:
( i took so much MDMA because i dont take things for recreation , i take everything at high doses to get the effect needed, this is all part of my research into consiousness and reality )

That's how people me I've lost people. You can't 'conduct research' from the grave.... Mdma is not benign.

This site is all about Harm Reduction and posting reckless dosages where the 'public' can see them and possibly irresponsible and potentially dangerous.
So please bear that in mind.

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#6 Posted : 5/23/2015 5:13:24 PM
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kokopelli wrote:

( i took so much MDMA because i dont take things for recreation , i take everything at high doses to get the effect needed, this is all part of my research into consiousness and reality )

Taking more MDMA does not make it "not for recreation". This is abusing MDMA and very dangerous. A gram in one night is not how it should be taken.

In fact, the therapeutic effects are around 100-200mg. Even with these doses, more than a month at least between sessions are needed for your brain to replace seretonin. If you continue taking MDMA like you do you WILL become depressed and have very dark thoughts.
#7 Posted : 5/23/2015 5:38:42 PM
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ahh haha that explains my paranoia lately. It was my first time doing MDMA and i was told by a user that 1g is a strong but fine dose. It was seriously more psychedelic than LSD, i was seeing faces everywhere. thanks, Ill keep that in mind if i decide to try it again at some point.

So nobody has had any similar experiences on DMT? like with eyes open?
#8 Posted : 5/23/2015 5:43:10 PM

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kokopelli wrote:
It was my first time doing MDMA and i was told by a user that 1g is a strong but fine dose.

Dude, you really need to learn the art of researching what to put in your body before putting it in your body. 1g of MDMA is just stupid. Good way to end up in the hospital...
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#9 Posted : 5/25/2015 7:31:03 AM

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kokopelli wrote:

My best theory is that since we live in a hologram, and consciousness directly affects realty, that somehow via DMT im 'hacking the matrix'. or im just going insane lol

maybe a glitch in the hologram? i really have no idea.

kokopelli wrote:
I probably still had dmt in my system when i took the MDMA, and im thinking the dmt is the key to manifesting reality.

I believe the psychedelic experiences may leave tracer tracks in our neuronal wiring thay may dissipate due to synaptic plasticity. So if you tripped 2 weeks later it might not of felt as psychedelic.
#10 Posted : 8/22/2015 6:34:11 AM
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Thanks for this post, I've been wondering about how our thoughts affect reality, and this touches directly on it. I'm very excited to potentially integrate this into my understanding.
#11 Posted : 8/22/2015 7:26:09 AM

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a1pha wrote:
kokopelli wrote:
It was my first time doing MDMA and i was told by a user that 1g is a strong but fine dose.

Dude, you really need to learn the art of researching what to put in your body before putting it in your body. 1g of MDMA is just stupid. Good way to end up in the hospital...

Laughing there are some Dutch surper pills lab tested around 250mg mdma & nothing else.
Most users report any more than one is FAR too much & it is not uncommon to split one in half.
I`d imagine a whole gram of mdma even as low as 50% purity would entirely floor most & potentially end in either a blackout or a freak out.

I do remember a time back in high school when I was naive & hadn`t had anything particularly of good quality yet I would eat 0.5g mdma occasionally & seriously believed people who knew nothing more about what they had than `dull it`s the fires`
#12 Posted : 8/22/2015 9:03:47 AM

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you got yourself a nice riddle Smile

while studying buddhism I stumbled over a definition of reality, check this out:

From the Avatamsaka Sutra:
"Far away, in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each eye of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number.
There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now look closely at any one of the jewels for inspection, we will discover that in its polished surface are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflection process occuring.
This symbolises our world where every sentient being (and thing) is inter-related to one another."

An object, where every point contains the whole information is, indeed, hologram. furthermore:

Samadhi Raja Sutra

Know all things to be like this:
A mirage, a cloud castle,
A dream, an apparition,
Without essence, but with qualities that can be seen.

Know all things to be like this:
As the moon in a bright sky
In some clear lake reflected,
Though to that lake the moon has never moved.

Know all things to be like this:
As an echo that derives
From music, sounds, and weeping,
Yet in that echo is no melody.

Know all things to be like this:
As a magician makes illusions
Of horses, oxen, carts and other things,
Nothing is as it appears.
The Buddha

So yes, if you can hack it, congrats.the question is, can you reproduce it? and, can you use it to get humanity out of the sinkhole we got ourselves into? you definitly will recieve a cookie from me, if you can do so ^^

much love,
#13 Posted : 8/23/2015 1:50:10 PM

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Um, there's no way I could operate a computer on half a gram of mdma. I once took a pill that had upwards of .25g and had to just sit on the floor in one one place and sweat it out. I also had delusions. I thought that if I didn't concentrate on being in the moment then I would dissapear completely. I also thought that the people in the room next to me were wooping and hollering because they could read my awesome thoughts. So, be careful with ecstacy and what you think you know is happening while you're on it. Delusions can be indicative of a mental illness in wait and large doses of ecstacy and/or psychedelics will make sure that it eventually surfaces.
#14 Posted : 1/2/2016 5:44:07 AM
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Hey everyone, sorry to resurrect an old thread but I just had EXACTLY what koko has explained.
Even down to the tree literally changing multiple times. I saw hands that weren't mine, my table kept arranging itself differently. I looked at my dog and he was blatantly a different species.


#15 Posted : 1/2/2016 11:34:40 AM


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Well, I'm quite positive that reality as we know it is a dirty hack at best. Smile Here's one thing to meditate on: our experience of time is not continuous, it's just "smoothed" by our cognitive processes similar to how we don't notice our blind spot. In fact, every single minute we experience is full of discontinuities. Doing it together with someone, and pointing out discontinuities to each other increases your sense of reality, and is pretty enlightening.

Anyway, this sounds like a pretty intensive experience. Did you also take a heroic idiotic dose of MDMA, or was it purely DMT (or some other substance)?
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#16 Posted : 1/2/2016 3:23:14 PM
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I had been at a house gig for nyd and yeah i had about 300mg of mdma dosed 100mg every 3 hrs.

I had completely stopped rolling though, I smoked the spice 12 hrs after i got home.

It honestly felt like i was alternating between multiple dimensions, i literally saw multiple peoples hands flicker in front of my eyes, like it was glitching. Same with the tree and the table.
#17 Posted : 1/2/2016 10:02:54 PM

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Sounds about right, given the circumstances.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#18 Posted : 1/3/2016 1:18:40 AM

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kokopelli wrote:

So nobody has had any similar experiences on DMT? like with eyes open?

I've had that experience a couple of times now.

Each time all I can put it down to is the interaction with other drugs that are active in my system. I have absolutely amazing experiences each and every time when nothing else is present (excluding nicotine and caffeine), but I've had your 'Matrix' style experiences after taking DMT with Sumatriptan, Propranolol (I'm a migraine sufferer) and Tramadol.

The first time it happened it actually frightened me, I actually thought that I had died. I'd had a pretty big dose, definitely expecting a break-through experience and instead a lay on my couch with my eyes open, looking around the room which was now Black & White and looked like someone had slid the contrast slider right the way to +100. I actually thought that I had died and had become a spirit, or an observer of my living room as a sentient being rather than a human. I managed to ask my friend who was sat on the sofa next to me "am I still breathing? Am I still alive?" to which he re-assured me, but it didn't really help.

I spent the next few days questioning reality, seriously considering the fact that this IS the matrix and I had seen beyond it.

You need to approach DMT as cleanly as possible, don't be on a comedown from MDMA (Serotonin levels at rock bottom) when you go to the other realm, honestly, go drug free for a few days before your next DMT experience and then try the same dose, I promise you'll have a considerably better experience.
#19 Posted : 1/3/2016 3:26:37 AM
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Thankyou for sharing your experiences, I honestly believed that I had "cooked" myself. Scary stuff indeed.
#20 Posted : 1/3/2016 10:14:57 PM

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PsyDuckmonkey wrote:
Well, I'm quite positive that reality as we know it is a dirty hack at best. Smile Here's one thing to meditate on: our experience of time is not continuous, it's just "smoothed" by our cognitive processes similar to how we don't notice our blind spot. In fact, every single minute we experience is full of discontinuities. Doing it together with someone, and pointing out discontinuities to each other increases your sense of reality, and is pretty enlightening.


It can be fun to look out for glitches and inconsistencies in 'reality' following a good plunge into hyperspace. Like one has travelled to an alternate reality where one small detail has been altered. I find this with shrooms at a minimum.

Massive doses of MDMA have a tendency to teleport people to a parallel universe where they feel like absolute crap Wink (OK, so you might think it's great for the first few hours but just wait 'til Tuesday.)

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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