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#1 Posted : 6/21/2009 2:43:10 AM


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I know that categories go against the idea of direct experience but lets put that aside for a moment.

I have read numerous spice reports, Dr.Strassmans book and been there myself, but I would like to index some of the more common and 'typical'(hahaha) experiences.

I have heard of many in a 'room with a pedestal' and perhaps some ancient tome lie open awaiting perusal.

I know about the 'tunnels' through which one may exit at some distant point in the hyperverse.

I know the 'aliens' and the 'reptilians' and the 'elves' and the 'ancients' (Mayans, Incas, etc.) And the religious icons where people meet 'Jesus' or 'Buddha' or 'Shiva'

I know that 'Godmode' is quite common.

I know you can end up 'Under the dome' and feel the pressure of a thousand miles of earth above your head.

I know the 'all questions answered' scenario where unfortunately the information just cannot exist outside the walls of the journey.

Help me create this index that we may all feel a common boundary.



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/21/2009 9:47:14 AM
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Tubes being attached to people's heads and subsequent downloading of experiences seems a common experience - whether it be done by sinister aliens or goddess like beings.
#3 Posted : 6/21/2009 9:57:02 AM


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-visual language via complex symbols flowing in perfect formations

-jumping from the human body into another living thing, or a seemingly hovering perspective in space somewhere local, or distant.

-something rising inside like a bubble coming up to the throat and out the mouth causing one to sing and sometimes this song can be seen (icaro)

-alien planet terrain observed from a fly by perspective (usually shown or brought to by an entity)

-a giant golden cathedral with big pod-like flowers with tentacles curling underneath you. beautiful music.

-a sense that one has died, or you are flying at the speed of light, or faster.
(then reborn. but in some cases, fear holds some people back from feeling this)
and some people report of clearly being warned never to return (if this were to happen to me, I would return with a sword ablaze in each hand)

-civilizations inoculated and grown from seed evolving in fast-forward
#4 Posted : 6/21/2009 6:12:57 PM

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Location: deep in the heart of humility
1. circus-like parades through pop-up-book-like towns. ballerinas and monkeys and announcers all in childrens-book illustration font...

2. "gazebo" like if under a tent or an open-air structure with the jungle just outside and in view.

3. beautiful outdoor altars with vines and flowers all under a canopy of a light that defies sunlight....more like the light of god...

4. languid insect-like aliens with bodies made out of long leaf-shaped appendages, clowns with similar long, languid, fluid physicality.....dragons that look like they are made from inflated silk that slowly lay down and sleep...or "deflate"...

5. becoming another person. straight up. being in another body. hearing the sounds of your new environment. feeling the wind on the back of your sweaty neck....hearing the crunching of the dirt under your shoes as you explore this new body...

6. "babies/child's room" with mobiles and imagery of books and desks and children's toys...a sense of love and security like "mom and dad" are close by. the feeling of being an infant in another world....sometimes accompanied by clowns looking over my "crib" and down upon me. always with love.

7. being a pupae in a bee hive. fed, cleaned and nurtured by giant insects. terrifying and then utterly magical when i surrender and realize they are here to love and nurture....not eat me! Smile

8. beautiful church...almost middle-eastern in feel....glyphs everywhere....books being opened in front of me but just as i start to try and decipher the language they are morphed and i am looking elsewhere...paintings on the the simple 2-dimensional christian imagery from the early 14th and 15th centuries.. golds and red and blues....satin-like luminescence...colors that defy description. a feeling of being in a "holy place" on another planet. the smell and flavor of the spice is a large component in this place.....almost like a sacred incense burning...

and during particularly deep breakthroughs:

9. being a "synapse" in a large brain. information flying into me and i simply let it flow through me on to the next "synapse" that place i know everything. i am everything. no self exists....yet....there is an individual "me" that is NEVER destroyed. my true, god-self.

10. light beings offering to give me a "healing". i tell them where i am concerned (i mentioned my lungs last time...even though i have no connection or understanding of a "body" at the time..) they then "open me up" and pour light into me....aligning chakras, organs, cells...

so much more but my fingers are gettin' sore....though i will finish with MY particular experience of "elves". they are made up of machinery. like clock gears and springs. they jump around like fleas and will literally pop up right in front of my face. they are playful....but i was a little curious when i saw my first one close up and was able to explore it's face for a split-second. springs, gears, coils, like it was a super elaborate toy made by one of the gods....

...kinda like "boobo" in the clash of the titans......that's right. boobo the owl. that would actually be a very cool user name on this site!! hmmmmm....


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 6/21/2009 9:45:53 PM


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"a feeling of being in a "holy place" on another planet. the smell and flavor of the spice is a large component in this place.....almost like a sacred incense burning..."

This made me smile. Whenever I have smelled spice it reminds me of temples on the other side of the galaxy. That's the only way I can put it. I can also taste it in my teeth and blood sometimes at random even if I haven't even been around it for months. I was once told this is due to the indole alkaloids in the blood? Anyway, not to derail the thread, I just think you could find this molecule around many many stars out there...
(on second thought, I am absolutely certain)
#6 Posted : 6/22/2009 7:32:43 AM
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"a feeling of being in a "holy place" on another planet. the smell and flavor of the spice is a large component in this place.....almost like a sacred incense burning..."

There should be a religion based upon spice. We should be able to go and worship in a temple, and have priests guide us through the experience.

Instead we live in a shitty world where spice is illegal. Even the religions that are interested in some of the concepts spice reveal, shun the taking of mind altering substances. Spice is a gift from Buddha to the World, but his stupid followers prefer to make things impossible.
#7 Posted : 6/22/2009 7:53:16 AM

The Root

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a total scrubbing/cleaning on an atomic level.

pure euphoria/understanding
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#8 Posted : 6/22/2009 5:29:03 PM


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Thanks to those who have contributed so far...
A codex is being described and may help noobs find their footing and help the experienced find commonality. Nothing feels quite like a "ME TOO!".

Community, society, family, ONE.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

wake and bacon
#9 Posted : 6/22/2009 7:40:41 PM
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slidewinder wrote:

and some people report of clearly being warned never to return (if this were to happen to me, I would return with a sword ablaze in each hand)

Laughing Laughing Laughing

As for SWIM - it is the experience and full understanding of unity and oneness that binds every one, every THING, together in this universe. Not seeing it, but being it. Not hearing it, but feeling it. Incredibly humbling and beautiful.

DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
one is called "Post Reply" and the other is called "New Topic"
You will find these buttons at the top and bottom of most pages

#10 Posted : 6/22/2009 7:52:48 PM

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Nobody mentioned the Jeweled Palaces/Temples yet? Its definitely a common theme for SWIM...Flying virtual tour through them is always nice hahah

There was the kitchen a few times also (and small beings came out jumping from the food bowl), and the common circus/jesters theme as well. SWIM also has been to a cave or dome, underground places.

Many times there was the feeling of 'land of the dead'

A friend of SWIM had a very intense alien experience, which incredibly, another friend had dreamt about the night before!

There was also a certain 'center of things' which was a fountain where little beings/all creation was springing from..

Or beings that come bringing presents, which themselves are also alive, impossible elf-dimensional objects.
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