Global wrote:DeltaSpice wrote:I think I'd rather be buzzing free and normal-ish :/
If you don't jive with those things, then DMT may not be for you
this is not a DMT issue atall , infact it has got nothing to do with DMT , these vibrations can come up on any psychedelic or even completely sober
even people who have not done any psychedelics have experienced this , especially meditators and people practicing OBE's
this vibratory effect is most pronounced on cannabis
and the reason is consciousness is moving from simple to the subtle stage , this webpage has got further details on what is happening as consiousness moves inwards
apparently this subtle stage of consciousness is more hazardous then the simple object stage and moving up in levels upto self inquiry does'nt even help
the only answer is to settle at the pure objectless stage
first conciousness becomes aware of the senses , breath and thoughts
then comes this subtle stage where this energy is experienced ,
then there are stages of bliss and self realization
and ultimately conciousness settles at pure objectlessness , its extremely difficult to reach this state , this is the state where awareness is not aware of anything
at this stage open eyes dont see , ears dont hear , energy is not felt , breath is not observed
this is a state of ultimate realization , where only awareness exist that is pure and aware of nothing
this is the stage at which the meditator has become the meditation
at this stage ultimate automaticity of the being happens , its important to reach this state for anyone experiencing kundalini awakening , as kundalini is only experienced only at lower stages of meditation
at higher stages kundalini/energy is not felt , its discarded
no meditation technique can get one to this stage , no drug can really reach this stage
this is not a state of self realization or enlightenment , this is way beyond
at this stage psychedelics don't even work , a meditator at this stage might smoke DMT and feel nothing , because at this stage awareness will not be aware of the effects of DMT
at this stage awareness discards all sensory and mental data , whether that data comes from being sober or on DMT does not matter as all data will be discarded by conscioussness
at this stage all psychedelics feel like the same substance
at this stage only one state of mind exists whether sober or stoned on any psychedelic
its important to reach this state as kundalini awakening is a hazardous process and moving up slowly in levels doesn't help atall
edit :
also psychedelics are not the most intense thing on the planet ,
every atom that makes up ants to elephants are nuclear , i.e every atom has the power to go nuclear
sitting on a rock flying in space , surrounded by eternity , cleaning dishes and watching t.v as the tectonic plates shift beneath us is everyday reality for most people , so how can psychedelics ever be intense
psychotic thoughts are even scarier than psychedelics ,
comparetively psychedelics are benign
fear the volcanos and earthquakes , not psychedelics
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth