PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Meditative.
(physical condition) Set: Healthy.
Setting (location): Home.
Time of day: 12pm-12am.
Recent drug use: Cannabis (the previous day).
Last meal: The previous evening.
Body weight: 80Kg+
Known sensitivities: Highly sensitive to Mescaline, Psilocybin, LSD, DMT.
History of use: Quite experienced with both LSD & DMT, first time combining the two.
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): LSD, DMT
Dose(s): LSD ~150µg, DMT 15mg & 20-30mg
Method of administration: LSD blotter swallowed (Dalai Lama), DMT vaporized with volcano.
EFFECTSAdministration time: LSD 12pm, DMT 4-5pm.
Duration: 5-15 minutes.
First effects: 30 Seconds - 1 minute.
Peak: 1-5 minutes.
Come down: 5 minutes.
Baseline: 15-25 minutes.
Intensity (overall): (0-4) 3, quite intense.
Evaluation / notes: Although the DMT was intense, it felt
much more manageable than usual.
OPTIONALPleasantness: (0-4) 4
Unplesantness: (0-4) 0
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 4
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: Nothing to note.
Afterglow: (0-4) 2, after the DMT wore off i expected the LSD effects to diminish but they came back very nicely, perhaps even slightly clearer.
REPORTThis past Saturday i was having a lovely LSD experience and around 4/5hrs in i thought about trying LSDMT for the first time, i was assured by some fellow members in chat that it's something worth trying and that the LSD adds a new dimension to the DMT experience. On the advise that you need a little less DMT when you're already on LSD i first loaded about 15mg into the vaporizer to test the waters, after finishing it i didn't feel much for upto a minute it seemed, then a big surge of energy... i was surprised by how long it took to hit me, it was as if i could see more of the DMT effects coming which gave the impression it was actually slowed down, i think this was due to being in a deeper state of consciousness due to LSD, simply allowing more of it to be seen unfolding.
The 15mg wasn't near enough so i loaded ~25mg into the vaporizer and prepared myself by sitting in a meditative posture, i had the bag full of thick vapor and inhaled it all in 3 tokes holding each one in for a long time, i was surprised how there was zero fear taking in the tokes, i took them in very confident that all would be well. As before it seemed that it took a long time for the DMT to hit, the onset was so slow i felt i really had time to watch it coming, i sat and just watched as it began to envelop me in the familiar world of DMT visuals.
The intensity built up higher & higher, making me sit up straighter & straighter, smiling wider & wider from ear to ear until it was like i turned inside out, the DMT visuals were seen with a much greater clarity than usual, this time as the visuals increased the energy climbed up and seemed to burst out the top of my head/forehead as i 'turned inside out'... then all there was, was white light, i couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed, or if i even had eyes anymore, there was just the brightest light indistinguishable from my consciousness. As i started coming back to my senses i opened my eyes to get some reference of what was going on with this light, where it had come from, it was as if my memory had been erased so i didn't know what had led up to seeing it, and was now reintegrating finding my bearings.
Since i've started taking LSD i've noticed that the trip recall can be so clear, i feel this can really help with integrating the experiences and i found this effect extended to LSDMT. I didn't have to wait hours, days or weeks to remember what happened as it was all right there upon returning, i had vivid recall of the whole experience and saw how the white light relates to consciousness and the entheogenic experience. With LSDs knack for indepth psycho-analysis it was like i could just hold the experience in memory and the LSD would break it down and integrate it beautifully.
LSDMT is definitely the most interesting combination i've tried so far, i even felt like the LSD guided the DMT somehow, as i've had the same visuals before many times, yet they seemed to reach a peak that i have never experienced before. I'm looking forward to exploring this combination more in the future that's for sure.
If you would like to share any of your LSDMT experiences i'd love to hear them, please feel free...
Thankyou for reading if you got this far.