The love of acacia Options
#1 Posted : 4/25/2015 2:24:43 AM


Posts: 29
Joined: 21-Feb-2015
Last visit: 21-Mar-2017
This is a brief write down of my first experience with an ayahuasca analogue: Acacia brew + harmaline.

Extracted harmaline was available, so a precise dose of 120mg could be measured. I made an acacia brew from 20g ACRB. Basically I simmered powdered bark in 0,5l tap water with a spoon full of citric acid for 30mins. Then separated water from solids and repeated simmering with the solids, until the water came out pretty clear (4 washes in total). I combined the batches and boiled them down to 2 cups of very dark red and strongly smelling "tea".

I took the harmaline in a capsule to spare me the bitterness. Waited for 40 mins, then drank half of the cup acacia brew. It did taste very sour from the citric acid, but was manageable. I wasn't so sure about the potency of the bark, thus, I stopped at half a cup. It proved to be a very good decission.

Rough timeline
0:00 - Took harmaline
+0:40 - Drank acacia brew, proceded watching movie
+1:10 - Had to purge all of a sudden
+1:20 - Felt awful, because of the purge, started feeling first effects
+1:40 - Couldn't continue watching movie, fought the urge to purge again
+2:00 - Absolutely amazing visuals + altered state of mind + overwhelming intensity of sensory input (auditory, visual, haptic)
+3:00 - Noticed the effects declining
+4:00 - Most effects wore off
+4:30 - No noticeable effects, just some afterglow, tiredness

I'm not extremely experienced with powerful psychodelics. I've had a regular LSD dose twice. Have tried bufotenine (several times), but apart from amazing CEVs, there have been no mind altering effects. Luckily, I did not drink the whole cup of the acacia brew. Otherwise this might have been a much more difficult experience. However, it turned out to be just the right amount. In fact I suspect that there is more than just DMT in the bark. Some effects really felt a lot like bufotenine (but this is very speculative).

The most important difference I noticed between this experience and the previous ones, was the strength of the feelings and the relatively low importance of coherent thoughts. LSD made me think *more*, made me *see* thoughts and *put thoughts on* like clothes. Whereas this time, thoughts came and passed, they've been rather bothersome. Instead, I had amazingly intense feelings. The feeling of enormous love, both love for everything and love from everything. I felt it with my whole body. I was *sooo* comfortable, so cared for, so absolutely safe. I've heard people call ayahuasca "the mother". Though, it wasn't really ayahuasca in my case, I could imagine where this name comes from.

I've spent some time, which felt like a long time (20-30 mins), just lying on the couch, not knowing exactly if my eyes've been opened or closed. When I closed my eyes, I proceded seeing almost as vividly as with them open. Some scenes had a plot, most just have been a collection of slowly morphing pictures. A lot of beautiful female figures, some sea or ocean, me wandering across a maze of corridors, mostly in warm reddish colors. Even when I turned off the light, I could still see colored CEVs. It felt amazing and I wished to stay forever in this world of love.

When I suddently realized that the experience is getting weaker, I felt sadness at first. I started listening to music. Harmaline seems to be quite sedative, so I put in some trance that was pretty rhytmic and even made me "dance" a bit. Meaning: me moving my head wildly Very happy Couldn't be bothered to move more then just the head.

Roughly four hours in, the effects stopped quite abruptly, the same way as they started. Overall, it has been an amazing evening, which felt like a day. Unfortunately, the memory of the profound feelings starts to fade. I'm feeling very small right now. I'll need some time to understand. It feels like I've been given an important gift, which I cannot apreciate fully, yet.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/26/2015 5:20:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like a nice experience!
Many people including myself think acacia has its own 'vibe' and is in its own right worthy of being disconnected from the word ayahuasca, for geographical, chemical and experiential reasons.
I agree about it accessing more of an emotional part rather than ramping up thought processes.
#3 Posted : 4/26/2015 1:54:05 PM


Posts: 29
Joined: 21-Feb-2015
Last visit: 21-Mar-2017
Yes, I guess one could just say "Acacia experience". Though, it has to be specified, if it's with or without MAOI. By the way, harmaline seems to be a bit too sedative. Acacia make me quite sleepy by its own. And adding harmaline feels almost like losing myself in halucinatory dreams. Maybe harmine would be better. I'm gonna try sometime.
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