Anyone else love a low dose? Options
#1 Posted : 6/17/2009 11:08:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow.. I smoked maybe 15-20 mg's.. I don't have a scale, but this is sooooo cool.. Everything is awesome to look at and it was real easy to smoke up that much in 2 hits with a smoking blend I love.. the effects combined are just incredible.. I meant to aim low, and this is just perfect.. Colors are amazing.. the DMT-Nexus logo at the top there looks 3D.. like.. the stuff in the foreground is poppin out like a magic eye picture.. I love this.. The colors are so DELICIOUS.. they TASTE bright.. lol I don't know if that makes sense, it's like, they're so COLOR, being each color as HARD as it can at me.. i can almost taste them it's so intense.. lol it's so 3D I'm wondering if it was designed with DMT in mind, using some sort of magic eye type of technology/printing.. I had started to not like the logo, like "meh they could do better" when reading, but here on DMT it's like every piece every color was so deliberate.. they're all placed to have this effect when DMT is used, I'm almost sure of it now.. If not, then wow, I'm really seeing a 3D image where there isn't one.. Come to think of it, the tables, like the panels the posts are in with the borders around them.. anything boxy is sorta being pulled forward to create an intense sense of [i]depth[/b]..

To more properly give my state of mind, I had poppy pod tea tonight.. this I drank a long while back.. I was feeling nice and relaxed.. cozy.. thought it might be an ideal bodily situation for smoking some DMT.. The other day I smoked it with the sammich method.. using a mix I have of herbal blends XXX Chillin and Smoke.. For those who don't know about them, there have been strides made in legal blends that work.. The last two years have been amazing for me because I've basically got to try a wide variety of different cannabinoids on various 'all natural' blends.. lol I never thought they were all natural, and this was proven in about February this year.. There was an order going to the owner of the former most popular herbal blend seller to the US from The Psyche Deli.. They made blends like Spice, Spice Gold, Diamond,etc.. Those are the first ones that worked and you might have heard of them.. Well anyway, his order got seized at customs after over a year and a half of us having blends so easily.. They said they found cannabinoid HU-210.. You can look these up on wikipedia.. other countries found JWH-018 and CP 47497 (i think are the #'s) but it was clear these are cannabinoid blends.. I explained this not because I wish to advertise this, but I'd like you fine people to know my background.. So I was a moderator on the biggest (probably at the time other than EDIT) forum about legal blends and whatnot.. I had a really good time there, but they were always greedy and their greed started encroaching upon the liberties of the poster.. We were having posts deleted, even me a moderator, left and right by administrators with a stake in this company.. Anything with mention of any other product was removed.. anything that was negative about their blends, deleted.. It was bad.. I quit as a moderator and left the board on principle..

Now on to the point.. the blends got better and better until the best ever came out.. it's called XXX Chillin, Smoke, and Skunk.. it's repackaged under all those names.. It's basically the trippiest I think a cannabinoid can effect the receptors.. whatever they have in it, it's the trippiest smoke I've had.. That includes MJ.. Only one variety of MJ I had with a hippie guy one night was as good as this xxx or smoke.. It made me have CEV's and I had too much and threw up.. That was so weird, throwing up from too much smoking.. But anyway, I have a supply of these blends saved up because they're so potent, I can smoke them near-daily and still make them last forever.. I've had the same box full of blends lastin me months and months now.. You can still find some of these blends, but I've lost touch with the scene..

Anyway, lol, sorry, I ramble, but if you're reading this far, you've stuck with me and didn't mind reading it in the first place, so thank you kind sir/madam.. now on to business.. I used XXX for the sandwich method (xxx on it's own giving me a really heady trippy high where I feel like my head is made of energy and glasses feel like I have nerve endings in the glasses.. really trippy) and I smoked a small amount of DMT.. It was really great, and I decided to do it again tonight..

So already a bit opiated, smoking DMT and a bit of my trippiest blend to sandwich the DMT, I am having a really amazing night.. I really love the low dose smoked.. There is a point where you can smoke to and you get major color enhancement, wavy vision or CEV's a bit, beams of light look amazing, and it's really a lot of fun on it's own.. I think this aspect of DMT is what will have me ending up buying another pack of MHRB.. I could do this daily.. lol.. If tolerance didn't ruin it.. It's just a great state of mind to be in.. It's great, AMAZING, to really SEE colors.. to see them as colorful as they really are.. I've been watching Aladdin which is great like this.. So colorful.. With my lamp off, most of the room's light is from the movie.. colors all on the walls.. it looks like a stereotypical trip like you'd see on a TV show.. lol.. Like just the colors are brighter and stuff.. Just this amount of DMT is better than LSA is for me, and there's no nausea to worry about.. truly enjoyable and smoking a little isn't very hard.. I think with this sandwich method I could smoke a lot at once and break through or at least get really cool patterning and stuff..

I've broken through to a crazy trip as I reported in this forum.. but I did it with pharmahuasca.. Do you guys think it's worth it to try it with smoking too? ..or would it be precarious like the pharmahuasca situation because I don't have a scale. I could overdo it, I imagine the difference between overdoing it and not isn't a lot, right? I have enough left to work up in increasing amounts.. maybe 5 times.. but then I'd be out.. or I could stick with the tried and use the same amount again each time.. maybe have 10 times left.. Either way I guess I'll likely be makin some more.. Cause it's fun or profound and it all depends on dose..

I truly love this molecule.. You made it to the end of all that.. if you're reading this, you must be bored. lol thank you though.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.

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#2 Posted : 6/17/2009 8:35:49 PM


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Yes, low doses are good as an alternate to traditional psychedelics.

For me, I had to stop smoking daily. I find that a component of my personal energy is drained with each use and close dosing seems to be progressively less pleasant. So I now space my use out over longer periods. At the very minumum six days. Currently it has been close to six weeks.

I did have a sojourn with Mescalito last week, though. Just beautiful. Perfect dose. Also low.

Just respect what you have and know your own motives. Exploration is one thing, frivolity is another.



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#3 Posted : 6/18/2009 4:03:27 AM

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Well, if you think about it, you could call all entertaining things frivolous.. I myself don't intend to live like a monk or anything.. My motives with the higher doses are for exploration of what the chemical has to show me, but my motives for low-dose are for exactly what they provide. A mood lift, lifting of anxieties, enjoyable insights, and eye-candy.. If the molecule didn't mean for me to enjoy that, then I doubt it would have such features.. that's my take on it. I wouldn't ever say it's all DMT is good for or anything, but some low dose usage can be a fun time.. I wouldn't smoke it at a party or anything, I don't really 'party', but like the one guide says online about the "tryptamine giggles", it can occasionally add a new dimension to a night that is just business as usual.. Makes for a lot of fun.

I found the tolerance built this morning, I wanted to test it out to see how quickly it takes effect.. I smoked that small amount, then about the same amount and got a bit different of an effect.. Each time, it seems like it makes any noises I'm hearing get quieter, as if I'm hearing them under water or the air has become less able to transmit the sound waves.. I found with additional uses, even an hour or 2 apart, this aspect along with the color brightening decreased..

Now that I waited a night, I might try a breakthrough smoked dose for the first time.. The sandwiching method really works well for me, it is much less harsh than any previously used method of trying to smoke the DMT. I'm looking forward to seeing some more visions.. While my first breakthrough experience was scary, it was certainly exhilarating.. Having it teach me a lesson in respect on my first dose was really beneficial in the long run.. I know what to expect now.. Last night I think I smoked enough to get me close to a breakthrough actually.. I could see a lot of the aspects of my vision during the pharmahuasca experience starting to manifest again.. The way the air looked.. the way things waved.. they were real close to returning to the crystallized vision I had on the pharmahuasca.. I think tonight before I try, I'll be trying some sublingual THH beforehand.. Hopefully that allows less smoke to put me where I want to be so I can stretch my remaining DMT.. When the pharma experience scared the crap out of me, I thought "how foolish was I to think of ordering more mimosa".. but now that I've taken it all in, it was really a great experience, and I think smoking might be my method of choice now that I figured out the sandwiching method. I mean really, when the abstract concept of time is ripped away, having a shorter trip really doesn't mean anything.. Whether an hour peak on pharmahuasca or a 10 minute peak smoking it (or 5, I don't really know), time ceases to matter..

The future is bright! I know my motives so don't worry about that.. While I have a lot to learn yet from higher doses, I've found lower doses to be extremely fun and pleasurable.. DMT has amazed me for years now, just reading about it and having tried it a little bit a few years ago.. and now I'm even more enamored.. I wanted to point out how good my low dose experience was to show how enjoyable it can be, if less profound, and that all aspects of this chemical are extremely intriguing.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
#4 Posted : 6/18/2009 2:41:48 PM

The Great Namah

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I'm not going to lie, I didn't read through all of that. I did just want to comment on Chillin XXX. Whatever this is, I dont' believe it is affecting the cannibinoid receptors. It did not kill my cravings for MJ, where Spice Diamond, or Ex-Ses would. It is however, very visual in moderate doses. I had a phen type experience (blue background, bright multicolored squiggles, shapes forming and unforming, etc...) when I smoked a tad too much.

Also, I very much dislike low doses of DMT. Leaves me feeling dysphoric and upset.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#5 Posted : 6/18/2009 3:12:17 PM


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I just read my post. Yeah, I sound like a den mother. Just know thyself. Thats better advice.
Balance is key in all things. Thats also pretty good. Have fun and be careful. I like that one, too, now that I am a parent.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#6 Posted : 6/18/2009 5:50:41 PM
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Yeah, swim;s been doing low doses for a while, slowly working up to acclimate himself and build a good relationship with dimtri. he totally agrees with your visual discription, he also laughs out loud a lot. He also agrees about using smoke blends as a bed, but some of them are harsh, so he puts a little water in the old bong...dosen't seem to reduce the effects
FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 6/18/2009 6:02:38 PM

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A couple of words of advice: sublingual THH is fantastic with the kind of repeated low dose experience you just had, and if that's what you're aiming for, I recommend 25mgs, 30 tops (of THH). Any more and it can become uncomfortably intense and dysphoric. It's also great for breaking through, but I would recommend going a little bit easier (like 15-25mgs). Hold it under your tongue for 20 minutes (or swish it around in your mouth if holding it under your tongue is too difficult) and then blast off 10-20 minutes after you've swallowed. You can't really do "too much" when you smoke it. You'll lose motor function before you do. The most SWIM has managed to get through in one dosage is 60mgs (of DMT), which is unbelievably intense and bizarre beyond all measure. For SWIM, 50mgs is plenty to smash through to the other side.
#8 Posted : 6/19/2009 7:06:46 AM

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Funny you mention that.. Last night I decided to old a small amount of THH in my mouth, as I have done before, for about 30 minutes.. I held what was likely around 30 mg's in my mouth.. I added a drop of tabasco or 2 because I like the taste.. I also remember someone speculating it could help sublingual use be more effective because it would cause the irritated areas to rush blood under the skin..

I held it all in my mouth for a half hour and swallowed. Within 10 minutes I smoked. I got 1 big hit, really nice.. It lasted longer. It felt extremely nitrous oxide-like.. The euphoria level was quite high.. I decided to turn the light off.. the only light was my blue lava lamp and the computer screen. The best way I could describe the visuals to my friend was funny.. I said "It looks like everything is made by apple.. like all rounded plastic covered and shiny.." Things really did look that way, and it was really euphoric and enjoyable..

Tonight I will be repeating this experiment.. but a little more THH and more DMT.. roughly 2x as much as my last few nights will go into the bowl.. I will hit it successively without fear until it is all smoked or I can't smoke any more. The sammich method with blends works really well, and while I don't agree XXX doesn't contain cannabinoids (I think it's just more active on the CB1 receptor than 2, hence the more trippy profile and lack of sleepy sedation and CB2 predominant effects) I do feel it enhances the experience and doesn't harm it at all.. It makes it even more euphoric, helps me smoke the DMT better so far because I'm used to that smoke, and it seems to make it even trippier.. I was really close to approaching the level I was at with my pharmahuasca trip, but the THH made it very qualitatively different.

Tonight shall be exciting..
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.
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