The day I've dreaded my entire life is very near and I'm at a loss as to how to deal with it. This post is very personal and probably extremely boring. I hope to have a cohesive statement or question by the end of it, but I'm warning you that it's presently cathartic rambling. I'm also certain it's riddled with typos and auto correct errors and i will edit it soon, i apologize for posting prior to, exhausted though emotionally and just can't atm.
I'm the youngest of four children in my family, by 8 years. The rest of my siblings are just a couple years apart and I've always felt 'pendant' to the family, I existed as an only child, while they were close to each other. As a result, for good and/or bad, i developed a close bond to my mother. My father worked in the financial industry, and was really not present in my life, and we've had an extremely stressed and now rather estranged relationship.
Outside of the nuclear family unit, there are no strong bonds between extended members. Even between siblings there is not much communication. With that said, i placed extreme pressure on my immediate family through my years of drug addiction, most of which did not occur in front of them as i lived across the country, but still i had a serious addiction to heroin that did cause a huge amount of damage to already fragile relationships. And the person i hurt the worst is my mother. In disappointment and the sheer emotional abuse i put her through, if there's a hell i belong there. But even so, she never turned her back on me, when literally everyone else gave up and wished me top just go and die, she still was there. In fact, the one thing that prevented many suicides from actually taking place was knowing that it would in turn kill her, at least in spirit.
Which brings me to now. My mother has been in a care facility for six years now, with an illness that has never been adequately explained to me, whether the reason for that is as I'm told mysterious or as usual noone in my family will tell me the truth. She has followed a similar path from this life that her father did, although he suffered massive strokes that caused him to be trapped in his body for seven years before his release. She has become so depressed and from a variety of abuses to her psyche that she has lost her cognitive ability to a very large degree. My father says she doesn't even talk to him when he goes over for breakfast lunch and dinner with her every day. ( and thank yes, yes, i thank god for that one small mercy that is love. For all the distance between us, i am so grateful that he is there to do that for her, for over sixty years they've been together. And I've finally realized what he gave me as a lesson, that true love endures above all else. It is the only thing that is permanent in this world.) I could only hope that someone would be at my side as i shuffle off. And hopefully they'll love me enough to kill me before i become trapped in my body.
So, when i spoke to my Dad last Sunday, he basically told me she's gone, if not in body, she's no longer there. About a week before that, i had a sort of dream, i was in a hypnogogic state prior to falling asleep and within i recall sending a sort of psychic 'ping' to my Mom on the astral. It wasn't something i was trying to do, it was just where the vision led me. But it was unanswered, and i bolted awake. I've 'pinged ' her like that my whole life, it was how i dealt with being homesick as a boy and she's always been there. I had a dream lady night and i never remember dreams, that i had to go pick her up from the hospital, and was in a hurry to do so for some reason, and my boyhood dog was with me that i left behind in Atlanta when i moved to Oregon in 1989. We got to the hospital and picked up my mother, but then the dog disappeared and i was ashamed that i failed in bringing both home.
So, i love the shit out of my mom, and when i told her i loved her, she had taken to saying that she loved me more. And i know i let her down massively. I was her hope in a lot of ways, she lived some of her 'wilder' aspects out through me. My family is very Limbaugh-southern conservative, but she raised me on Greek and Roman myth, took me to all the great museums on the east coast when my father took us on business trips with him at times, she even bought me tickets to my first grateful dead show one Christmas and delighted in me telling her (edited) stories of them . She supported my creative endeavors and desire to be an artist. Alas, i didn't have much other guidance and fell into addiction.
I've been clean for several years from heroin, but on paper, my life is hell. Nothing to speak of in the way of possessions, boy even a home of my own. No kids, no wife. My life is defined more by absence than accomplishment. I really, really hope to change that, i hope that the path I'm on is true, is divinely inspired and will lead me to a place of happiness, fulfillment and comfort but right now its effing hard. And while she doesn't know the extent of it, in fact, i had her convinced i was clean years before it was true, i know still that she will not leave this earth confident that i will have found that. And that hurts.
And it hurts like absolute hell, like the realization of a great deep seated fear, that i will not be able to say goodbye to her. Fuck(pardon, but it fits) everyone's reaction that i can't come across the country to do drop, if i could, i would, but what good would it do? I complain that i have absolutely noone to help me thru this, to hold me and lie to me and say it's all gonna work out, but neither does my Dad. The last thing he needs is to worry about hosting me down there. While i do hope that the silver stupid lining is a kind of reconciliation with my father, i told him for literally the second time in my life that i love him last Sunday. (I was less than ten years old the first time and learned not to), now is not the time for all that.
Anyway, I'm sorry, this still is anything but a cohesive statement, nor does it formulate any kind of question, i don't need advice on that but maybe something else. Prior to getting the lump of crap news, i performed probably the most successful extraction I've done. I began exploring using DMT as sn anti depressant in earnest thru regular dosing only a couple months ago-prior to that, i had used it quite rarely and relied on it more for the experience than any possible pharmacological aspect. However, upon re engaging with it recently while i was in a depressed state, i realized that a dose of DMT had a very beneficial, long lasting effect.
I began self experimenting, seeing how LITTLE i could get away with using, trying to span doses out and see how long it took for symptoms to return. I've found that at about four weeks seems to be the limit. Now, i know that there's no empirical evidence supporting what I'm saying and i haven't really gone on about it here because i don't want to talk out of my rear, so to speak, but it has been very effective. I haven't the slightest what the cause may be, it may be placebo for all I'm aware. I just know it works.
That being said, it's been over six weeks since my last hyperspacial excursion and I've been noticing the old thought patterns, fear based aggression and depression returning for longer than i like, but i had to wait for the extraction to be completed to dose again. However, the phone call came the same day the yield came back, and I've been resistant to smoalk, my heads a real mess now!
While DMT, and 5meo DMT i credit with saving my life from suicidal ideation, addiction and opening my life to vast limitless possibility and I've never had an enduring negative experience with it,I'm far more trepidacious than usual. This isn't pre flight jitters, but I'm wondering if it's a good idea at all. Even the one that were hard to endure ultimately handled me with love and kindness, but I'm concerned that my uneasiness, my questions with life right now, my combined feelings of shame, grief, love and any other negative factor would conspire to somehow harm me.
I've been taking long walks, asking the great spirit for guidance and knowledge, and forgiveness and mercy and i don't know what else to do. I feel conversely that DMT could offer me just that and i wonder, have any of y'all had these questions or thoughts, and if so, what was your course of action?
So there's a question, i guess. thanks for putting up with this.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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