Are we one consciousness or many? Options
#1 Posted : 4/16/2015 1:35:11 AM

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After a light ..acacia trip.. with closed eyes.. i saw a jewled head radiating with a glorious energy being lowered into a jewled box? ..what could this mean?

I also looked at my own consciousness with non physical eyes..more like the eyes of my soul..

It apeared that my consiousness was made up of multable conciousness just one...

Some of these were dark and others were bright and beautyfull like angels of light..

You could say that the demons were mixed with the angels of light and they all were trying to win me over..

It was something to experiance!

Also i wondered if all humans life storys were pre written since the minute they were born by some all powerfull beings above?

Entering ones own conciousness is quite a trip!


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#2 Posted : 4/16/2015 1:39:54 AM

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starway6 wrote:

Entering ones own conciousness is quite a trip!

Indeed, it seems to me as if an entire universe is contained within my mind. Idk about the jeweled head being lowered into the box.
Cognitive Heart
#3 Posted : 4/16/2015 3:38:25 AM

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Entering ones own conciousness is quite a trip!


Indeed, it seems to me as if an entire universe is contained within my mind.

I feel that goes without saying.. there are moar cells in the human brain than there are stars in the galaxy.. that alone is quite significant and relevant imo. Not that we are superior in any way, not at all. Yet to these beings we are merely nothing but everything paradoxically.. with potential to see and envision moar of what we need or want to benefit from. We function as the known and unknown universe as to which we behold when you think about it. Pleased

Consciousness truly is a mystery as to which we only know 1% of.. such as our perceptual awareness only being 1% of the mass spectrum we cannot see.

It's these experiences that settle us in and make us feel at home / peace again. Whatever way that may be occurring in. Love

After a light ..acacia trip.. with closed eyes.. i saw a jewled head radiating with a glorious energy being lowered into a jewled box? ..what could this mean?

Jewls I can relate to but definitely not jewled heads. Can you describe moar of this object in detail? Did it have a face? Any emotion to it?
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#4 Posted : 4/16/2015 5:07:57 AM

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One in ALL, ALL in One
#5 Posted : 4/16/2015 5:28:28 AM

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Cognitive Heart wrote:
Entering ones own conciousness is quite a trip!


Indeed, it seems to me as if an entire universe is contained within my mind.

I feel that goes without saying.. there are moar cells in the human brain than there are stars in the galaxy.. that alone is quite significant and relevant imo. Not that we are superior in any way, not at all. Yet to these beings we are merely nothing but everything paradoxically.. with potential to see and envision moar of what we need or want to benefit from. We function as the known and unknown universe as to which we behold when you think about it. Pleased

Consciousness truly is a mystery as to which we only know 1% of.. such as our perceptual awareness only being 1% of the mass spectrum we cannot see.

It's these experiences that settle us in and make us feel at home / peace again. Whatever way that may be occurring in. Love

After a light ..acacia trip.. with closed eyes.. i saw a jewled head radiating with a glorious energy being lowered into a jewled box? ..what could this mean?

Jewls I can relate to but definitely not jewled heads. Can you describe moar of this object in detail? Did it have a face? Any emotion to it?

There's 300 billion stars in this galaxy alone (milky way), there are 100s of billions of observable galaxies...There's about 100 billion brain cells. Big grin
#6 Posted : 4/16/2015 6:32:27 AM

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[quote=Cognitive Heart]
Consciousness truly is a mystery as to which we only know 1% of.. such as our perceptual awareness only being 1% of the mass spectrum we cannot see.


I was watching the universe earlier, lawerce Krause was pontificating about how scientists have figured it all out, vis-a-vis the Big Bang / inflation.
I always cringe when they make these claims, because a) how can something be created by nothing, and b) as you said, consciousness is almost unexplored territory for science. So how can they know as much as they claim about the universe when they haven't a clue about mind, the very thing which creates the theories which they claim explain it all.

During a recent experience with acacia-rue-calamus, which was insanely powerful, I experienced the "collective human consciousness. I was inside of a giant (like the size of a planet perhaps), hollow dmt version of a human head. I've experienced what I think is the gaian mind before and plant consciousness, but this was different. Still amazed by this experience. I think there's def something to this collective consciousness concept.
#7 Posted : 4/16/2015 10:16:40 AM

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Apologies for the two deleted posts, I've been struggling to attach an image!

The comparison between the brain and the universe is one which is very interesting indeed. A recent documentary about the cosmos showed that, when viewed from afar, that galaxies aren't merely expanding in random directions, that they "flow" along set paths, rather like blood cells in a neural network. In the image attached the top one is a closeup of a neuron and is only a few micrometres wide, and the bottom one is a graphical representation of how the universe is estimated to appear and is billions of light years wide. The very small is often recreated on a large scale, with the shape of water going down a plughole and spiral galaxies another example.

The universe is full of examples where a smaller system forms part of an increasingly larger system but each playing a vital role in the own right. From bacteria, to humans, to the planet, to the solar system and so on. Maybe the galaxies are the blood cells in the neural network that is the universe. Maybe our universe is a small part of another system, its impossible to know but thought provoking for sure

I do believe the universe to be a big cosmic brain, and essentially one big consciousness with smaller components of consciousness with their own subjective existence creating one larger whole.
didnof attached the following image(s):
aneuron.jpg (411kb) downloaded 257 time(s).
#8 Posted : 4/16/2015 11:33:21 AM

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Are we one consciousness or many?

Both. At the same time.
Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
Cognitive Heart
#9 Posted : 4/16/2015 2:02:22 PM

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spacexplorer wrote:
There's 300 billion stars in this galaxy alone (milky way), there are 100s of billions of observable galaxies...There's about 100 billion brain cells. Big grin

If one were to take the insignificant population of earth (which is ever increasing and decreasing in the billions) and line them up in a row on a completely flat area, and observed that amount lined up on an angle, it would appear to our perception as infinite. Big grin
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Cognitive Heart
#10 Posted : 4/16/2015 2:14:42 PM

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BundleflowerPower wrote:
I always cringe when they make these claims, because a) how can something be created by nothing, and b) as you said, consciousness is almost unexplored territory for science. So how can they know as much as they claim about the universe when they haven't a clue about mind, the very thing which creates the theories which they claim explain it all.

Great point!

Although I do think tools of science has a lot to offer us in terms of consciousness and its role within our awareness, I don't think it is the all-end answer either. Nor will there be an answer to define what is simply unknown to us. That humbleness comes directly and indirectly from these psychedelic plants. We can go as far as our hearts and minds can take us, but nevertheless, these expansive 'role models' per say, within the very nature of our planets well-being, will always know far greater than we could ever imagine. Love

Our universal nature shall be and do what it feels is right.. our potentiality matters. We are alive with energy. The same energy found all throughout the universe. Thumbs up
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Doc Buxin
#11 Posted : 4/17/2015 7:05:36 PM

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steppa wrote:
Are we one consciousness or many?

Both. At the same time.

From my experience it seems that fully accepting, integrating & being at peace with the paradox that we call "existing" is where it's at.

We are, simultaneously, everything & nothing, awake & asleep, good & evil, one consciousness & many.

It does seem like an extremely fine line that we're required to "surf", or balance as if on a tightrope walk, in order to keep a calm, balanced & peaceful perspective.Smile
Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
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Doc Buxin
#12 Posted : 4/17/2015 7:29:52 PM

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didnof wrote:
...The comparison between the brain and the universe is one which is very interesting indeed.

The universe is full of examples where a smaller system forms part of an increasingly larger system but each playing a vital role in the own right. From bacteria, to humans, to the planet, to the solar system and so on....

Yes....The microcosm always mirrors the macrocosm & vice versa.
Freedom's so hard
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#13 Posted : 4/18/2015 9:03:03 PM

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Here is my take on the consciousnesses/spirits that make up our "consciousness" that we use to evaluate our experiences.

From birth, you have a genetic inclination towards many things (how you process data, minor behavioral tendencies, predisposition to mental illness). These haven't been totally carved or ingrained into your perspective yet, as you are still making sense of everything.

Over time, you become imprinted with many viewpoints, perspectives, and behavioral patterns from other people in the form of your parents, friends, TV, movies, literature. Things like religion, political views, tastes in music, how you treat people; even phrases you use and how you use your voice... the list goes on. Perpsectives on things like what is good or bad, the kinds of people you get along with, aesthetic tastes, purpose in life..... these sorts of viewpoints.

These viewpoints that you have been imprinted with are in fact the consciousnesses or perspectives of other people that become infused with your own (based on the precursory perspectives you have been ingrained with). These precursory perspectives are what determine how the new viewpoint is interpreted and integrated into your other perspectives you have absorbed.

Your "singular consciousness" is the complex interaction with all of these viewpoints. They all work with each other to produce your "consciousness" , "soul" , or whole perspective. An example: I was raised by homophobic conservatives with traditional values, and so too was I inclined to view them in a negative manner from an early age and see things in a certain light. Once I met and befriended some liberal types and homosexuals in high school, I felt immense conflict between these two opposing perspectives. My "soul" was clashing. Through logic and experience, I shedded almost completely my previous "consciousnesses" of conservative values and adopted a more liberal set of "consciousnesses". These consciousnesses are how you interpret the world and they are always being exchanged. These in turn allow for a more compatible integration of other like-minded perspectives or "consciousnesses."

These perspectives change slightly with the times but I believe it is all an eternal chain of cause and effect, much like matter and energy. Thought is energy, after all.
Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#14 Posted : 4/18/2015 9:49:08 PM

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We are all one, in many different expressions, talking to yourself, to pass the time.
#15 Posted : 4/19/2015 12:29:44 PM

Its a question of perspective...

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I love this question. It's something that I have been contemplting for a while. Here are some of my spiritual ramblings:

Much like a seven year old has no real comprehension of what adult life will look like, I think the human race, has no idea what our existence is. Hyperspace shows us this is an incredibly viceral way.

Are we one consciousness or many? Sages and gurus the world over will say one. Unless it is lived experienced, however, we have to believe these enlightened ones based on faith.

So what does this mean in practical terms? How does this affect our lives?

Everyone, everything is essentially the same. You don't need to experience transcendent oneness to understand this. We all have our humanity, our breath, our experience in common. All 7 billion of us.

Not to mention the plants and the animals awsell. Like us - all expressions of life. The birth and death of stars.

Division, ideas of superiority, and other junk of the ego, all seem insignificant in the face of these facts. So does argueing with life.

Perhaps even the story of ourselves as separate entities within time, within a universe - will be shown to be an illusion, or a great game.

Fear is also revealed as an illusion. One day 'I' will die. But there will be others that still exist. 'I' don't really know what death is anyway; and moreover it's part of the contract of life - so isn't it madness to fear it?

Everything is ok just the way it is. How can it be otherwise? It is madness to argue with what is. Be grateful! You breathe!

Humans seem to forget that in the grand scheme of timelessness 100 years isn't even a blink of an eye. On a mushroom trip I once saw hundreds of years of ritual human sacrifice unfold before my eyes. I was appalled. The mushroom then showed me it, from the perspective of the life cycle of a Galaxy and asked me 'have you thought about it from this perspective?'

It's a good lesson that I think on when I'm worrying about anything.

Much Love <3 xx
Inner Paths
#16 Posted : 4/20/2015 12:41:47 AM

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IME, I like to think we are both one consciousness and many. If you think of a universal consciousness being the fabric of reality that all our individual brains tap into/receive than it makes sense. I've had a few experiences where I have lost a lot of my individual-ness and started melding into the great undifferentiated whole.

A purely subjective experience that doesn't prove anything objectively but it helped me with my personal understanding of the concept and brought me a sense of peace with reality as I experience it through my unique filter Love
"The love I've made is the shape of my space"
#17 Posted : 4/20/2015 1:40:40 AM

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One Consciousness definitely
#18 Posted : 4/21/2015 1:34:16 PM

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I must admit I find this discussion and the whole debate about consciousness fascinating. There are many trains of thought, most of which seem to have quite a bit of overlap and I believe consciousness is essentially the same as the afterlife/deity, and is everything that is, everything that was and everything that ever will be, and the true nature of it is probably totally beyond human comprehension.

The consciousness that we think with and use daily appears to be subject to a form of development and learning process, although this development is naturally limited by our perception. I believe everything that we see and everything that exists has some form of consciousness, and every physical object, even sand and air is an expression of consciousness manifesting itself in physical form.

Our natural inclination is to perceive the world as individual forms, however I believe that the reality is that everything is simply consciousness taking shape. Mourning over the passing of loved ones, broken relationships and other such losses is typical of our perception which sees peoples as separate selves, when really everyone and everything is one and the same, the past present and future all at the same time.

The fear of death and the fear of loss I believe to be in essence fear of loss of the physical form as consciousness within is eternal, however when a severe loss happens, that is not to say we can simply think of this and everything will be ok, we are human forms after all and our reaction to such events will always be human, regardless of beliefs of consciousness, although, when reflecting back on loss at a later date, adopting this viewpoint I do find helps deal with certain situations.
Doc Buxin
#19 Posted : 4/21/2015 8:23:53 PM

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didnof wrote:
The fear of death and the fear of loss I believe to be in essence fear of loss of the physical form....we are human forms after all and our reaction to such events will always be human...

IME, although this is the "norm", it is by no means the rule.

The fear of death can be overcome. I would be hard-pressed to list the requirements needed for this to happen, however I do know that it can come to pass.

Freedom's so hard
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Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
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