Polished perfection Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2009 3:28:31 PM

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This is actually a very common experience; pretty much everyone I've sparked up with has the same experience. First off, the MHRB I use always throws me into the oneness, it's unavoidable. It goes to follow that hypothetically, freebase extracted from that dust would do the same.

In my experience, smoked DMT will put me into this state of "perfect universe". Clean everything, everything looks perfect and GORGEOUS beyond words.

I'll just give you one gift - look at human faces when you're in this state. The difference is profound. You can still recognise that it's them yet their faces become STUNNING BEYOND BELIEF.

When I look at a girl's face, I tend to associate their facial features with their personality/their essence. As such I go for girls who have facial features that aren't plain; easy example is Scarlett Johansson. You can clearly see how her face looks very unique. When smoked, this little aspect of my being is incredible. I can still clearly recognise that it's that same girl yet her face looks perfect (if you understand what I mean). Funnily enough, that Scarlett pic sans blemishes is pretty much on par with the way faces look in this state.

Strangely enough, the first time I smoked I took a just below breakthrough amount and that made the universe turn perfect then completely ruined it by making everyone's faces start to melt like runny plastic, a bloody scary experience.

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#2 Posted : 6/17/2009 1:42:09 AM


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For me faces vary. But 'the perfecting' as we call 'round my house, is almost always the same for open eyed travels. My favorite indoor novelty is my bookshelf. It is made of glass and I have books from a vast range of subjects. Not that it matters in spiceland, because the print on the binders all look like Martian Sanskrit.
Everything seems to have run through Adobe photoshop where colors are amped and blemishes filter out. Outlines always seem to have an additional thin 'neon' component.

We have talked ALOT about 'the perfecting' at my place. I could go on for a page or two about it.

My GF's face has taken many forms under the spell. Once I came down and she looked utterly insectoid. Black sclera. Exagerrated mandibular processees, the works. Once her head blew up like a balloon. Once, her face 'melted' off of her head. Many times however she has looked like an angel framed with irridescent halo. She has been the Sphinx. She has turned into Greek ruins(!) There are times when I am awed at the Universe for giving me my soul mate and reveled in her perfection. Hyperspace Lottery tickets available at your local 4-d supply house.

As far as what you are saying about a girls face perfecting. Its as if all flaws fall away. As if you are seeing their soul. Their 'untainted' maiden version.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#3 Posted : 6/17/2009 8:30:48 AM

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jasons741 wrote:
For me faces vary. But 'the perfecting' as we call 'round my house, is almost always the same for open eyed travels. My favorite indoor novelty is my bookshelf. It is made of glass and I have books from a vast range of subjects. Not that it matters in spiceland, because the print on the binders all look like Martian Sanskrit.
Everything seems to have run through Adobe photoshop where colors are amped and blemishes filter out. Outlines always seem to have an additional thin 'neon' component.

We have talked ALOT about 'the perfecting' at my place. I could go on for a page or two about it.

My GF's face has taken many forms under the spell. Once I came down and she looked utterly insectoid. Black sclera. Exagerrated mandibular processees, the works. Once her head blew up like a balloon. Once, her face 'melted' off of her head. Many times however she has looked like an angel framed with irridescent halo. She has been the Sphinx. She has turned into Greek ruins(!) There are times when I am awed at the Universe for giving me my soul mate and reveled in her perfection. Hyperspace Lottery tickets available at your local 4-d supply house.

As far as what you are saying about a girls face perfecting. Its as if all flaws fall away. As if you are seeing their soul. Their 'untainted' maiden version.


As far as what you are saying about a girls face perfecting. Its as if all flaws fall away. As if you are seeing their soul. Their 'untainted' maiden version.

YES! That is absolutely DEAD ON.

#4 Posted : 6/18/2009 5:02:54 AM
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sounds like good ol' candyland to me!! This is a shared experience, seems a lot of people share this state as well.

Do not be
#5 Posted : 6/18/2009 9:32:22 AM

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sounds like good ol' candyland to me!! This is a shared experience, seems a lot of people share this state as well.

Yup! That's "Candyland" alright! Cool The perfected beauty of a woman's face I've notice on LSD and mushrooms as well, but Candyland I've only ever seen on the spice.
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#6 Posted : 6/18/2009 9:48:40 AM

The Root

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in one of my old reports - the most intense experience of my life - i stated everything looked like cgi manga - same thing i think - everything was smooth, patterend and perfect. felt like i was stuck between worlds.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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