Merging with the universe aka ego loss and oral DMT insights Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2009 2:02:21 AM

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I posted this on the Shroomery but I thought it would be more fitting to post it here so here it is verbatim.

Apologies for the crazy wording of this post, I'm stoned off my nellie's and basking in the glorious afterglow of a ridiculously intense oral DMT trip which was also harmala heavy; 15g of rue seeds or so and 30-50g of MHRB consumed over the duration of the trip (18hr long experience with sleep deprivation) starting with a tiny shot of 3g MHRB in the morning.

If you've tripped on DMT then you're probably aware that the entire universe is conscious. Your sense of self is merely that one human shaped region that it is considered as "part of me" in your sense of 4D space (time as 4th dimension), out of the entire universe (picture it in your head). That region is also the region your consciousness primarily occupies. On DMT the merging experience is pretty fucking sweet, all that happens is that your consciousness merges with the consciousnes permeating the universe and that in turn obliterates your sense of touch (ego loss in the spatial dimensions).

The effect it has on time is absolutely amazing, it brings you COMPLETELY into the present, the more you dose the more it forces the present moment on you. That in turn would be a smearing of your consciousness along the time dimension as well, merging to become completely timeless. While in that experience, one can make the experience last for what feels like an eternity; an eternity of absolute bliss contained in the smallest discrete quantity of time. In essence, your essence merges with the universal essence (sorry, had to do that).

As a result of the tremendously increased awareness brought on by this experience, one gets a sense of flow or as the Buddhists called it millenia ago, mindfulness. It has been said that time does not really pass; that time is merely a tool used by limited consciousnesses such as ours to store, process and learn from knowledge from the universal consciousness aka God. Which leads me on to find that Buddhism is an absolutely beautiful way of living; the eightfold path is VERY interesting as the effects of DMT really bring out the eightfold nature of human life.

The best trips will boost every sense of right practice with beautiful synchronicity, throwing one into situations where it's evident that life is engineered by the oneness beyond the veil of death for some sort of spiritual development purpose. The way that DMT teaches in this respect is exceedingly powerful. Unlike other drugs it makes one consider everything by forcefully doing so; it may be because I'm using MHRB which is reputed to be a harsh masculine teacher relative to (grand?)mother ayahuasca and using rue seeds which are far harsher in head trips than caapi vine; it seems to be a case of tough love vs tender love. All the same, the drug/medicine/spirit molecule is pretty much giving the love.

All in all it's as if the conscious universe just decides it's bored and feels like hopping back into the I-ness from the We-ness for a bit, reincarnating as necessary. I have been in DMT-fuelled absolute bliss and inner peace, a state of nirvana for the last 4 weeks.

All in all these thoughts just flashed through my head in the space of 5 mins in a long spiralled chain of thought and I decided to post them, hence why they're here. These thoughts are all connected to other insights shared on DMT, for instance this thread - and this thread - http://forums.ayahuasca....rder=asc&highlight=, which is one of the best pieces of writing I have read for a long while, partly because I have had exactly the same chains of thought.

Clearly there is a universal consciousness which causes the shared insights of DMT and this same consciousness engineers situations for the I-ness aka living beings to go through and learn from; we are one.

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#2 Posted : 6/16/2009 2:11:28 AM

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Excellent report! Really great.

I've moved this thread to the "DMT Experiences" subforum, where it will be noticed by those looking to read this sort of thread. I hope nobody gets confused. Thanks for your GREAT first post, embracethevoid!
#3 Posted : 6/16/2009 3:07:40 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for posting, it has helped me to understand my own oral DMT experiences a bit better in fact.

Smile Smile
#4 Posted : 6/16/2009 5:32:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 65
Joined: 25-May-2009
Last visit: 06-Jan-2015
Yes this was an amazing post! SWIM wishes she could have alluded more to this aspect of her trips in her reports! Very well done - off to read the linked posts!
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