Spice in a Buddy + Christmas Lights Options
#1 Posted : 6/15/2009 10:27:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 65
Joined: 25-May-2009
Last visit: 06-Jan-2015
Okay, so SWIM got an email today from some spam address, and it's title was intriguing so she opened it and here's what it said:

I wanted to listen to Shpongle, as I knew silence wouldn't be good with my broken computer fan making odd, dumb noises intermittently, but alas it wasn't on my MP3 player (although it was before!??) and I was too stupid to have the patience to put it back on. So I played a track titled Jasmine by Makyo off of Portal of Perceptions.

The spice whirled its beautiful milky white vapors in with no problem, and after holding it in, feeling the come on, exhaling, I realized I inhaled air before taking the next hit again. This always happens to me so far, and I hate it but I went on and took a second hit just incase, hoping it not be wasted or botch things up like in my last lesson.

The Christmas lights in my room were dazzling. I began to think of how someone on the Nexus even mentioned that the spice transports them, and they are like a traveler. I thought about this, how it morphed everything BUT me. I saw the same DVD bookcases I've seen before and they weren't basic pure color blocks like once before, but after blinking, BAM, even more than before, another blink, BAM, different. I looked up over them at the wall and stars stuck to the wall and actually felt like I was being hit in the face by good ideas, but there were so many simultaneously I've unfortunately forgotten them in the midst of it all.

The Christmas lights changed into soo many neat effects! They changed shape into geometric shapes of colored light like boxes and hexagons and began to re-arrange themselves into endless configurations - there were lines, double lines, crosses, so many my attention couldn't comprehend it. I went in DEEP, and confusion began to set in as I realized my eyes were open. I shut them, but wasn't consoled in the slightest - as they shut and reality kept going, now just infinitely smoother and morpheous. I seem to remember seeing the top cone part of a lampshade being made of the same liquid, yet sharply defined material the clothes hamper was made of in an earlier journey. My recollection completely blanked at this point, until the music evidently switched tracks and began swerving me into a bad place.

Wow. At some point into the apex, I had opened my eyes and saw my lap (black skirt with black mp3 player) as a whirling, weaving red basket/worm mixture - an intriguing, but neverending pattern. I realized I never opened my eyes, they had been closed and I was seeing it - and it now no longer mattered what I did. Opened or closed *I* was morphing into red wovenness. A panic formed in my stomache and tears began to flow from my eyes as my brain decided "No, enough is enough, please stop!" TIME! I yearned to see the clock, and when I stretched over to see it it's red LEDs stretched out up and down from the numbers just like the red woven pattern, but I managed to read "3:03". The thought then hit me that I was so ill prepared I didn't even check the clock when I took off! After calculating it later I realized it must have been 2:55 - 3:00 when I pushed off, of course this all was meaningless at this point anyway.

On the bed, I saw every single light source's individualities adding up to make the color of the ceiling. What I mean by this is, when a light reflects off of a surface, it alters things. The green grass actually slightly adds green coloring to anything close by - just in minute amounts. The perception of this was night and day for me. This was no problem, and my swirling transparent vessel of a ceiling was no problem, but the music was devastating. It had switched to 'Nothing is Real (Sensual Mix)' by Makyo, off of a cd titled, ironically, 'Relaxing Journeys'. I ripped off the earbuds and felt instant peace. I was breathing heavily and began laughing in a happy cry, I felt that cool sweat and had the immense feeling I just barely scraped by something huge. After the panic I knew (or at least began to feel or lie to myself) that I wasn't afraid but was simply too tired and got overwhelmed at such prolonged intensity. I wanted it to stop. Not completely, just to slow down and give me a second. I wanted it back and began wishing I hadn't had panicked so easily. The euphoria was immense, and I was still giggling in happiness over all that had just happened.

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