Alcohol + Spice Options
#1 Posted : 6/14/2009 10:28:54 AM

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A friend of mine had been drinking a bit before he tried his pharmahuasca experience.. The odd thing was, when he came down he no longer seemed drink.. the shock of the trip and the joy of coming out of it in one piece seemed to sober him up.. I'm not too sure it effected his trip much at all, I think it might have helped him to keep his eyes closed more than I could.. It might be useful, not at drunk doses, but maybe a little bit to relax a trip a bit.. A glass of wine or something.. Lowers blood pressure too, right? Or temporarily? Could it help counteract the rise in BP from DMT?

Who knows.. Just playing devil's advocate.. I don't really drink.. haven't in like a year or so, and even the last time was a shot or 2, no more.
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#2 Posted : 6/14/2009 5:27:52 PM

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alcohol can be good for pharma experiences..but SWIM has found that alcohol and smoked spice is less than leaves more room open for nausea...and puking..and also makes it harder to remember what happened..

the one interesting thing is that you do become fairly sober afterwards...
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#3 Posted : 6/14/2009 5:31:39 PM

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I've heard people talk about using small amounts of alcohol to calm the nerves before the DMT experience.
In my personal experience though, alcohol makes DMT in particular, less & less active, the more alcohol is involved.
Like the opposite effect MAOI's have. I've seen this in myself & a number of close friends. We don't mix the two anymore around here.
I personally think alcohol & psychedelics are like oil & water!!

To each his own though...

In fact, I have shared some of my spice with a couple of friends who where buzzed-to-drunk a few times & at least with smoked DMT, the effects are diminished a lot, when taken while intoxicated with alcohol.
Like to the point of my pal who had drank like 3-5 beers over a few hours, could not get any stronger effects than faint colors & movement in his peripheral vision after smoking around 50-80mg of some pure DMT that worked fine for me & another pal, just minutes earlier!!
Of course, he wasn't going to lose to some stimkin' he kept wanting more & more.

I had to eventually say to him, "come on man, I'm not going to keep letting you waste my DMT, trying to get high while your already drunk!!"
This of course caused him to get pissed off & start to argue etc...
So now I just tell people that you have to smoke around 6 times as much to get any effects when drunk & they can do that if they want to...when they are taking the time & money to extract they're own DMT...not just sharing in mine.
All of my close friends are more than welcome to share in my spice, but not while they're drinking!

Even if some people are able to use alcohol & psychs together successfully, I personally feel they don't complement each other much, if at all.
Polar opposites in my book.

2 cents...

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#4 Posted : 6/14/2009 5:58:10 PM
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SWIM thinks it can be positive. The complete ego-loss and non-existence is a very useful thing to experience. It teaches humility and joy to be alive. Smoking salvia extracts can do the same, but can be much more disturbing. Spice with booze does it in a friendlier way.
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#5 Posted : 6/14/2009 6:08:06 PM

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I think it goes both ways its always good to be happy and in a good mood real or fake so it can provide a component of set that can be the predoninate during the experance. Have you ever wated until you have a funny thought or are about to crack a grin. Do your 3 tokes and tell me what happens. Its hard to go wrong when the last thing you remember is a pleasent thought, feeling the smile as your face melts away and you become a smiling face... Its not a gaurntee but it is a highy effective in my experance at least. I discovered it by accident just like many other potential benifits often overlooked forgotten or remain unseen.

#6 Posted : 6/14/2009 7:12:53 PM

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A couple beers never hurt, but being definitively drunk is, IMHO, a bad idea.
#7 Posted : 6/14/2009 8:14:00 PM

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I've never mixed N,N-DMT and alcohol but have mixed shrooms and alcohol and don't do that anymore. I feel like the shrooms really dislike alcohol in the system. It really gets in the way of the shrooms and the experience. If I drink just 2-3 beers before a shroom trip I can feel the alcohol very strongly in the system and how it affects the shrooms in a negative way for me. I can feel really strong how it's like poison for my nerves and what negative effects it's having on my system.

Actually I don't need shrooms anymore to feel like that when I drink. That's why I do it very seldom these days. I used to be a heavy drinker as a teenager and in my early twenties. Now I only use psychedelics and smoke weed occasionally.

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#8 Posted : 6/15/2009 2:49:54 AM

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opticuswrangler wrote:
A couple beers never hurt, but being definitively drunk is, IMHO, a bad idea.

I dont think being totalty drunk is a good idea under any circumstances. We usually end up that way unintentionaly when drinking socialy, exception being frat boys in college and teanagers growing up. no offence young people me and my buddies growing up attempted to get as trashed as possible hundreds of times it is one route on the path to growing up mentaly in my opion.
#9 Posted : 6/15/2009 3:08:54 AM

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Alchohol is one thing I've never liked doing, had some good times with it, but still felt wrong. I quit drinking it when I was about 19. I remember it coming to a finish in my system, where mentally I'd be like "why can't I drink?" I'd do it again and again to try get some positives out of it but couldn't, I'd find myself in a state where I could clearly see that it was of no use anymore, and wasn't benefiting me spiritually. It felt like carrying an unnecessary load.

The only thing I ever mixed with alchohol was ganja, and I never liked doing that.
#10 Posted : 6/15/2009 4:49:06 AM


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I don't drink. I drank too much before. I do know that opiates seem to dampen 'shrooms. I agree with MajikVenom about going into a journey with a smile on your face. I first did it thanks to Jorkests' advice and it makes a big difference.

I think I read about smiles releasing endorphins...don't quote me, though.


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#11 Posted : 6/15/2009 5:23:35 AM

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I do spice occasionally after an evening of drinking. Not completely plowed, but certainly nicely buzzed, and certainly above .08% BAC. I am a very happy drinker, and I have a tendency to want heavier experiences once I get a nice buzz on, so I often find myself wandering to the stash box for some spice or some shrooms once I'm intoxicated. I typically have a good time, and have some extremely incredible journey's mixing the two... BUT, I do agree agree with Jorkest that the memory of the experience is diminished from alcohol.
I think it's safe to do with alcohol, but I just think it's not wise as far as having a pure experience.
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…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
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#12 Posted : 6/15/2009 6:41:27 AM

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If I drink just 2-3 beers before a shroom trip I can feel the alcohol very strongly in the system and how it affects the shrooms in a negative way for me.
I can feel really strong how it's like poison for my nerves and what negative effects it's having on my system.Actually

I don't need shrooms anymore to feel like that when I drink. That's why I do it very seldom these days... Now I only use psychedelics and smoke weed occasionally.

I'm am glad to hear you say that...I feel that way too when I drink just a couple of anything.
Alcohol has never really agreed with me much, I just feel toxic.

I was wondering if it had something to do with my liver or something, I've never heard anyone else mention it like that before.

Sometimes I wish I was able to drink, definitely makes it easier to schmooze the chicks, ya know!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 Posted : 6/15/2009 8:20:41 AM

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warrensaged wrote:

Sometimes I wish I was able to drink, definitely makes it easier to schmooze the chicks, ya know!


WS - No way man! Not having an affinity to booze is a gift that has been given to you! Booze is toxic, destructive and deadly. I enjoy drinking, but if I was faced with a 30 second decision for my body to accept, or reject alcohol, I would choose the latter in an instant.

You are blessed by the spirits of good health my friend!

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#14 Posted : 6/15/2009 7:30:42 PM

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idtravlr wrote:
WS - No way man! Not having an affinity to booze is a gift that has been given to you! Booze is toxic, destructive and deadly. I enjoy drinking, but if I was faced with a 30 second decision for my body to accept, or reject alcohol, I would choose the latter in an instant.
You are blessed by the spirits of good health my friend!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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