Just woken up, by a fake trip.... Options
#1 Posted : 6/14/2009 3:55:42 PM

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So its 12:39am. I have had one of the freakiest things happen... I started to dream rather vivid, that I was playing this silly online game. One you would find on say, I was playing a game where I was zapping "DMT cubes" with a little space ship, pew pew. I am like, "ok almost zapped these cubes", *pew pew pew*. I shot whats left of these DMT cubes.

Then, some seconds later, its hits me, VERY VIVIDLY! My heart starting pounding, the my vision started to warp and go! I could here the same, breathing, and whispers. I remember becoming lucid, for the 1st time I might add. Thinking "this cannot be happening". Then instinct took over, I closed my eyes and started telling myself just to try chill out, and ride it out till its over. only thing missing was the flashes of people, and that being. Just the darkness of closed eyes, warping...

Well, it did not last long thank god... It was rather confusing and uncomfortable. I was happy I was not really "tripping" when I woke up, just really confused...

This happen to anyone els? I think I have read around that it somewhat has. I really hope it dose not happen again, in an extended manner Shocked .
How To Stop a Nightmare
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#2 Posted : 6/14/2009 5:07:05 PM

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I have not had that happen to me, but I have read about people having drug experiences in a dream & feeling it full-on.

I have never dreamed of taking a psychedelic & felt the effects, but I was addicted to heroin for a number of sad, long years & when I was struggling with getting off of it, I had a few very realistic dreams of going through the whole junkie process (the ritual of the habit is a very mentally addictive part of being a junkie...the sanctuary).
In the dream I went through the whole sha-bang, scoring the dope...getting myself alone...getting out my "works"...setting it all it all up...shooting it all up...& feeling it, like it was real...but better because I was only imagining it. So my mind was able to block out the negative aspects & just give me the parts I enjoyed.

Unfortunately, when I woke up, all I could think about was making that dream come true again.Sad
I feel it was basically my body tying to trick me into keeping that destructive cycle appease it...for now...

I'm guessing the same thing happening, but with a psychedelic dream, rather than a Narcotic one, could be quite wonderful!
There would be a completely different reason for it happening too, I would guess.

That was years ago...thank god...& I've been able to get past it & back to living!!
I've been clean now for over 4 years & would not go back for all the money & power in the world!!!
Those damn dreams didn't help me though!Wink

Sorry if I kind of went off there...struck a chord in me.Embarrased

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 Posted : 6/14/2009 5:24:51 PM

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SWIM has experienced dmt flashes a few times while sleeping...its very crazy...but sweet!
it's a sound
#4 Posted : 6/14/2009 6:03:11 PM

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Back in about year 2000 I was fast asleep on my mattress and I wasn't even dreaming or anything and I experienced what could be described as being in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion of light, it expanded and its real hard to explain that event other then it felt like it was very real and it only lasted a second but the intensity of it made it feel real long like a slow motion event. I didn't even wake up right away after it but when I did wake up I remembered it right away and I felt so good like I was practically making breakfast before I had my pants on It was a top of the world feeling I had never had before. Then that night I came down with such a severe flu that put me into bed for weeks, I gave this flu to many many people and everyone who had it described the worst ever possible taste in their mouths.

My conclusion was that bizzare flash was a trigger for some sort of serious Detox, as I have always believed getting sick is part of reconciling with the toxic stomping ground of earth.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#5 Posted : 6/14/2009 6:23:06 PM

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Jumiem wrote:
Back in about year 2000 I was fast asleep on my mattress and I wasn't even dreaming or anything and I experienced what could be described as being in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion of light, it expanded and its real hard to explain that event other then it felt like it was very real and it only lasted a second but the intensity of it made it feel real long like a slow motion event. I didn't even wake up right away after it but when I did wake up I remembered it right away and I felt so good like I was practically making breakfast before I had my pants on It was a top of the world feeling I had never had before. Then that night I came down with such a severe flu that put me into bed for weeks, I gave this flu to many many people and everyone who had it described the worst ever possible taste in their mouths.

My conclusion was that bizzare flash was a trigger for some sort of serious Detox, as I have always believed getting sick is part of reconciling with the toxic stomping ground of earth.

Yes these between waking states are a well documented occurance and compleatly nornal.
#6 Posted : 6/14/2009 8:37:09 PM

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I often have trips in my dreams, sometimes they're really violent. 4 times I've dreamed of taking LSD, and then the feeling was starting. But that was ok, no problems and not so strong. Also once I dream of mescaline

Other times, the entire world of the dream is blown off by a 4-dimension darkness, and I know is 5-meo-dmt starting to hit.
After a strong 5-meo trip, at least for 2-3 nights I know I'll have vivid 5-meo sensation, and when I wake up I have the 5-meo body feeling

First times I was waking up, scared. Now i can resist almost the whole dream, it doesn't scare me anymore, although I don't feel like gaining much wisdom from this night trip, they're too vacuum and dark, it's difficoult to move in it
Bad, bad english
#7 Posted : 6/14/2009 8:52:09 PM

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This could have happened because it was in your subconscious because I posed this same question yesterday or the day before in my experience's topic? As I said in that, I awoke with the visuals still happening and they faded quickly, but it was very weird. I wasn't as scared because I knew I hadn't taken anything, but in a way it should have been scarier I guess.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.

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#8 Posted : 6/15/2009 12:39:19 AM


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Two times, both times of extreme mental stress in my life. I had ultra vivid dreams with a component I'd not previously felt. I awoke to twenty or thirty seconds of, get this, kaleidiscopic fruit! Bananas and oranges pulsating in geometric rhythm as I ran down the hall in darkness to my Mothers room. I was about nineteen at the time. The effect evaporated in moments. Bizarre...

Also. During a stomach virus(?) a few years ago I began to trip steadily for approximately 20 hours! It was mild, but remained at a plateau for almost a full day. CEVs only. Psylocin like. I felt as if I was being rewarded for my suffering.

The human body is an amazing thing.




Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#9 Posted : 6/15/2009 1:16:48 AM

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No. Just a cough and cold, probably the Flu. Between that dream, and this flu. I only got about 1-2 hour sleep...
How To Stop a Nightmare
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#10 Posted : 6/15/2009 1:54:30 AM

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Drake wrote:
So its 12:39am. I have had one of the freakiest things happen... I started to dream rather vivid, that I was playing this silly online game. One you would find on say, I was playing a game where I was zapping "DMT cubes" with a little space ship, pew pew. I am like, "ok almost zapped these cubes", *pew pew pew*. I shot whats left of these DMT cubes.

Then, some seconds later, its hits me, VERY VIVIDLY! My heart starting pounding, the my vision started to warp and go! I could here the same, breathing, and whispers. I remember becoming lucid, for the 1st time I might add. Thinking "this cannot be happening". Then instinct took over, I closed my eyes and started telling myself just to try chill out, and ride it out till its over. only thing missing was the flashes of people, and that being. Just the darkness of closed eyes, warping...

Well, it did not last long thank god... It was rather confusing and uncomfortable. I was happy I was not really "tripping" when I woke up, just really confused...

This happen to anyone els? I think I have read around that it somewhat has. I really hope it dose not happen again, in an extended manner Shocked .

Yep. I was dreaming that I was standing at the sink in the bathroom (of my mothers house of all places), brushing my teeth. I looked up at the mirror and absolute DMT OEV's were going nuts! It was a full blown DMT ride, body and mind, in my sleep! I remember thinking in my dream "What have I done to myself?" It was terrifying, yet kinda fun Pleased

It only happened to me once and it was at a time that I was abusing (like 3 to 5 evenings per night) for about a month. What's crazy is immediately after that happened is when I experienced "spice fizzle". I could no longer get high, let alone break through! I took it as a warning, backed off for a few months, started taking Piracetam, and now I'm back to "normal". I don't use nearly that much though anymore!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#11 Posted : 6/15/2009 3:02:43 AM

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I have researched Piracetam and considered trying it did you feel a noticable change after taking it, what dose?
#12 Posted : 6/15/2009 3:29:32 AM

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MagikVenom wrote:
I have researched Piracetam and considered trying it did you feel a noticable change after taking it, what dose?

Yeah - acolon_5 turned me on to it. I was taking about 2000mg 2 to 3 times daily, which is less than the labeled recommended dose. I stopped using it (except vary occasionally) once I got my breakthroughs back. I'm probably going to start using it again more regularly, in small doses again now though. It's just generally good for the brain! Smile I got it from Bulk Nutrition, but you might be able to find it locally too.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
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