Hi all members,
As some may have expected we had quite a good April fools day this year that worked out great.
Members who visited the site were redirected to a questionnaire page where they HAD to answer the questions to be deemed worthy to enter the DMT-Nexus again.
The questions were rigged however and all you had to enter was "SMOALK MOAR". On this page there was also an image that showed a hint to just type: "SMOALK MOAR", with each answer given answer this image would be brighter and more visible to the poor user.
The questions that people entered could be followed in real time in the chat and were also directly posted on the forum. So all who were in already could see the hilarious and often moving answers that people were giving to (desperately) get in again.
MEDALSSome people stood clearly out above the rest in the way they answered the questions and as such we thought it would be a goodidea to give these people a special medal that would be shown under their avatar for this coming week.
FASTESTWe had quite a few people who by accident answered the correct answer on question 8, and that was of course with the question "What is kikkers legendary life advice?".
The people who accidentally answered correctly are:
* inaniel
* pinche
* Nereus
* DmnStr8
* rOm
* Ufostrahlen
* adam
* cosmictaylor
* benzyme
* ganesh
* Purges
SLOWESTwearepeople I suspect wearepeople had too much fun with this and wanted to make sure he has the highest count.
MOST HUMOROUS ANSWERSAuxin It started slow with the machine elves but along the way it got better and better into the realms of hilarious.
MOST GENUINE ANSWERSyamma1 With each question this person put in a lot of time and effort, things like that needs to be rewarded!
MOST RESEARCH DONEXagan Each answer was thoroughly researched and as such each question took up till about half an hour to answer. Well done!
SOME STATSPeople who started the questionnaire: 483
People who finished the questionnaire successfully: 257 (53%)
Total questions answered by all: 21,402 (on average 44.3 answers per person)
Total questions answered by people who finished the questionnaire: 17,027 (on average 66.3 answers per person)
WHAT NOW?This April f00ls prank has some good side effects. For example we can use the answers given to promote new members, quite a few new members showed that they have what it takes by giving great answers showing knowledge, eagerness and wisdom.
We are even thinking about giving new members the opportunity to answer a serious questionnaire where the answers can be seen in a special subforum that is only visible to full members. By doing this new members can show their merits and it will make it much more easy to promote them.
We will make a list of the most special and the most funniest answer per question. This will take some time due to the amount of answers, so please have a little patience on this one.
Also dreamer042 will put in some effort to make a list of the questions and the correct answers, aside from the SMOALK MOAR of course.
I hope you all enjoyed the show and next year there will not be an April f00ls day anymore, I think.

Kind regards,
The Traveler