Letting go... Options
#1 Posted : 6/12/2009 10:31:22 PM

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Over the course of many voyages I have come across the following situation a few times...

Hyperspace wants me to allow it to "become everything". I recognise this feeling from other psychedelics and being stuck in the situation where I believe that I may never come down.

Whenever I have a trip that presents this idea to me I feel the need to resist. I love hyperspace but ultimately want to retain some element of control. I can grab control back and still have a fulfilling breakthrough experience. I would like to let go but there is always a huge feeling of trepidation when the trip wants to get out of it's "box".

If you have experienced the same whilst in hyperspace how do you cope with it? Do you let go? Have you developed coping and control techniques to deal with it?

As a side note, and to help you understand where I'm coming from on the idea of "hyperspace" – I'm not a spiritual person. I believe that hyperspace is just a manifestation of my subconscious. I believe my worries are my subconscious fear of not coming back from my voyage.
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/12/2009 10:51:18 PM

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I know exactly what you're talking about.. Its a tricky one for me atm. My first ever breakthrough only a few weeks ago challenged this completely. I tried to hold on and the spice mocked me and played with me for it.

The 2nd breakthrough was amazing. I managed to let go. However, I still had that "OMG WTF I have become energy I do not have connection to physical reality any more, will I ever make it back" kind of feeling. Its also hard to describe cos it kinda gets inside everything that you percieve as you; it warps time and space and conciousness all at the same time.

The last few times I have been quite cautious, and had semi-breakthroughs (or maybe not) but have been on the edge of that total annihilation of self, and held myself back from going in, there is some fear I need to deal with. Ultimately I think it is fear of the unknown, of not making it back. However - I do know that if you can let go completely and utterly, you will be rewarded with unimaginable beauty.

Safe journeys!!
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#3 Posted : 6/13/2009 12:32:31 AM

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Whenever I have a trip that presents this idea to me I feel the need to resist. I love hyperspace but ultimately want to retain some element of control. I can grab control back and still have a fulfilling breakthrough experience. I would like to let go but there is always a huge feeling of trepidation when the trip wants to get out of it's "box".

Hyperspace is you!! So listen to yourself!

Letting go is the whole idea here. It is the whole entire secret to all of this meat & rock around you!!

BTW, there is no trip, it's you that want's out of the box!
The meat box you've been driving around in, since you got here.

Let it go & don't look back!!

There is absolutely no chance that your not going to come back...none...nada...nope!!
It's only temporary & in my experience, I've never once seen anyone want to come back. It always ends way too soon!

Seriously though, letting go here is what this is all about!!
If you doubt that, then you haven't truly let go & let the DMT show you what we are yet.
Everyone gets that apprehension right before smoking it, each time.
But soon as the effects start, I always realize real quick there was no need for it.

Try this & let us know how it goes:
Get yourself alone, or just one other person. (not a party buddy! But someone you feel you can discus consciousness/spirituality/reality with. I prefer to be alone, but I also have two good friends I don't mind smoking DMT with, although we take turns & let each other talk about it when we're back. Support)
Turn the light's down way low, or off.
Turn off the music, phones, lock the doors, etc...
Get your bed cleaned off & comfortable.
Get your smoking device loaded up & ready.
Sit & calm yourself before for a few minutes, remember why you are interested in doing this in the first place!! Remind yourself, that there is nothing that can hurt you, or keep you from coming back! It's a quick experience.

Smoke your dose, three good tokes does it for most people.
Just smoke as much as you can & when you think you've had enough...take one more hit!!!
Bullocks to any worries!

Now lay back flat on your bed, with your arms & legs spread out, not laying on your chest!!!
Smile! cause you are one of very, very few people who actually get to experience this incredible state of being...really!!
And you don't want to waste your precious DMT on, almost making it to the you?


Obviously this is only one set & setting that is nice, but getting rid of all real-world stimulus, like music, light, the weight of your arms or head, etc.. helps to keep you from being disturbed & unable to let it all go.
When experiencing DMT, those things only serve to keep you grounded in the physical world & actually can be more disturbing & unsettling than letting go. Because your normally familiar surroundings will be swirling into oblivion & unrecognizable under DMT's influence.
Close your eyes & your field of view will open up into vast spaces & become much more warm & inviting...loving even!

Try it!

OK I've gone on waaaaay too long!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4 Posted : 6/13/2009 2:40:02 AM

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I strongly suggest you do all of the things that Warrensaged just listed.
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#5 Posted : 6/13/2009 2:44:29 AM

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The setting you describe above is fairly similar to mine except I like very low-volume ambient and to be naked and under the duvet at the moment of blast-off Smile

My problem is not so much the initial letting go -

I don't have any problem with entering hyperspace, but maybe 5% of the time recently I have been in situations where entities communicate to me that they want to be reality. I can ground myself whilst in hyperspace and get control back. My question is maybe more whether anyone has been in this situation and how they choose to cope with it.

I'd sort of like to totally let go and see where the journey takes me from there (I don't really like to focus or manipulate my journeys in any other situation), but there's always the trepidation...
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#6 Posted : 6/13/2009 3:05:19 AM

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That's exactly what I was talking about!!

The music & the duvet cover are physical stimulus that hold you here.
What I was trying to explain to you was a way to not allow yourself to remain in control.

If you are feeling in control of anything, you probably have not had a breakthrough yet.
When you do, there is usually no thought's of going, or not are there...that's it.


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 Posted : 6/13/2009 11:43:14 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Great replies, and why not go one step further: instead of just letting go, actively PUSH PUSH PUSH yourself 'there', you really want to go there without any reservations or friction! The mind is doing all the work, down here as well as up there - the molecule is just a catalyst..
#8 Posted : 6/15/2009 8:58:31 PM

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I believe that the duvet is one of the best ways of getting there personally! I found that clothes and several other things were actually stopping me from remaining in hyperspace at times.

Music is also capable of enhancing the experience, but is also very capable of stopping or reducing it as well (I find anything exceptionally beat-driven will often stop journeys). It's also very useful for blocking out the sound of that bloody road outside my window!

I don't think 100% loss of control has anything to do with breakthrough as from my experience it is fairly easy to make hyperspace be whatever you want (maybe it's also a point of debate what breakthrough is). For me it is how far do you allow the loss of control to go - the 'entities wanting to break out of hyperspace' experiences are the only times I have felt any need to claw back control of the situation.

As a side note – I took a journey a couple of hours after my first post and was greeted by a couple of entities who spent their time laughing at me and my paranoia!.

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#9 Posted : 6/15/2009 9:13:42 PM

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As a side note – I took a journey a couple of hours after my first post and was greeted by a couple of entities who spent their time laughing at me and my paranoia!

-That's hilariousVery happy
#10 Posted : 6/15/2009 9:39:47 PM

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d*l*b wrote:
Music is also capable of enhancing the experience, but is also very capable of stopping or reducing it as well (I find anything exceptionally beat-driven will often stop journeys). It's also very useful for blocking out the sound of that bloody road outside my window!

I have that issue now too, I moved into a new place in Dec, with a main road right outside e few of the windows in my apt.
That is definitely more annoying than some nice music!Wink
I've been trying to find a way to deal with that as well.
I usually do not smoke anything until very late at night now, but even then it doesn't always help...

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#11 Posted : 6/16/2009 12:31:39 AM


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Foam earplugs left in for some time before blastoff should become comfortable enough to not count as stimulus.

As for the paranoia. I know you know what it comes from. Is there a solution to its riddance?

I can see a duvet being 'safe' and 'womb' like. I can also see a duvet as suffocating. A personal choice.

But Warrensaged is right, if there is choice, then that is a sub-breakthrough. To say hyperspace is subjective probably means you haven't quite made it. No disrespect. But it is a place of no control. That is the point. Sub-breakthroughs are plenty to take in and nothing to scoff at. They have kicked my arse and left me wobbly for days.

Smoke more...

And my final word is LET THEM TRY TO COME INTO OUR REALITY!!! I REALLY don't think it can hurt.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#12 Posted : 6/16/2009 6:35:31 AM

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jasons741 wrote:

Foam earplugs left in for some time before blastoff should become comfortable enough to not count as stimulus.

I tried some ear plugs a few times when I first moved in, I did put them in long enough to get comfy, but not a real long time.

However, as soon as the effects started ramping up, it felt like my head was stuffed full of huge pillows & I immediately started trying to pull them out, but I didn't have the coordination to do it & spent the whole time freaking out on the pressure in my head, until I got them both out.

I suppose one could get used to it, but I'll relate it to your hearing, while under DMT's influence.
If I put on some music at such a low level that I can't even hear, as soon as the first toke starts soaking in, it's usually too loud!
The pressure was amplified very similar to your hearing.Sad

Not only that, but the sound from the road is a mostly low frequency hum, so the ear plugs don't really do a great job anyway.
Low frequency's are felt by the body too.
Sometimes more than they are actually heard, like freq's below 35Hz.

Thanks though.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 Posted : 6/16/2009 7:35:56 AM

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I don't know how well they would interact with eachother, but has anyone ever tried a benzodiapene in combination with DMT?

I've done it with mushrooms, and when your mind starts going sporadic and you think about things you don't want to think about... it just gives you an "awe fuck it attitude", but when something profound happens, you can still enjoy it. I think it helps cut out the anxiety factor completely.
So glad to see you have overcome them.
Completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out

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#14 Posted : 6/17/2009 3:45:06 AM

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I can't imagine benzos being very synergistic at all, actually. SWIM has never taken them with spice, but has on several occasions in the past when a heavy LSD trip started to go sideways. It does eliminate anxiety - that's what they're designed to do - but it also mutes the overall experience pretty substantially, so I guess I would call it a kind of trade off of necessity. Just seems counterproductive to maximizing a 5-7 minute spice explosion, but as one who's encountered more than a bit of occasional travel anxiety, I understand the impulse completely.

SWIM did, however, vaporize some blue lotus recently, and while he hasn't tried it with or before a spice journey, this seems like something which could definitely be calming, without clouding or coloring the experience. It's very subtle, very pleasant, but really not at all stoning.
#15 Posted : 6/17/2009 4:19:35 AM

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i have to back up Art on this one. i am, and always will be a lover of MJ and spice....but blue lotus is quite nice too...VERY relaxing but not stoning like weed. also, Kava is quite special (if you use the kavalactone paste especially) very euphoric and calming. Kratom is another nice synergistic plant....

you can always try a nice, deep meditation before lighting up as well....i always do and it's a crucial part of my "set and setting". intent and surrender....very important...

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#16 Posted : 6/17/2009 6:42:57 AM

The Root

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". intent and surrender..."

please explain further antrocles.

antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

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#17 Posted : 6/17/2009 7:12:19 AM


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although I am not antrocles, I do believe that intent is WHY you are doing something.
Your intentions are your goals, or, what you hope or plan on doing.
What do you wish to do in hyperspace?
To surrender is to let go, and give in.
#18 Posted : 6/17/2009 7:14:16 AM


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although I am not antrocles, I do believe that intent is WHY you are doing something.
Your intentions are your goals, or, what you hope or plan on doing.
What do you wish to do in hyperspace?
To surrender is to let go, and give in.
#19 Posted : 6/17/2009 4:34:21 PM

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slidewinder wrote:
although I am not antrocles, I do believe that intent is WHY you are doing something.
Your intentions are your goals, or, what you hope or plan on doing.
What do you wish to do in hyperspace?
To surrender is to let go, and give in.

Right, go with your intention for why you are doing this, then surrender to whatever happens.
You can not control it, so intention is a way to help it along...before you are in that uncontrollable state.

Kind of like, "if you can't beat 'em...join 'em!!Wink

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#20 Posted : 6/17/2009 5:58:35 PM

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for me, i believe that the only thing that is different about here and hyperspace is the level of control we have in these two respective places. in this world, we have the ability to make focussed choices and consciously manifest outcomes. in hyperspace we surrender this ability to be given an even greater ability....the ability to be everything. that takes no intent.....merely a willingness to surrender what you currently "know".... which, by the way, ain't much! Pleased

when i "go to church" every day i recognize that as i am sitting in my "blast-off chair", i am in that moment straddling two very distinct worlds or realities. with my VG in my hand and my body as comfortable as possible (fed, eliminated, comfortably clothed, etc.), i begin to try to bring the highest vibration from THIS world into my entering of THAT world. i set my be shown wisdom and onesness with compassion and kindness. to see my truest self , that i can bring back a part of that experience and have the most positive possible impact in this world. that the love and compassion i feel, i might pay forward into this world....
and then i light my pipe and take my sacrament. as i exhale my final hit i set my pipe down and speak my final intent in the form of a mantra.....LOVE...PEACE....ONE....SURRENDER....any of these...

and then i surrender. i have none of these conscious goals or constructs available to me when i have shaken off this ego-self. i am that which i had prayed for. i can only hope that on some vibrational level, all of the intent that i had focussed prior to my leaving THIS world has in some way "set a course" for where i am now.....the land of no "i"....

it does serve some purpose- i tell myself- because when i return from communing with the oneness i am able to remember my intent and, as i have been blessed to discover, i am capable of remembering my journeys in great detail for days, weeks, even months after having them. honoring my word as my self, i do my very best to integrate my experiences into my life and positively share with others a clearer, more "connected" me.

intent and surrender. they are seemingly contradictory terms....yet, so are silence and sound. when put together- those two create music... Smile

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